Karpovka River Embankment, St. Petersburg: description, reviews and photos

The Karpovka River in the city โ€‹โ€‹of St. Petersburg is one of the branches of the Neva. It separates the Petrograd and Apothecary Islands. Sleeve length - three kilometers, width - two kilometers, depth - up to 1.5 meters.

The historical roots of Karpovka (St. Petersburg)

Buildings along Karpovka

The name of the river comes from the Finnish word Korpijoki, whose translation means "river in a dense forest." The river flows between the Bolshaya and Malaya Nevka, separating the Apothecary and Petrograd islands.


By the middle of the 20th century, Karpovka was an unattractive rivulet, where coasts constantly showered. They were fortified with wood only in some places. The embankment of the river began to be implemented only in the 60s of the last century. The shores were enclosed in granite walls, in which there are stair descents of various heights. The embankment was fenced with cast iron gratings, the figure of which is an endless twisted ribbon. Installed granite pedestals. Wooden bridges over Karpovka were replaced with reinforced concrete ones.

Xilin bridge over Karpovka


7 bridges were built along the entire embankment of the Karpovka River. They are all active.

Pharmaceutical bridge. It was built in 1737 and is the first bridge over Karpovka. The name was due to the Pharmaceutical island. Currently it connects Pharmaceutical and Petrograd embankment. The total length of the bridge is 22.3 meters, width - 96 meters. Cars, trams and pedestrians move along the bridge.

Peter and Paul Bridge. The bridge is 19.9 meters long and 24.3 meters wide. It was erected at the beginning of the 20th century in the alignment of Peter and Paul Street, which gave it its name. In 1967, it was moved downstream and is currently located in the alignment of Bolshoi Prospekt.

Xilin bridge. The total length of the bridge is 22.1 meters, width - 96 meters. Designed for pedestrian and car traffic. Built in 1737 and was originally called Kamennoostrovsky. In 1798, it became known by the name of the merchant Silin. Subsequently, the name of the bridge changed several times. Returned in 1991.

Gesler bridge. Built in 1904. Named after Gesler Lane. He is currently part of Chkalovsky Prospekt. In 1965, a reinforced concrete bridge was erected in its place. Pedestrians and cars move. Length - 22.2 meters, width - 27 meters.

Karopovsky bridge. Built in 1950. Connects Ioannovsky Lane and Vishnevsky Street. Length - 19 meters, width - 21.5 meters. Designed for cars and pedestrians.

Baroque bridge. Located along the axis of Baroque street. Built in 1914 for tram traffic through Karpovka. In 2001, tram traffic was discontinued. The bridge is 29.1 meters long and 15.1 meters wide.

Youth bridge. Built in 1975. It is so named because of the nearby Youth Palace. The total length of the bridge is 27.7 meters, width - 20 meters. The bridge is car-pedestrian.

Botanical Garden on Kaopovka


In the city of St. Petersburg, the embankment of the Karpovka River is rich in historical and interesting places.

So, on the left bank, near the house number 4, during the time of Peter's buildings there was a wooden bishop's estate of Archbishop Feofan, statesman, writer and publicist, philosopher, associate of Peter I. Then the house was transferred to the needs of the orphanage school, and in 1835 it was Peter and Paul Hospital opened. In 1897, she became the Women's Medical Institute. Currently, it is a medical university. Pavlova.

On the right bank of the Karpovka River Embankment (St. Petersburg), opposite the Medical University is the Botanical Forest of the Institute. Komarova (former botanical Imperial Garden). This is the oldest botanical garden in Russia. His collection of plants totals more than 80 thousand copies.

The St. Petersburg embankment of the Karopovka River in the area of โ€‹โ€‹house No. 4 is represented by the chapel of the Peter and Paul Hospital built in 1914. The building is in the style of neoclassicism. The church stopped working in 1922. After that, it was used as a morgue for a long time. Now there is a medical clinic.

The building on the embankment at number 5 was built in 1910 for the City Children's Home. Currently, there is a part of the building of JSC Lenpolygraphmash, a leading equipment manufacturer.

House number 6, decorated with round towers in the corners, is known as the place where Lenin met with Krasin, as well as the fact that Academician Budyko, the author of the theory of global warming, lived here.

House number 13 on the Karpovka River embankment is the brainchild of constructivism of the 30s of the last century, the first residential building built by the Lensovet in 1935.

There is a square on the embankment, which is known for its monument to Popov, the Russian inventor of radio. Opened in 1958, the centenary of his birth. The height of the monument with a pedestal is more than seven and a half meters.

Monastery on the Karpovka Embankment

St. John's Monastery

At the address: embankment of the Karpovka river, d. 45 is located the stavropegic Orthodox nunnery. Stavropigia is a special status that is assigned to church institutions in view of their independence from local dioceses. They report directly to the patriarch or synod. The building was built in neo-Byzantine style at the end of the 19th century. The central building is crowned with five domes standing on round towers. A domed high bell tower is attached to the western side. The walls of the monastery are faced with bricks of different colors.

How the monastery acted since 1900. Got a name in honor of John Rylsky. Founder - John of Kronstadt. This monastery on the embankment of the Karpovka River became its resting place in 1909. After John was counted among the saints in 1990, he was declared the patron saint of St. Petersburg.

In 1923 the monastery was liquidated. The entrance to the tomb of John was walled up. The building passed into the ownership of the reclamation technical school. Returned to believers in 1989.

After the restoration was completed, in 1991 the monastery on the embankment of the Karpovka River was consecrated. He was given the name Stavropegic St. John's Monastery.

Karpovka River


At building 11, the embankment of the Karpovka River, the College of Tourism and Hotel Service of the city of St. Petersburg has been operating since 2007. This is a secondary vocational education institution. Founder - Education Committee of St. Petersburg and the city government.

The college implements 40 educational program disciplines in the field of tourism, restaurant service, hotel service, commerce and construction.

Medical institution

The district is also known in St. Petersburg for its medical facility. So, the popular Helix laboratory service on the embankment of the Karpovka River is located in building No. 5 on the ground floor. At a slight distance from the metro station "Petrogradskaya". This is a large branch of a large network operating in the city since 1998. Specialization - the provision of quality medical services. Employees collect materials for analysis. Results are provided after no more than 3 hours. The reception is being conducted by specialists: obstetrician-gynecologist, urologist, geneticist.

Leningrad House on Karpovka


In the Northern capital, travel agencies do not offer walks along the Karpovka River embankment, despite the fact that these places really deserve attention. Visitors to the embankment usually speak of these places as a calm and quiet area, which is not distinguished by well-groomed and clean. However, the developed concept of urban planning policy of St. Petersburg suggests in the near future to make the embankment a multifunctional recreational zone.

Roads for pedestrians are planned to be enriched with rubber coating, wooden flooring and granite tiles. It is supposed to spend from 10 to 15 million rubles for these works.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32899/

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