100 things in life that need to be done!

Not everyone knows what needs to be done in life. After all, everyday worries make us perform some actions every day. Some of them do not even bring us much pleasure.

There are 100 things in life that you need to do to make it fun and interesting. Indeed, in everyday life, we simply forget about various necessary things that complement our existence.

100 things to do in life
Each person, of course, has his own preferences. But we will nevertheless draw up a rough list of necessary cases. So let's look at 100 things in life that need to be done. To begin, we will tell you about the most necessary and original ideas:

  1. Make your body perfect.
  2. Play a role in the movie.
  3. Live in another country for at least six months.
  4. Swim with dolphins.
  5. Fly in a balloon.
  6. Take part in a wine cellar tasting.
  7. Win the contest.
  8. Smoke a hookah.
  9. Meditate for three hours.
  10. Build a house.
  11. Eat potatoes cooked at the stake.
  12. Plant a tree.
  13. Try tequila in Mexico.
  14. Hitchhiking.
  15. Try hiking.
  16. Take part in a flash mob.
  17. Make a family tree.

Also in life you must do the following:

  1. Learn martial art.
  2. Learn a new kind of dance.
  3. Win the lottery.
  4. Go on a blind date.
  5. Change radically image.
  6. To give a speech to a large number of people.
  7. Publish a book.
  8. To ski.
  9. Visit Ibiza.
  10. Meet the dawn.
  11. Have a sunset.
  12. Run a marathon.
  13. Hold the butterfly in your hands.
  14. Ride a snowboard.
  15. Create your own website.
  16. On day 21 become a vegetarian.
  17. Learn to play an instrument.

If you are interested in 100 things in life that need to be done, you can advise you to thank someone at least once, as well as prepare a delicious dish and sing in public.

Useful activities are also a spontaneous trip and an entire day spent with a book.

Listing 100 things in life that you need to do, you can not say about the rest by the ocean. Such a pastime will only benefit.

100 things to do in life list
Learning to skate, help someone find their love, give an interview and get on the cover of a magazine - all this you must do in your life too.

Learn a new language

Learning is not easy, but itโ€™s so great to be fluent in a new language! People who speak a few deserve respect. Strive for it!

Try a new sport

Exercising is a great way to get healthy and keep fit. Choose the view that you like. And master it well.

Scuba Dive

Many dream to see the world under water with their own eyes. Therefore, you must dive with scuba diving. You will remember such an amazing event and give a lot of impressions.

Go horse riding

This sport is truly wonderful. It helps to relax and rest. In addition, you will learn how to take care of animals, and also, most likely, will make a new friend.


Be sure to do it. Skydiving will give you a lot of new emotions.

Climb the mountain

For various reasons, people climb mountains. Some want to overcome fear, others plan to increase their stamina. There are people who conquer the mountains just for fun.

Get a pet

The favorite will bring new emotions to your life. Love him, and he will reciprocate. Also, a new friend will help you become more responsible.

Open your own business

If you feel in yourself a commercial vein, then be sure to organize your own business. Just choose the right industry.

Find your hobby

Choose an activity to your liking. Spend at least some hobby time daily. Then your life will become more interesting. And it is possible that a hobby will become a thing of your life.

Run barefoot in the sand

This activity is not only pleasant, but also useful. It will give a charge of vivacity and return you to childhood.

Learn to drive a car

Such skills will never be superfluous. It is possible that you will need them in your career. Or you can travel on your own car by yourself.

This you must see!

Now consider what you need to do to broaden your horizons. You must see:

  • 7 Wonders of the World;
  • sunset in Bali;
  • carnival in Brazil;
  • Italy
  • moon eclipse;
  • Vienna Opera
  • how bridges are built in Petersburg;
  • Paris;
  • the biggest cake;
  • Northern Lights;
  • solar eclipse;
  • starfall;
  • Spain
  • erupting volcano;
  • penguins;
  • koala (play with her!);
  • Eiffel Tower;
  • sakura blossom in japan.

Please others with your deeds

What else needs to be done in life? Something that will benefit not only you, but also others.

what needs to be done in life

Let's list these actions:

  1. Visit school teachers. You have probably already forgotten many. But there is one teacher who taught you something. Itโ€™s best to do this on some holiday.
  2. Tell your beloved how dear he is to you. Say "I love you", do not be shy.
  3. Have a mega party.
  4. Spend the whole day with your loved one in bed.
  5. Make a pleasant surprise to your loved one. For example, it can be a bouquet of flowers or a romantic dinner.
  6. Do a good deed for free. For example, help an animal shelter or kids from orphanages.
  7. Hug mom.
  8. Invite a stranger on a date.
  9. Change someone's life. For example, fulfill the dream of a loved one.
  10. Become a mentor for someone. Teach him something new.
  11. Try to become a volunteer.
  12. Make an anonymous donation.
  13. Forgive those who hurt you. Do not keep resentment, it only makes you worse.
  14. Treat a stranger with a cup of coffee.
  15. Help someone who needs it. For example, feed someone who is hungry but cannot buy food themselves.
  16. Make friends with a stranger.
  17. Have a picnic for friends.
  18. Give support to sick people.
  19. Make dinner for your loved one.
    have time to do in life
  20. Give homeless breakfast.
  21. Tie a scarf and present it to a loved one.

If we talk about the most reckless acts, then to them, of course, include bathing naked and in clothes. Also in this category include a visit to a nudist beach, sex in an unusual place.

The last two important points: you need to make your list of necessary tasks, as well as enjoy each day spent.


Now you know 100 things that you need to do in life, the list is presented in the article. We hope that you will be able to translate all of the above into reality.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32935/

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