A geologist - who is that? What you need to know about the profession of a geologist?

How much do you know about a profession like a geologist? Who is this specialist and what does he do? And more importantly, what pitfalls can await a person who decides to master this difficult profession? Well, let's try to find answers to all these questions.

And as always, one should start from the foundation, namely, from what is hidden under the word geologist. Who is this specialist: a scientist, researcher or a wanderer looking for hidden treasures of nature? After all, not knowing the basics of the profession, it is impossible to continue further explanation.

geologist who is

A geologist - who is that?

Geology is a science that studies the structure of the earth and everything connected with it. A geologist is a specialist who has mastered this science and applies the acquired knowledge in practice. In particular, it can be a study of new lands for the presence of minerals in them, the creation of topographic maps, geological exploration, and so on.

In this case, it does not matter at all whether these works are carried out in the village or far beyond its borders. The essence is always the same: everything related to the exploration of the geosphere is a direct responsibility that the geologist performs. Who is this scientist, we think, now it’s clear, let's move on to the rest.

Where to get an education?

Any geologist is a person with a higher education. But that is not all. Choosing a suitable university, you need to decide on a specific direction in advance. Indeed, in addition to the geologist, there are a number of related professions that have their pros and cons.

So, the easiest step will be to enter the faculty of geology or geological exploration. In addition, you can choose similar areas, for example, surveying, mining engineering or a surveyor.


What responsibilities do geologists carry out?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to give a full description of all those tasks that a geologist solves at his work. This is due to the fact that each organization has its own charter, which defines the spectrum of responsibilities of this specialist.

Nevertheless, several examples from the life of a geologist can be cited. So, he can do the following:

  1. Conduct soil surveys for the presence of minerals.
  2. Participate in expeditions aimed at exploring the geosphere in various corners of the earth.
  3. Make topographic maps and site plans.
  4. Conduct laboratory analysis of mineral samples.
  5. Assist in the construction of mines, oil wells, quarries and so on.
  6. Conduct appraisal studies of the economic benefits of minerals in a particular area.

chief geologist

Features of the profession

Getting a diploma is only half the battle, and it’s much harder to find a suitable position. And the trouble is not that there are few vacant places. No, in reality, everything is exactly the opposite, but there is one β€œbut”.

Given the specifics of the profession, most of the proposals involve working β€œin the field”. That is, you have to travel a lot along the far edges and live under a starry sky. And although such a group of geologists often goes on such expeditions, the deficit of civilization will always be present. But if a person loves nature and his work, then such a course of things for him is more a plus than a minus.

group of geologists

Naturally, you can get a job as a geologist in your hometown. For example, conduct geological surveys or create topographic maps. However, it should be understood that here the competition will be higher, and the salary is not as large as that of fellow researchers.

Finding a suitable job

Before starting a job search, a geologist needs to understand one important thing: one cannot get into a prestigious position without experience or recommendations. For example, most oil companies only take on those specialists who have at least 3 years of field work behind them.

Therefore, first you will have to look for a less profitable place in order to earn a good name. In particular, you can get a job in a government agency or research institute. In addition, if you make an effort and work hard on yourself, then over time you can also make good progress here. And the salary received by the chief geologist is not much different from what his colleague earns at a mining enterprise in distant Siberia.

Therefore, everyone must decide which path he should take. Someone closer to their home and civilization, but someone prefers distant wanderings and songs around the fire. After all, the main thing is to enjoy the work, otherwise no money can make a person sincerely love his business.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32888/

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