Dielectric bots: state standard, testing and safety

Safety in the electric power industry is an important component of the entire energy system. This is not about the control function, but about the real protection of personnel, which saves human lives. According to regulatory documents, all protective equipment is divided into basic and additional.

At the same time, the second group is not inferior to the first one, it helps to avoid troubles, to become a life-saving tool when working in electrical systems having above 1000 V. In the article we will talk about dielectric bots: what it is, what standard controls the quality and when protective equipment should be tested .

What are dielectric bots and galoshes?

Dielectric boots

Dielectric bots are a personal means of protecting operational and maintenance personnel from electric shock. First of all, such a product allows avoiding the step voltage that occurs in networks and isolated neutral, as well as due to short circuits during switching. A separate case can be considered as the implementation of an attack on a high-voltage power line to an included line.

Production of specialized shoes can be carried out by a company that has the appropriate license, and its products comply with state standards or technical specifications. Externally, the product has a solid appearance, consists of dense rubber. The sole is corrugated that provides good adhesion to a floor.

The use of protective equipment depends on the work performed and the conditions in which it will be carried out. According to safety instructions and STP, dielectric bots are used in the following cases:

  1. Conducting operational switching in open and closed switchgears.
  2. Performing a surge, which can cause a short circuit to ground through the ground electrode, the occurrence of step voltage.
  3. With a single-phase earth fault in an isolated neutral. It is important to note that the use of shoes is required in any, even emergency situations on VL-10, 35 kV.

As for quality, the information provided is given in GOST 13385-78.

State standards

Safety and Bot Test

Dielectric bots according to GOST 13385-78 are correctly referred to as โ€œSpecial dielectric shoes made of polymer materialsโ€. The document spells out the main positions regarding the shape, size of products, from which they are made and what test standards must withstand. The latter is considered the basis for the effective operation and protection of personnel from high voltage.


Dielectric Bot Test

The process of testing a dielectric bot is almost completely consistent with that carried out with gloves. To do this, shoes are placed in a special vessel with water, into which an electric current of up to 20 kV is supplied. The implementation of the procedure lasts about 2 minutes. It is allowed to carry out an operation with several products at once. If the product does not pass the test, they put a red stamp on it with indelible paint.

Upon commissioning, bots must undergo a systematic check once every 2 years. In some organizations, the period presented is reduced on the basis of an order or other administrative documents signed by the chief engineer.

Safety precautions

Dielectric bots are required not only to test, but also to conduct a routine inspection. According to regulatory documents, administrative and technical personnel should be engaged in such activities - once a month the products should be checked for mechanical damage. Also, before each application, they are tested by operational and repair personnel. It is important to note that wearing shoes on an ongoing basis is unacceptable. It should be worn only in cases described in regulatory documents on TB.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32884/

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