Kefir hair mask: recipes, instructions, reviews

Women have long used kefir for cosmetic purposes. It helps to care for the body, face and curls. A very popular home remedy is a kefir hair mask. How good it is, how to make it, and what recipes there are - you can learn about this from the article.

The benefits of kefir for hair

Kefir is very useful not only for the human stomach, but also for hair. The fact is that this dairy product is rich in various vitamins. These are E, B, C, PP, acetic acid bacteria and yeast. All these substances have a beneficial effect on the whole body, if you use kefir inside, and on the hair, if you apply the product only on them.

What is useful kefir hair mask? After its application, you can notice that the curls are restored, strengthened and acquire a more magnificent shape. The brightness of natural color, shine and softness are returned. Kefir is especially useful for dry strands and split ends. Since the fermented milk product envelops each hair and protects it from negative factors (rain, wind and sun).

Also, the drink favorably affects the scalp. As a result, redness, peeling, itching and swelling pass. Dandruff also disappears. Moreover, kefir acts not only on the symptoms, but also on the source of the problem. Importantly, the hair stops falling out, whatever the cause of this ailment.

In addition, many girls lighten curls a little with kefir. It is completely harmless. On the contrary, the strands are healed, begin to shine and are easy to comb.

The opinion of the girls

It is proved by reviews - a mask from kefir for hair is beneficial even after the first application. Curls immediately become soft, crumbly and voluminous. They are not tangled and easy to comb. The hairman wants to be touched constantly.

The result of the kefir mask

In addition, the girls note that kefir is a completely natural remedy in which there are no harmful chemicals. Therefore, it perfectly replaces professional cosmetics. In addition, a dairy product is sold everywhere at a low price.

Selection of kefir

For applying to hair, as well as for eating, it is best to purchase homemade kefir. It can be bought from farmers or individuals who make it themselves. It is important that milk is used for this, which is taken from under the cow, and not in store. This fact is very easy to verify. Ready kefir should be dense and with a minimum liquid content. The optimum density is such that the product is easy to take with a spoon. Of course, not everyone has access to homemade products. Then store kefir with a fat content of 2.5 to 3.2% is suitable. If even this is not available, then you can take a one percent drink. For oily hair, on the contrary, it will be much more useful.

Useful Tips

  • When making hair masks from kefir, it is important to consider their type. For scalp prone to excessive sebum secretion, a low-fat or one percent drink is suitable. And for dry strands, it is better to take kefir with maximum fat content.
  • Sour-milk product should be at room temperature, and not directly from the refrigerator. Otherwise, you can freeze your head when applying the mask.
  • It is known that kefir washes out dark pigment well. Therefore, for freshly colored hair, it is recommended to add cocoa to the mask. And, conversely, you can safely apply kefir to curls, if you need to lighten them by 1-2 tones.
  • It is best to apply a kefir mask directly to unwashed curls. For hair (reviews prove this) it will be much more useful. To wash the hair before the procedure, and then rinse off the mask with shampoo, that is, use it twice a day is very harmful.
Kefir mask on the hair
  • The amount of fermented milk drink for the mask depends on the availability of additional ingredients, density and hair length. On average curls it is recommended to take 200-300 milliliters of kefir. Leftovers can be drunk. This will also benefit the head of hair. It is also worth considering that the proportions in the recipes are designed for medium-length hair.

What is needed to apply a mask?

  • Directly cooked hair mask from kefir.
  • A towel or clothes that you don’t mind. Useful in case the mask leaks.
  • Newspapers. They need to cover the floor so as not to stain it during the procedure.
  • Brush for coloring. It is very convenient to apply a mask to your hair.
  • Cling film or plastic bag for wrapping curls.
  • A towel or a special cap for warming the head.
  • Big mirror. Before it will be convenient to carry out the entire procedure for applying the mask.

