What is the longest tunnel in Moscow - name and description

What is a tunnel? This is an underground structure, whose length is much greater than the width and height. A lot of them were built in the world - pedestrian and bicycle, for moving vehicles, water, laying cables and other human needs. The article tells about the longest tunnel in Moscow.


Tunnels are needed in order to be able to overcome various kinds of obstacles, for example mountains or rivers (in some places it is problematic to build a bridge over a reservoir from an engineering point of view or it prevents the passage of ships). With their help, you can significantly reduce the path and time in the drogue, and tunnels also help to unload traffic flows or to avoid their intersection.

Short story

The longest tunnel in Moscow

This building is one of the oldest. More than ten thousand years ago, people already cut down passages in the mountains, mines of mines, catacombs and quarries. The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and the inhabitants of Babylon long before the new era carried out underground work for the extraction of iron ore, coal, the construction of temples and tombs, cave cities, water supply, and later - for transport.

In the Middle Ages, many tunnels were built for military purposes, and later they began to be built as waterways.

The first tunnel for the movement of trains was built in 1826-1830 for communication between Liverpool and Manchester, in Russia the first such construction appeared a little later - in 1862.

In 1927, the world's first tunnel for automobile transport was laid in the USA near Hudson . In the USSR, such a structure arose in 1959 in Moscow on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. There are many underground roads in the capital today. Next, find out what is the longest car tunnel in Moscow. Its name and description, interesting facts are presented below.

The longest tunnel in Moscow: name, description

what is the longest tunnel in Moscow

In the Russian capital, the leader in mileage is the Lefortovo Tunnel. Its length is 3 kilometers 246 meters, it is one of the largest in Europe. Opened in December 2003. It is located in the southeastern part of the city, passes under the Lefortovo park and the Yauza river, and is part of the 3rd transport ring.

There are only 7 traffic lanes here: 3 of them go in the north direction, and 4 - in the south. The width of each strip is 3.5 meters.

The longest tunnel in Moscow lies at a depth of 30 meters, which is necessary for noise and vibration absorption of a huge traffic stream. It is also equipped with the necessary life support and safety systems: good ventilation, drainage and fire protection systems. Camcorders and payphones are installed along the entire length of the underground road, and a radio signal is caught. The work of all communications is monitored by a special control center.

"Tunnel of Death" - an undeserved nickname

The longest tunnel in Moscow

The average throughput of the Lefortovo underground structure is 3,500 units of vehicles per hour. But during peak hours, the flow rate increases to 7-8 thousand cars per hour, and it is difficult to cope with such a load, therefore accidents often occur in which people sometimes die. According to statistics, this longest tunnel in Moscow is one of the most risky road sections. For this, the people nicknamed him "the tunnel of death."

However, the main causes of all accidents, as you know, is a violation of traffic rules. So it is in the Lefortovo automobile subway: at the maximum permitted speed of 60 km / h, no car travels more slowly than 75-80 km / h. Speed ​​record - 236 km / h! Violations are confirmed by videos of many accidents.

Another record holder

The longest car tunnel in Moscow

After Lefortovsky, the longest tunnel in Moscow is Serebryanoborsky. It was opened at the end of 2007. Its total length is 3 kilometers 126 meters, the depth is a little more than 40 meters.

This second longest tunnel in Moscow consists of three β€œarms”, forms part of Krasnopresnensky Prospect, construction of which continues to this day. This road underground is located under the state-protected natural zone Serebryany Bor. It originates at the intersection of Autumn and Krylatskaya streets and ends in the west of Moscow in Trinity-Lykovo.

Now you know what is the longest tunnel in Moscow.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32926/

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