3 ways to cook fish in the oven

I think no one will argue that fish is one of the most useful and valuable products. Nutritionists around the world constantly say about the obligatory availability of fish in the human diet. You can talk endlessly about the benefits of this product; the vitamins, minerals, proteins and amino acids included in its composition have a beneficial effect on the whole body.

So, no one denies the usefulness of fish, but how to cook it so that this benefit does not disappear during heat treatment? There are plenty of options, of course: fish can be cooked, cooked in the microwave, in a double boiler or fish baked in the oven. Scientists have found that it is possible to maintain a maximum of useful substances if you boil fish or bake. Let's try to figure out how to cook fish in the oven so that it is not only tasty, but also healthy.

By the way, fish, by the content of useful elements in it, is one of the favorites among other food products. It is not only very useful for the cardiovascular system, but also for the endocrine system. Eating fish constantly, you can significantly improve metabolic processes in the body, increase tone, mood, and immunity. Improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and even increase mental activity.

But back to cooking fish. There are a lot of cooking methods, as mentioned above. However, today I propose to learn how to cook fish in the oven. I’ll give you several recipes, I hope that they will be useful to you and will appeal to your household. So, delicious fish in the oven.

"Orange Mackerel"

You will need: 2 fresh mackerel, 2-3 oranges, mayonnaise.

Method of preparation: Peel the fish, cut into portions, salt and season with spices (optional), the main thing here is not to overdo it with spices, you can add nothing except salt.

Peel the oranges and pass through the meat grinder.

Each piece of fish put on the foil. To each serving add 2 tbsp. l Masses of orange and 1 tbsp. mayonnaise. Then carefully wrap each serving in foil - and in the oven. The oven must be well preheated. Cooking time is 30 minutes.

And now, the delicious fish in the oven is ready. Cooking such a fish will not take you much time, but it will surprise you with its amazing taste.

And here is another way to cook fish in the oven.

Pollock Royal

You will need: 1 kg of pollock, 0.5 kg of potatoes, 1 medium carrot, 2-3 onions and a few cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp each. ketchup and mayonnaise, 70 gr. margarine and 100-150 gr. cheese.

Method of preparation: It is necessary to clean and rinse the fish, cut into pieces, roll in flour or breadcrumbs and fry, so that a golden crust appears.

Peel and straw the potatoes, add salt, pepper and grease the sauce. For the sauce, mix ketchup, mayonnaise and garlic (to your taste), you can add a little bit of granulated sugar, if the sauce turned sour.

You can bake in the same pan where the fish was fried, or you can take a deep pan. We shift the whole fish to the middle, and put the potatoes at the edges. Top the dish with the remaining sauce.

Next, rub the carrots and chop the onions in half rings. We spread all this on fish, on top and lay a layer of grated margarine. Cook in the oven for 30-40 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, remove the fish and sprinkle with grated cheese. Put it back in the oven, turn it off after 5 minutes and let it stand for a while, without removing it from the oven.

And finally, another small way to cook fish in the oven.

“Baked carp, bream or carp”

Wash, clean and cut the fish along the ridge. Cut into pieces and leave for a couple of minutes in slightly salted milk. Then roll it in flour or breadcrumbs and fry in a pan (lay with the skin up). If you used fillets, then the cooking time will be 7-8 minutes, and if the pieces were with bone - 13 minutes.

Good appetite!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3296/

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