Features of applying kefir masks

In general, applying a mask of kefir is reduced to two stages. This is a smearing of roots and curls along the entire length. First you need to prepare everything you need and mix the ingredients for the mask. Then the composition must be applied to the roots with a brush for staining. Some girls are comfortable doing this right in the bathroom in front of the mirror. Then you can dunk hair in a bowl with a mask or continue to distribute the composition along the length of the brush. When the curls are saturated, they need to be squeezed slightly to remove excess fluid. Long hair is best collected in a shell or bun. Short curls can be fixed with a crab pin. After the head you need to wrap tightly with cellophane and wrap a towel.

Kefir hair mask

How much to keep a kefir hair mask? Each recipe will have its own recommended time. Usually it is half an hour or an hour, no less. But to achieve maximum effect, it is better to hold the mask for as long as possible. For a noticeable result, it is recommended to undergo a course of procedures, which should last at least two months. Kefir masks can be done once a month as a prophylaxis and once every 3 days, if you need to treat your hair.

How to wash off a kefir mask?

If the mask was applied to dirty hair, then after they must be washed with shampoo. The use of balm or conditioner is required. If desired, you can rinse the curls with an infusion of herbs with lemon juice or vinegar. If the hair was previously washed, then the mask can be washed off without shampoo. For best results, you can rinse the hair with a decoction of herbs. Also, for a more successful washing in water, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of vinegar or the juice of half a lemon (based on 4 liters of water).

There are many ways to treat curls using kefir. Their main condition for obtaining a good result is the regularity of procedures. To begin with, you should consider how to make a hair mask from kefir according to the classic recipe.

Classic kefir mask

This is the simplest way to strengthen curls with kefir. The drink needs to be distributed along the roots and the entire length. After warming your head for an hour. From time to time, kefir can be used instead of shampoo. This will allow for some time to avoid the aggressive action of the detergent. Such regular use of kefir will prevent the appearance of dandruff, make curls obedient and silky.

Kefir mask for hair with an egg

Recipe for Oily Hair


  • Kefir - 170 milliliters.
  • Yolk - 1 piece.
  • Honey - a teaspoon.
  • Dry mustard - a large spoon.
  • Almond oil - a teaspoon.
  • Essential oil (lemon, rosemary or other to taste) - a few drops.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply on the hair. Keep the mask under a warm cap for at least half an hour. It is recommended to rinse with shampoo. The regular use of this mask from kefir for oily hair is useful because over time, the sebum on the head will not be produced so intensively.

Recipe for dry curls


  • Kefir - 200 milliliters.
  • Yolk - 1 piece.
  • Burdock oil is a big spoon.
  • Castor oil is a large spoon.

Mix the ingredients starting with yolk and kefir. Then you can enter the oil. Apply the composition on the whole head, keep at least an hour. Such a mask of kefir for dry hair is very useful. Due to the content of castor and burdock oils, the fragility of curls and the cross section of the ends are eliminated. Kefir also fights dryness, restoring structure and making hair more shiny.

Restoring mask based on kefir and henna


  • Kefir - 8 tablespoons.
  • Colorless henna - 120 grams. You can take a classic if you want to shade your hair.
  • Water - "by eye".
  • Castor oil - a teaspoon.
Henna for kefir mask

Dilute henna with hot (but not boiling!) Water so that it resembles thick sour cream in consistency. When the mixture has cooled, add kefir and oil. Rub the mask thoroughly into the roots and distribute along the length. Leave on for at least forty minutes. Rinse off with shampoo. Over time, the mask will stop the loss of curls and enhance their growth.

Thickness recipe with kefir and butter


  • Kefir - 100 milliliters.
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons.

Put the ingredients in a water bath. Keep until the butter melts. The mixture is generously applied to the roots. Distribute the residues along the length of the hair. Leave under the hat for at least half an hour.

According to reviews, this is a very good mask of kefir for hair density. It improves the growth of curls, therefore, increases them in volume. After the first application, the strands become obedient, easy to fit and shine. A stunning result will be noticeable after regular procedures for two months.

Some girls don't like the smell of a mask. It is easy to eliminate if you add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the composition. Or you can rinse your hair after washing off the mask with a solution of vinegar. For a liter of water you need to take a cap of essence.

