"Moscow City Pizza": reviews, menus, delivery

One of the largest food delivery services in the capital is Mosgorpitstsa. Reviews about this institution come in different, we will get to know them in this article. We also learn all about promotions, menus and the best offers of this service.

History of the company "Mosgorpitstsa"

mosgorpizza reviews

The company "Mosgorpitstsa", reviews of which are in this article, has been operating since 2009. The main goal of their work was determined by the company’s leadership - the creation of an affordable and, most importantly, high-quality service for the delivery of pizza and other dishes. The stake was made on business lunches and food for friendly gatherings.

A year later, the company began to develop and opened its own division, which specialized exclusively in sushi and rolls.

Responsible approach to recruitment management "Mosgorpitstsy". Reviews therefore about service and delivery service are mostly positive. The team seeks to recruit those who are truly dedicated to their work, sincerely love him. Perhaps the key role is played by the qualifications of the employee. Everyone - both dryers and pizza makers - are carefully selected, constantly sent to continuing education courses.

The company has built a special quality control system. All stages are monitored, from the purchase of products to the evaluation of ready-made pizza that has just emerged from the oven and the quality of the packaging. After all, the client pays attention to any little things.

Quality from "Moscow City Pizza"

Moscow City Pizza reviews

Product quality is one of the main reasons for the pride of Mosgorpitstsa. In reviews, customers constantly note this.

The technology is clearly respected here. Only live homemade dough is used. No frost! Fresh dough is prepared every morning according to a special recipe.

With the same attention they apply to the preparation of sushi and rolls. And rice itself, and vegetables, and all seafood are only fresh and of the highest quality.

Another definite plus is that most recipes are developed by the Moscow City Chef. And this means that in another place you will not taste such dishes. Almost certainly stumble on an exclusive.

The quality of the products from which the employees of this company prepare meals is without fail confirmed by the relevant certificates and veterinary passports. If necessary, anyone can get acquainted with them. Suppliers who deliver products have been tested for years.

Delivery service

Moscow City Pizza reviews Moscow

All kinds of praise from customers receive the delivery service. Food is brought from 10 a.m. until midnight. A nice bonus is that if the order amount is 600 rubles, then delivery will be provided to you free of charge. This is the policy of Mosgorpitstsa. Delivery is carried out from 40 minutes.

There are several payment options. You can pay in cash with the courier, or pay for the goods with a card upon receipt, or by credit card with an online order.

Any questions, complaints and suggestions are accepted by multi-channel telephone. Telecommunications are available daily from 9:30 a.m. until midnight. By the same number you can make an order.

If necessary, you can come to the office of the company. Moscow hosts the leadership of Mosgorpitstsy. Address: Kronshtadsky Boulevard, Building 7.

Restaurant menu

mosgorpizza delivery

The main thing this company is famous for is pizza. Mosgorpitstsa offers its customers several types of dishes. These are meat, vegetarian, spicy and seafood pizzas.

One of the most popular is meat pizza. For example, there is a large meat, which includes ham, bacon, pepperoni, beef, chicken, bell pepper, mozzarella and sauce. A small pizza measuring 25 centimeters will cost you 395 rubles.

Fans of Italian cuisine can sample Sicilian pizza. For 295 rubles you will get a filling of ham, mushrooms, bell pepper, mozzarella and sauce. The largest pizza, with a diameter of 45 centimeters, will cost 695 rubles.

There will be dishes for lovers of Bavarian sausages. This is a bavarian pizza. Smoked sausages and ham, gherkins, mustard, mozzarella, black olives, onions and sauce.

Among the original recipes stands pizza "Muscovite". Local chefs came up with beef, chicken breast, bell pepper, tomatoes, mushrooms, mozzarella and sauce.

There is a variant for little lovers to eat. Kinder pizza is served with ham, chicken, cheddar cheese, cherry tomatoes, bechamel sauce and mozzarella. No onions and hot spices. Everything that children like.

For 345 rubles you can get a closed pizza measuring 33 centimeters. It will contain bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, cheese, mozzarella and sauce.

Vegetarian pizza

pizza mosgorpizza

If you observe fasting and wish fasting dishes or advocate a healthy lifestyle, you can order vegetarian pizzas at Mosgorpitse. The reviews of the employees convince us that they, like all other dishes, are carefully and meticulously prepared. If the menu promises that there will be no meat in the dish, then it will not be there under any circumstances.

True, the choice is much less than in the section with meat pizzas. Firstly, this is the classic Margarita. 195 rubles worth pizza size 25 centimeters, the filling for which served as mozzarella and tomato sauce.

The most attractive pizza "4 cheeses" in this section. Chefs mix mozzarella, dor blue, cheddar, feta, parmesan and sauce on the thinnest test.

A special recipe from the chef is Juliet pizza. The filling is a mixture of champignons, leeks, bechamel sauce and mozzarella.

Hot pizza

Moscow City Pizza Address

Especially for thrill-seekers there are pizzas with the appropriate filling.

Firstly, this is Diablo. Spicy sausages, jalapenos, olives, tomatoes, leeks, sauce and mozzarella will make your evening unforgettable.

Secondly, Mexican pizza. Of the special ingredients you need to highlight jalapenos and red beans. Beef and chicken fillet complement the flavoring bouquet.

The third level of severity is the proprietary MosGorPizza. The composition includes pepperoni sausages, freshly smoked bacon, chicken, jalapenos, champignons, bell peppers, olives, red onions, sauce and mozzarella.

And, finally, you will feel the highest severity if you order Extra Hot pizza. In addition to beef, bell peppers and mozzarella, a double serving of jalapenos and tabadjan sauce are served.

Sea pizza

Sea pizzas are the choice of true gourmets. True, the Mosgorpitsy delivery service offers only one option - Elite pizza.

It consists of tiger prawns, salmon, squid, mozzarella and bechamel sauce. This is perhaps the most expensive offer in this institution. A small pizza with a diameter of 25 centimeters costs 595 rubles, the average, the size of which is 33 centimeters, 795 rubles. The largest costs 1,195 rubles. Its diameter is 45 centimeters.

Visitors reviews

Most visitors praise the products of Mosgorpitstsy. Reviews in Moscow are mostly positive. Customers praise fresh pastry and excellent filling, as well as the fact that they are able to quickly and easily satisfy their hunger. And with pleasure.

At the same time, there are also negative reviews. They all have something in common. Most customers claim that they have no complaints about the speed of delivery, courtesy of employees, that is, couriers, and service. But the taste of the pizza itself often leaves much to be desired. Some accuse the institution of making pizza on the dough for Uzbek cakes, others complain of a small amount of filling, an unpleasant smell and stale products.

In general, the reviews are the most controversial. Therefore, to understand what pizza from this institution really costs, it is worth trying it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32898/

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