"Social taxi" in Moscow - real help to the disabled and large families

In the capital, a project has been successfully implemented to provide transport services to special categories of the population. Funds for Social Taxi in Moscow for disabled people and families with many children are allocated by the city budget, and transportation is carried out according to individual and collective applications.

social taxi in Moscow

Preferential categories of Muscovites who can use this service

  • Disabled group I.
  • Disabled minors.
  • Disabled people of II, III groups with limited mobility.
  • Visually impaired group II .
  • Disabled and veterans of the Second World War.
  • Official representatives of children with disabilities accompanying them on the road.
  • Large families living in the low-rise housing stock of the capital.
  • Disabled Moscow House of Veterans (Retired) Wars and Armed Forces.

The main principles of the "Social taxi"

Services are provided by the state-owned unitary enterprise of the capital Mosgortrans. Cars are equipped with special devices for the convenience of people with disabilities: ramps, lifts, wheelchair fasteners , swivel seats, etc. All this equipment is provided by Social Taxi in Moscow, reviews from the start of which characterize this service as timely, affordable and as safe as possible. for the lives of passengers.

social taxi in Moscow phone

It takes orders and monitors their execution by the dispatch service (EDS). Authorized persons are public, social and labor organizations for the disabled, as well as the executive bodies of Moscow and representatives of veterans or disabled authorized by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Any person who has reached the age of majority, who, if necessary, will provide him with physical assistance during transportation, can accompany the recipient of the Social Taxi service.

The vehicles used to implement this program should be marked with the logo in the form of a white sign "Disabled person in a wheelchair with an accompanying person" on a green background, as well as the signature "Social taxi" and green longitudinal stripes on the sides of the cars with the number of the current dispatcher.

Moscow social taxi for the disabled

What do you need to get the Social Taxi service in Moscow?

For Muscovites with disabilities, the project was a real salvation. How to use the service? In order to be able to use the services of social transportation of passengers of special categories on individual applications, it is necessary to provide the relevant state bodies with documents confirming the legal rights of the user:

  • a copy of the passport of the beneficiary and escort;
  • disability medical certificate (ITU);
  • for disabled people of groups II and III - a copy of the rehabilitation program;
  • Muscovite social card (SCM).

When boarding the Social Taxi organization in special transport in Moscow, citizens must present a Muscovite social card to the driver, and if the service is paid for with coupons, then standard coupons issued by the All-Russian Society of Disabled People. When a passenger follows a sanatorium institution, he must show the driver of a special vehicle a ticket.

In order to be able to use the services of social transportation in a group order, the authorized person must provide the following documents to the IHO VOI:

  • an application in the form specified in the regulations;
  • photocopies of disability certificates for each citizen recipient of services;
  • copies of passports of accompanying persons;
  • SCM for each passenger;
  • collective travel program.

When servicing a collective application, an authorized person signs a waybill to the driver and provides a registered landing sheet, and passengers present SCM.

Reasons for the provision of services on an individual request

The Social Taxi service in Moscow is provided exclusively for the following purposes:

  • to the legislative, judicial and executive bodies of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow;
  • local authorities of Moscow;
  • social services and social protection institutions of the capital;
  • Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, their territorial branches in Moscow;
  • hospitals and clinics of the city and the Moscow region;
  • sanatoriums and rest houses in the city of Moscow and the region, as well as constituent entities of the Russian Federation bordering the Moscow region;
  • metropolitan educational institutions;
  • places of work in the city of Moscow;
  • airports and stations of Moscow and the region;
  • objects of the sphere of funeral services of the city and region;
  • places of rest, to dachas in Moscow and the Moscow region.

social taxi in moscow reviews

This rather long list of services clearly demonstrates the care shown by citizens of special social groups in Moscow. "Social taxi" for the disabled is, first of all, convenience and safety.

How to call a taxi?

Especially for special population groups, the Social Taxi service was created in Moscow. Phone for receiving orders or for their early cancellation: 8 (495) 276-03-33, works from 7.00 to 19.00 hours daily. According to the same schedule, special vehicles are served seven days a week. In the evening and at night, the service is provided only for traveling to airports or train stations.

social taxi in Moscow for Muscovites

Service cost

If we talk about individual applications for Social Taxi in Moscow, then the cost of the service is:

  • in Moscow - 210 rubles per hour;
  • Outside the city - 420 rubles per hour. Standby time (no more than 1 hour) is also taken into account.

Payment by coupons or debit from a Muscovite social card is made through the terminal in Social Taxi with the issuance of a check or slip. For collective applications, as well as for veterans (disabled) of wars and armed forces, passengers are not charged.

Thus, the service ensures the safety and timely delivery of passengers of privileged categories, as well as providing physical assistance during boarding and disembarkation. Taxi drivers are protected from fraud when providing services.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32887/

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