Who is the creator of the iPhone? IPhone creator: name

Today, iPhone is the best-selling mobile phone in the world. They probably know about him in most countries, and most importantly, they don’t just talk about the phone, but they really want to buy it. People even identify the owners of the iPhone and the people who have achieved success in life. It is believed that one who can afford such an expensive device has some special status. Of course, such popularity and high price allow Apple, the company that developed the iPhone, to make billions in profits. And due to the constant updating of the versions of this mobile device, the release of all its new generations, the developers manage to get a steady income. Such a result was achieved by the creator of the iPhone Steve Jobs.

Legendary jobs

who is the creator of the iPhone
The figure of Steve Jobs is quite famous in the world and is on a par with such an IT market guru as Bill Gates. In fact, Jobs did the same as Gates - he founded the world's largest company focused on the production of electronic devices, including portable ones: smartphones and tablets. No wonder films were made about them that gained popularity. The creator of the iPhone became even more famous after his death in 2011. Then the photo of Jobs was placed on the main page of the Apple site, signing the years of life (Steve was born in 1955).

How did the iPhone begin?

iPhone creator
Of course, the path from the idea of ​​creating a new mobile device to billions in sales was quite long and difficult. Apple assembled the first computers back in the 80s of the last century. It all began, as in the case of Microsoft, with the assembly of electronics in the garage. A lot has been written about how everything was actually: there is a version that Bill Gates stole the ideas of Jobs, using them in his designs. Whatever it was, now it's not about that, but about another area of the company - a smartphone.

The creator of the iPhone had only an idea of ​​what the phone should end up like. It was a distant year 1999, and Jobs did nothing but do theoretical work. Only 6 years later, in 2005, he, leading 200 engineers, worked on the device together with the Motorola division. Then the phone was called Purple-1, but it could not please the public with anything special (the gadget contained 2 functions - a player and communication device), and they decided to postpone its presentation, as well as the release. The project, in other words, was abandoned. True, a year later, the one who created the iPhone, worked on Purple-2, but did not dare to present it. Something really worthwhile was expected from Jobs, since back in 1997, he returned to the company after his dismissal and could not but please his employees. Real inspiration came to him only in 2007.

Help AT&T in iPhone sales

To realize his idea, the creator of the iPhone secured the support of AT&T, the largest mobile operator in the USA at that time. This was a new practice in the relationship between phone manufacturers and operators, since the latter had dictated their terms before, in fact, placing orders for mobile devices. In the same situation, it was the other way around: AT&T manager Stan Sigman believed in Jobs' idea and that it could fire thanks to originality, and the operator ultimately agreed to offer phones as part of the contract that the buyer was supposed to conclude. IPhones offered in addition to communication services.

Presentation of iPhone - a sensation in the mobile market

iPhone creator
There were a lot of stories about how the first device was presented and how the creator of the iPhone, whose name is known to millions, held an event. There is a version according to which Jobs went to the presentation, saying that his company finally came up with a real smartphone, which was very immodest. In addition, there are rumors that the first device, with which the creator of the iPhone was supposed to make a call and take a photo, began for some unknown reason to incorrectly display information on the display, because of which the entire presentation was in jeopardy. Nevertheless, somehow Jobs managed to hold the event so that in total more than 270 thousand copies of the iPhone were sold. The creator of this phone, thus, using the original idea, perseverance, 10 years of work and his own qualities as a negotiator, was able to build an entire empire within the framework of only one division of Apple.

IPhone models to date

iPhone creator name
Today, of course, there is nothing surprising in Apple’s success, and no one doubts its further development. With the launch of new devices, the corporation is constantly improving them, due to which it still holds the millionth army of fans on the hook. It is amazing that even cheaper mobile devices on other operating systems can not be compared in terms of sales to apple ones. This is a mystery of its kind, because the laws of the market say that cheaper goods are more in demand. As the experience of the creator of the iPhone shows, this is not so.

New Apple Head

photo maker iphone
Jobs led Apple for a long time, after which he was replaced by a new manager, Tim Cook. This is a very experienced manager who also spent many years in the company. Experts after taking his post for a long time arguing over how a newcomer will show himself in the place of a real guru Jobs. Someone predicted the collapse of the company, linking its success exclusively with the figure of Steve. However, as shown by the time and presentations of several new models of iPhones, iPads, iPods and even iWatch watches, Cook is able to strengthen Apple's market position.

Further development of the company

You know the name of the creator of the iPhone - the legendary man who realized his brilliant idea and spread it around the world. It is difficult to say in which direction Apple will move further. There is such an expression: "The higher it took off, the more painful it is to fall." It can be applied with confidence to a company that produces "apple" products.

On the one hand, now sales of tablet computers, players and Apple smartphones are really breaking records, and this has been happening for more than a year. However, in reality, the concern’s leadership now has the task of not letting down those who have placed their hopes in the brand and, most importantly, to justify the glory that has developed around the name of Steve Jobs. Now all that the company should work on is a significant increase in market influence and growth in device sales.

And to do this is very difficult, given the competition. If earlier the same Samsung could offer much less high-quality phones, now its products are not so far behind Apple. In addition, a threat from the east appeared for the American concern - these are Chinese manufacturers. Companies such as Huawei and Xiaomi are also trying to keep up with the quality issue, significantly lowering the price of products. It is not surprising that their market share is growing, moving Apple.

what is the name of the creator of the iPhone

What will come up with electronics developers with the "apple" logo, time will tell. Now there are a lot of rumors about it, even as unlikely as the idea of ​​releasing iPhones with the Android operating system. True or not - we'll see.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32889/

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