What ailments can help tincture of sea buckthorn?

Sea buckthorn tincture on vodka
Fresh sea buckthorn berries contain ascorbic acid, fatty oil, carotene, B vitamins and carotenoids: tocopherol, riboflavin, folic acid, lycopene, phylloquinone, tannins, sugars, as well as stearic, oleic, linoleic and palmitic acids. The fruits of this extraordinary plant are considered one of the best natural vitamin carriers. Sea-buckthorn bark is rich in serotonin - a substance that numerous clinics in the world experience as a means to fight tumors. Sea buckthorn tincture is widely used to stop and reduce pain during various inflammations, as well as for quick restoration of the skin. In folk medicine, not only the fruits of this medicinal plant are used, but also its syrup, as well as water and alcohol infusions.

What is useful sea buckthorn tincture

Sea buckthorn tincture is widely recognized in folk medicine. It is used to quickly and effectively heal various types of wounds, accelerate the granulation and epithelization of damaged tissues, reduce pain during the development of inflammatory processes, as well as for the treatment of gynecological diseases, stomach ulcers and to strengthen general immunity. Sea-buckthorn tincture for alcohol is used to eliminate acne and acne, its active substances relieve allergic skin manifestations and excellently fight inflammation of sensitive skin.

Indications for use of sea buckthorn tincture:

Sea buckthorn tincture

- skin rashes;

- anemia;

- viral pathological processes (influenza, acute respiratory infections);

- gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature;

- non-healing wounds and abrasions;

- increase the body's defenses.

Self-made sea buckthorn tincture

Healing sea buckthorn tincture is easily prepared at home. To do this, it is necessary to scroll the ripe juicy berries of the plant through a meat grinder and pour the resulting juice with vodka so that it completely covers the raw materials. Next, the mixture should be infused for a month, then squeeze, strain and filter through a dense, clean cloth. For taste, you can slightly sweeten the mixture with sugar syrup - now the sea buckthorn tincture on vodka is ready for use.

Contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn:

Sea buckthorn tincture

- individual intolerance;

- The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;

- the presence of allergies to carotene;

- acute cholecystitis;

- cholelithiasis.

It should be noted that sea buckthorn tincture is a rather potent drug, therefore, after its use allergic reactions can occur, especially in people who do not tolerate carotene. In addition, sea buckthorn has a powerful choleretic effect, which can lead to serious complications of gallstone disease and acute cholecystitis. Therefore, before embarking on such treatment, you should consult with a specialist who will conduct the necessary studies of the general state of your health and take into account all the features of the body, after which he will make the appropriate appointments or give the necessary recommendations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32937/

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