How to fly a kite so that it delights others?

Kite flying - children's fun, but at the same time, the first aircraft, which was heavier than air, but was successfully launched by man. The birthplace of the kite is China. It was there that they began to make such "flyers" from bamboo sticks and silk materials stretched over them. Kites were made in the form of butterflies, beetles and even fire dragons, sometimes they reached several meters in length and width. Naturally, more than one person needed to manage the latter, so the question arose: "How to fly a kite so that it constantly flies in the air and delights others?"

how to fly a kite
However, very soon such toys began to be used in Europe, and then reached Russia. In the annals of 906, scientists found a record that did not just describe how to fly a kite. The information found was much more interesting, because it narrated that Prince Oleg used kites to intimidate his enemies. To do this, they were made in the form of knights and horses, painted and lifted into the air. The effect was indescribable, as people of that time had never seen such aircraft "vehicles".
how to fly a kite

Since 1890, the kite began to improve more and more. Its design is also used by meteorological stations to determine the strength and speed of the wind. By 1914, children and adults of almost the whole world knew about the kite. Some began to use it in the manner of meteorological stations - for research. Recently, kites began to be used even as an extreme sport, with the help of which a person got the opportunity to climb high to the clouds. However, for children, he remained a fun and funny toy, playing with which, one constantly wonders: "How to fly a kite high in the air and keep it in the wind?" Now we will deal with this issue.

Why is it so important for children around the world to have at least one such toy and know how to fly a kite? Many parents wonder why a child needs such a toy, because they do not understand the true pleasure of such a game. If you also belong to this category, you should understand that a kite is a game no worse than the Barbie cars and dolls you bought.

kite flying
Making a snake develops your child, and its launch fosters independence and a sense of balance in it, since it is important not only to launch, but also to keep it there, catching air currents.

Kites exist in various types and formats, but the principle of their manufacture is the same: first you make a frame of iron or wooden sticks, fastening them to each other with a rope or fishing line. Next, you cut a paper or fabric cloth and connect it to the frame. It is necessary to carefully consider the whole process, otherwise your snake runs the risk of immediately falling from heaven. Last of all, you attach a “tail” to it - a peculiar detail of balancing and, of course, beauty. It should be light and mobile.

After the toy is made, you need to know how to fly a kite. To do this, throw it into the air when the wind blows. If you made the snake correctly and immediately caught the stream, unwind the rope slowly, releasing the snake further into the sky.


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