How to care for hair extensions on capsules: how to wash, comb, choice of funds, reviews

Every girl dreams of beautiful thick hair. For certain reasons, not everyone can grow them to the desired length. However, today this problem is easily solved: you can resort to the hair extension service, which is offered by many modern beauty salons. How to care for hair extensions in capsules, which cosmetic products to use to wash them?

General care rules

Hair extension procedure today is considered quite in demand. By itself, it does not imply complexity: a professional in his field will easily cope with the task. But the owners of such a hairstyle should know how to care for hair extensions in capsules so that they look natural and beautiful. If you do not adhere to certain recommendations, the strands will look groomed.

capsule building

For this procedure, high quality materials are used, which have passed a number of studies and have stood the test of time. However, the effect may turn out to be short if the care for the hair extensions on the capsules is incorrect.

It is important to check with the master what extension method is used, and to find out all the subtleties of caring for such hair. If you use appropriate cosmetic products, artificial strands will not fall out.

Advantages and disadvantages of building up

Before heading to the salon, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of hair extensions. The advantages of the procedure are that it allows you to increase the volume and length. As for the shortcomings, it is worth noting the fact that the enlarged areas can be visible. In addition, artificial strands are very confused and fall out, so you need to know how to properly care for hair extensions and visit a hairdresser in a timely manner in order to carry out the correction.

Care Features

There are several varieties of fastening artificial curls. Each of them has its own characteristics. The extension is tape, capsule. In addition, strand weaving is practiced. It is on the fixation method that care for extended hair depends. Hair extensions should be carried out by an experienced craftsman who will tell you what tools to use for washing and styling.

Features of care depend on which method was preferred:

  • Tape building. To comb the strands, you will have to use a comb with rare soft teeth. Such manipulations can be performed no more than three times a day. The strands may detach, and the hairstyle will lose its well-groomed appearance. To wash such curls, shampoos are suitable, in which there are no aggressive substances.
  • Capsule extension. You need to wash your hair only a day after the procedure. Before starting to wash, the strands must be thoroughly combed. The choice of shampoo should be made in favor of a product with mild detergent components. With this method of building it is unacceptable to rub various oils and other products into the scalp.
  • Weaving strands. Caring for such hair is considered quite simple. It is enough to choose a mild shampoo and carefully comb the artificial strands. This extension method is not suitable for short-haired girls.

Care products. Key recommendations

How long do hair extensions last and how to care for them to extend the attractive look? The emphasis should be on the choice of washing and styling products. If you use the appropriate cosmetics, you can save chic curls for 3-6 months.

artificial strands

First of all, it is worth noting that for the care of unnatural curls it is worth using professional cosmetic products that are suitable for natural hair. Such shampoos, balms and masks will preserve the beauty of the strands and will not harm the structure of artificial curls.

If it is not possible to get expensive cosmetics, you can opt for shampoos for normal hair type. Shampoos for dry and oily curls can cause the strands to fall out, so you need to take this into account if the hair extension procedure has been chosen. Care for hair extensions should be in the first place. Such strands are devoid of natural nourishment, so you have to use masks and serums.

From concentrated shampoos should refrain or dilute them with water before each use. As for oil-based cosmetics, which is designed to restore hair, masters do not recommend using it. Such funds destroy the fixing composition, which will provoke the loss of strands. To make the ends of the hair neat, it is permissible to apply a small amount of oil composition to them.

Preference should also be given to products in which milk protein is present. Such compounds are ideal for hair extensions. Capsule building will last much longer, because unlike oils, this substance does not destroy the fixing composition.

What products can be used for hair extensions

For washing artificial hair, various cosmetic brands are suitable:

  • Constant. The tool is intended for hair extensions. Gently removes pollution, provides reliable protection against aggressive environmental factors.
  • Barex. A line of hair care products. Normalizes the production of sebum, delicately cleans curls from contamination.
  • Yves Rosher. The shampoo contains no sulfates, silicones and other harmful additives that adversely affect the condition of unnatural strands.
  • Estel. The list of components contains proteins, fruit acids, extract of Chinese camellia.
  • Concept. Means on a natural basis, due to which they are safe for hair extensions. In the shampoos of this brand there are minerals that provide curls with a well-groomed and beautiful appearance.
  • Kapous. Shampoo prevents tangling of strands, gently cleans them from contamination.
  • Natura Siberica. The brand produces hair care products in which there are no harmful components, so they can be used to wash artificial strands.
  • J-line. Shampoo without SLS with neutral Ph. Suitable for hair extensions.
shampoo yves rocher

When choosing hair care products, you need to pay attention to their composition. Preference should be given to a detergent product in which a minimum of oils and synthetic substances.

Do I need to use masks

Hair extensions, like natural, need proper care. Masks for such a hairstyle are also necessary, but they need to be applied only to the length, without affecting the root area. It is unacceptable to use hair masks in which there is mustard, hot pepper, spices. First of all, this concerns the compositions of their own preparation.

How often do corrections

In order for the strands to last as long as possible, you need to know how to care for hair extensions. Reviews of this procedure indicate that the correction is carried out every 3-6 months. If you do not follow the recommendations for care, the locks will fall off before the due date.

How to wash

artificial hair washing

If artificial curls are not washed correctly, their service life will be significantly reduced. It is not recommended to use hot or cold water for this procedure. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • Before washing the curls, they must be thoroughly combed.
  • During washing, do not throw your head forward strongly. It is recommended to carry out this procedure while standing in the shower.
  • Apply shampoo with gentle movements. You do not need to rub the product into the roots, as this can harm the capsules.
  • After washing, the curls should be carefully wiped and dried in a natural way.

If you wash your hair incorrectly, their scales may open and begin to cling to each other, which will lead to tangling

How to dry

Towel wrapping, twisting and combing them in a wet form is unacceptable. After washing, they need to be blotted with a dry towel. As for the use of a hair dryer, it is rarely possible to dry them with it, when there is an urgent need for it. Hot air harms them, and artificial ringlets cannot be restored, therefore, before the procedure, it is necessary to apply a thermal protective agent to them.

How to comb

how to comb hair extensions

So that the strands do not get confused, you need to know how to care for hair extensions on capsules and how to comb them correctly. The comb should be with wide teeth. You should refrain from conventional tools, as they can break capsules and cause strands to fall out.

Only dry hair should be combed. They need to be collected in the tail and start scratching from the tips, and then comb the middle and roots. It is undesirable to do combing and tying a tight tail, since artificial strands have a thin structure that cannot be restored.

Coloring of the extended strands

dyed artificial hair

Change the color of hair extensions by dyeing is permissible. However, it is worth considering that the coloring composition should not fall on the attachment points of the strands. Entrust the staining procedure to a professional craftsman. Frequent change in hair color makes unnatural locks tough and naughty. Preference should be given to ammonia-free paints.

Hair extensions

hair extensions

If the hair is extensions, this does not mean that they should only be worn loose. It is perfectly permissible to do various styling and hairstyles, but it is worth being careful with the attachment points of the strands. Styling products must be pH neutral.


If you follow all the recommendations for caring for artificial hair, you can enjoy the result of the procedure for a long period of time. It is necessary to discuss all issues regarding how to care for hair extensions in capsules with a master and choose the appropriate detergent.


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