Kefir and egg hair mask


  • Kefir - a glass.
  • Egg - 1 piece.
  • Castor oil - a teaspoon.

Beat the egg thoroughly. Add the rest of the ingredients to it. Mix to leave a homogeneous mass. Distribute by all curls, paying special attention to the roots. Warm your head for at least an hour, then rinse with shampoo. The mask remarkably activates hair growth and improves their structure.

Dandruff mask with kefir and bread


  • Kefir - 300 milliliters.
  • Rye bread (Borodino) - a slice 4 centimeters thick.
  • Castor oil is a big spoon.
Black bread for kefir mask

Cut the crusts from bread, they are not suitable for a mask. Chop the pulp into a bowl into small pieces. Pour kefir, knead with hand and fingers. Leave the bread to soak for about half an hour. To the resulting slurry add oil, mix until smooth.

It is better to apply such a mask over a bathtub or basin, with your head down. It is better to apply the composition from one ear, gradually moving to the other and dividing the hair into partings. Thus, you need to process all the roots. Distribute what remains with your hands along the length of the strands. Particular attention should be paid to the ends so that they receive proper nutrition from the cosmetic composition. If necessary, you need to collect curls in a high bundle. You should insulate your head for 2-3 hours. Then rinse with shampoo.

Such hair masks from kefir and bread must be done in a course. Its duration may be 1-2 months. The procedure is advisable to carry out before each shampoo or 2 times a week.

Healing kefir mustard mask


  • Kefir - half a glass.
  • Mustard - 2 tablespoons. It can be replaced by powder, having previously dissolved it with water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • Vitamins A, E in ampoules - a teaspoon.

Open the ampoules with vitamins, mix the contents with mustard. After pouring kefir, stir until smooth. First, rub the mask into the scalp with massage movements. Distribute the residuals along the length.

During application, it is worth monitoring your own feelings. Due to mustard, the mask has a strong warming effect. Therefore, it can start to bake your head. Perhaps the burning sensation will be so unbearable that you will have to immediately wash off the mask with water. Otherwise, you can earn a burn. If the skin is sensitive, then the amount of mustard should be reduced. With normal tolerance, the composition must be kept under a warm cap for at least an hour.

With regular use of mustard and kefir hair masks, over time you can get healthy and thick hair. The composition warms and nourishes the scalp, nourishes the hair with moisture, so they shine and grow better.

Therapeutic mask with kefir and nettle


  • Kefir - a glass.
  • Boiling water is a glass.
  • Nettle leaves (chopped) - 2 tablespoons.
  • Essential oils (optional) - a few drops.

Nettle leaves pour boiling water and insist under a tightly closed lid for one hour. Allow the liquid to cool slightly and pour in the kefir. Bring to a homogeneous state. Add your favorite essential oil if desired. Spread the mixture on the roots and hair, leave at least an hour.

Reviews show that a hair mask made from kefir and nettle is a very effective and affordable tool. With regular use, it eliminates dandruff, makes curls much stronger and stronger. The greatest effect of the mask can be obtained by collecting nettle leaves in the spring. At this time, the plant is in the stage of active growth, so it will have more healing substances. In winter, dry nettles can be bought at the pharmacy. From grass in this form, the result will be no worse.

Firming mask with kefir and cocoa


  • Kefir - a third of a glass.
  • Cocoa powder - a large spoon.
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece.
Cocoa for a mask with kefir

Beat egg yolk and protein separately, combine with cocoa powder. After pouring kefir, stirring constantly. The consistency mask should resemble a thick porridge. You may need to increase or decrease the amount of kefir. Distribute the composition on curls and rub into the roots, leave at least half an hour. With regular use, a hair mask made from kefir, eggs and cocoa will give a stunning effect. Curls will become strong, elastic, beautiful and shiny. Due to cocoa, the color of the hair will become more saturated.

Summing up, we can say that with the help of kefir masks, you can grow a silky, thick and healthy braid to the waist. It is enough to follow the recommendations, proportions and regularly conduct healing cosmetic procedures for the hair.


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