Noisy and fun! Bar "Schulz" in Novosibirsk

Looking for a nice place with great beer, savory snacks and a casual atmosphere? Not sure which institution to visit in Novosibirsk? Bar "Schulz" - a solution to gastronomic problems. Here, always delicious food, polite staff and excellent alcoholic drinks.

Bar business card: address, opening hours

The German-style pub is open every day from 12 noon to midnight. The city has three branches of the institution, a cozy bar can be found by walking along the following streets:

Laconic sign of a German bar
  • Sovetskaya, 20;
  • Frunze, 4;
  • Vatutina, 23.

The harmonious combination of dark wood and light walls, variegated decorative elements "antique" is all about the interior of an atmospheric cafe, where it is always fun and cozy. Unobtrusive music does not interfere with conversations.

A detailed description of the menu items of the bar "Schulz" in Novosibirsk

The pleasant establishment serves a variety of snacks, salads, hot fish and meat dishes. Among the list of offered delicacies there are also traditional treats of German cuisine. Try at the bar is:

  1. Snacks: crispy biscuit pastry with bacon, lard with dark bread toast, cheese cakes, Das Lokator pork ears, horners, Vogel wings, grilled Jägermeister sausages.
  2. First courses: German consommé (chicken broth with crispy crackers), churek beer with smoked meats, thick aintopf Piechelstein with pork neck, tender Kezezuppe cream soup with smoked bacon.
  3. Hot dishes: pork and potato beer goulash, Bavarian Leberkeze meat bread, spiced pork (Dortmund, Berlin), German Spetzle pasta, Brambora potato pancakes, Prussian beef steak.
  4. Side dishes: boiled potatoes, sauerkraut stewed cabbage, potato salad with oil dressing, fried potatoes with mushrooms, grilled vegetables.
bar schulz novosibirsk menu

For beer, you should definitely take the Bavarian pretzel. This is a neat pretzel served with butter and spicy greens. Do not forget about vegetable salads, attention is attracted by the signature delicacy "Salad from Frau Schulz".

Noisy and fun in Novosibirsk! Bar "Schulz": drinks, cocktails

Each branch of "Schulz" has a unique bar card with copyright positions from bartenders. However, each of the German pubs serves unique beer-based cocktails:

  • "Sunny summer in Berlin" with a touch of lemonade;
  • "Belgian Cherry" with fruit juice;
  • "Apfelbir" with the taste of apple and ginger.
bar schultz

Also, the cafe serves soft drinks, including refreshing fruit juices and berry soft drinks. Strong coffee is brewed in a Turk, and black and green tea are served in separate teapots.


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