How to dilute protein and take it to gain muscle mass?

If you spend hours in the gym lifting weights, you naturally expect to get big and strong muscles. Unfortunately, if you don’t make the same effort in the kitchen to make sure that you are eating the right foods to maintain your workout routine, the effects of your activities can be a little disappointing.

Proper nutrition refers to the protein that is needed to repair damaged muscles. The benefits of protein are not limited to building muscle - it is necessary for many other important functions of the body, and also has the ability to make you feel full much longer, which reduces the likelihood that you will turn to sweet or fat snacks between meals.

Girl and Protein Shake

Eating more protein is usually not a problem, since this macronutrient is found in many tasty foods. However, getting the protein necessary to maintain an active lifestyle and training is not always an easy task. If you want to gain 1.4-2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, which is recommended for those who are trying to build muscle, you probably need more than chicken breast for lunch and dinner and a handful of nuts for breakfast.

Protein shakes can be a convenient way to get the right amount of protein. They are easy to prepare and use, and also much easier than a plate with a steak and eggs after a workout. From this article you will learn everything you need to know about protein in order to get the desired results in a short time and at minimal cost, as well as how to take protein to gain muscle mass.

Do I need protein?

If you are following any training program, whether it is based on lifting weights or cardio, you need more protein. Protein powder offers a quick and easy way to increase its daily intake, since you can dilute the protein and use it in a short time. Fast-digesting protein, such as whey, is especially useful after exercise. Casein, a slow-release protein, is an excellent option at bedtime because it allows you to restore muscle tissue while the body is resting.

Protein Powders

It is always important to remember that protein in powder is an addition to the diet, it is designed to fill the gaps in the nutrition of a complete and varied diet. Since the best protein is found in red and white meat, fish, eating these products, you will get more essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are vital for health.

How to drink protein?

You can dilute the protein with water or milk, add it to the smoothie, or even use it as an ingredient for cooking. There are many recipes for delicious dishes. How to take muscle mass gain protein? If you want to gain lean muscle mass, mix protein with water, if you also need to gain a little fat, give preference to milk - cow or vegetable.

Guy makes a protein shake

Here is a simple recipe that you should definitely try. To make protein pancakes, mix the scoop of your favorite protein with an egg and banana, and then fry in a pan without oil.

How much protein is needed per day?

About 30 g of protein is recommended per day. Studies show that this is the ideal amount to repair the damage done by training and to activate muscle protein synthesis - the process through which new muscle tissue is laid.

Protein Shakes

Studies also show that a high protein diet can also help lower body fat levels, so you will not only become stronger, but also more dried.

When should you take protein?

Post-workout is the most suitable time to consume protein powder, because that's when your muscles need it most. Whey protein mixed with cold water or milk will start recovery within 30 minutes after the workout. Aminoxylots through the bloodstream will quickly move into your muscle cells to become new tissue.

Protein Shake in a Shaker

Protein can be taken at other times. For example, when you just do not have time to eat, as diluting protein is much faster than cooking. Also, a cocktail can be drunk before bedtime, if you realize that you have not finished the daily protein intake.

What else is in protein?

Many protein powders contain additional ingredients designed to maintain or improve performance and recovery. Here are the main ones.

  • Creatine: This organic compound helps to train with high intensity all the time.
  • L-carnitine: This amino acid mobilizes fatty acids from fat cells, so it can be used to get extra energy.
  • Enzymes: Enzymes or probiotics help your stomach break down specific compounds for better absorption of nutrients.

Which protein is the best?

Below is a ranking of the best proteins.

  1. Whey Protein. Serum is the liquid left over from milk. It is a byproduct of the cheese production process. Whey protein powder is one of the most popular sports nutrition in the world because of its availability and effectiveness. It is quickly absorbed, then absorbed by the digestive system, quickly penetrates the bloodstream and muscles, initiating the recovery process.
  2. Casein. It is the main type of protein found in dairy products. While whey protein is absorbed quickly, casein is digested much more slowly over many hours to ensure sustained release of amino acids into the bloodstream and then into the muscles. It is an ideal source of protein at night to create new muscle mass while the body recovers after a workout.
  3. Gainer. If you have tried unsuccessfully to gain weight, you may need to consider taking high-calorie protein powder, which also includes a significant amount of carbohydrates. Known as a gainer, this product can include several types of protein, as well as fast and slow carbohydrates, to significantly increase the calorie intake and help increase muscle mass. It is usually used by bodybuilders during the mass gain phase or professional athletes who burn a huge number of calories per workout. There is no better way to gain weight than to dilute protein, drink it and go immediately to train with weights.


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