Hay baler twine: characteristics, application

It is difficult to imagine modern agriculture without a huge number of various machines and assemblies. They significantly facilitate the work and significantly increase labor productivity. Entire industries are engaged in the production of additional consumables for machinery, such as hay knitting twine. Without it, the harvesting of roughage (hay, straw, haylage) is simply impossible.


The word spaghetto is translated from Italian as "thin rope". The abbreviated spago is ā€œtwineā€ or ā€œtwineā€.

twine rope

It is a thin thread. It can be multi-strand or single-strand. Multi-strand - a yarn spun or twisted from several fibers. Moreover, the twisting occurs in the opposite direction with respect to the twisting of the original fiber. This helps to achieve the greatest strength of the final product. Hay twine polypropylene twine can be made of untwisted fibers.


In different spheres of human activity there is no way to do without a rope. Somewhere artificial thread is suitable, somewhere only natural is needed. Depending on the material used to produce the rope, it is divided into several types. Before the advent of synthetic materials (polypropylene) twine, the rope was made exclusively from natural materials. They can be:

ā€¢ cotton;

ā€¢ linen;

ā€¢ jute;

ā€¢ hemp;

ā€¢ flax hemp;

ā€¢ sisal;

ā€¢ paper;

ā€¢ polypropylene;

ā€¢ polyamide.

Hay baler twine Price

Artificial fibers are preferred both in price and in durability. But there are some areas where it is impossible to do without twine made of natural material - the food industry. All smoked meats are fixed only with jute natural twine. This applies not only to meat, but also to fish products.

physical characteristics

Hay knitting twine should be strong enough to withstand the burden imposed on it. There are several indicators that determine the physical properties of a material :

ā€¢ Linear density ("tex" in Latin for "weave"). This indicator is used to measure weight. If the twine is 2200 TEKS, this means that 1 kilometer of thread weighs 2200 grams (2.2 kg). The unit of measurement is g / km.

ā€¢ Tear strength. It is measured in kilograms and determines the ability of the material to withstand tensile stress. It inevitably occurs when tying a bale. For example, if TEKS is 2500g / km, then the breaking force is almost 100 kg.

ā€¢ The strength of the gap in the node. The thread itself is much stronger than a knot. Its ability to withstand the load drops by more than half. Twine TEX 2500 g / km: the tensile strength in the node is about 50 kg.

ā€¢ Resistance to ultraviolet radiation (UV). External natural factors can affect the material. Hay knitting twine enters into chemical and physical reactions when interacting with oxygen and ultraviolet. This occurs during prolonged storage of bales.

twine 2200 tex

The main factors affecting the safety of the thread:

ā€¢ heat resistance;

ā€¢ density;

ā€¢ resistance to cracking (drying out);

ā€¢ the presence of stabilizers (from UV exposure);

ā€¢ type of fiber (source).

The modern chemical industry allows you to choose the optimal formulas of the appropriate additives to protect the fiber from destruction.

Application area

In our daily lives there are enough areas where it is impossible to do without such a simple thing as twine (rope). All haying equipment in agriculture needs bobbins with high-quality thread. Without it, modern cattle breeding is impossible. A huge amount of roughage is harvested and compacted for winter due to the bale rope.

hay knitting polypropylene twine

In agriculture, it is used for vineyards and greenhouses. Twine has been used as a packaging material for centuries. Modern designers can easily find it in the interior. Even our smaller brothers use hemp rope claws. Modern huge ships can not do without hemp ropes. Polypropylene twine is indispensable in the manufacture of fishing nets.

Polypropylene product

The most popular polypropylene twine hay knitting. The price for a reel can vary between 10-50 US dollars. It depends on the brand, weight and quality of the products offered. Its main advantages:

ā€¢ does not swell from moisture;

ā€¢ does not decay;

ā€¢ resistant to temperature changes;

ā€¢ maintains repeated bends;

ā€¢ does not conduct electricity;

ā€¢ cheaper than its analogues from natural materials;

ā€¢ softness of the material allows it to be used in mechanisms with a high level of automation;

ā€¢ durable, you can bale very tightly.


Artificial threads are cheaper than natural. They can be subjected to various treatments, added to the composition of the necessary ingredients, achieving changes in certain properties.

Hay-knitting polypropylene twine is made from special polypropylene granules. The process itself can be described as follows: granules fall into a special hopper for softening. They are pushed out of it through a molding head under pressure. The resulting film is cooled, stretched and cut into thin strips. In a special chamber of longitudinal orientation, they acquire their chemical and physical properties and are ready for twisting. Then they are wound on bobbins.

Product quality depends on a number of factors:

ā€¢ composition of raw materials;

ā€¢ temperature conditions; if technology is not followed, macromolecules are destroyed and the melt is uneven in consistency;

ā€¢ constancy of optimum pressure, instability leads to poor elongation of the material.

Manufacturers are seeking a decrease in linear density along with increased fiber strength. Recent developments are characterized by high strength and softness. This is of great importance when tying knots; they are reliable and durable.

Hay knitting twine

The most famous manufacturers today are China, USA, Turkey. From Western Europe - Finland (Piippo), Austria (TEWE), Portugal (Cordex), Hungary (Tama Twine), Czech Republic (JUTA). In the post-Soviet space, Hay-knitting twine is produced by Ukrainian companies Polymershpagat, in Belarus - Khimvolokno-BelarusVolokno, in Russia - Kamenskvolokno.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32867/

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