How to update BIOS Gigabyte. Program for updating BIOS Gigabyte

Unpleasant conflicts, expressed in the frequent failure of your operating system to work correctly with a certain group of drivers, as well as a well-justified desire to increase performance and expand the functionality of the used motherboard, can become a kind of reason for your genuine interest in resolving the issue of how to update Gigabyte BIOS. And only when you are completely sure of the expediency of carrying out such a crucial operation, which is the flashing of the microchip of the basic input / output system, and at the same time you are determined to put all the dots on the "and", well, let's upgrade your "iron friend" ...

how to update BIOS

The essence and the matter ...

So the time has come to doubt the current competence of the once perfect model of your motherboard from the IT industry leader of the Taiwanese company GIGABYTE Technology Co. Ltd. A fully functional machine instantly lost its "credibility" when you connected a hard drive of sufficiently large capacity or, perhaps, acquired a new, more powerful central processor. As a result of the upgrade, BIOS simply cannot manage such "progressive" equipment, since the software part of the code is outdated and requires a practical update. Therefore, in such a situation, the question of how to update the Gigabyte BIOS becomes not just important, but in dire need of a solution.

Update motherboard BIOS

Choosing the only and most reliable update method

Of course, you can flash BSVV (basic input / output system) of a computer in a variety of ways. But it is highly discouraged to make knowingly incorrect updates from the Windows environment. This is purely the prerogative of DOS, so the operating system should not perform intermediary functions. BIOS flash access should be direct. Only in this way and nothing else. However, this method of firmware requires certain knowledge, so we read, remember and, accordingly, independent practical actions answer the question: "How to update BIOS Gigabyte?"

Number, series, revision of the motherboard: where and what exactly to look for?

First of all, you need to have information about the modification of your "motherboard". You can find out from the documentation on the computer, but if not, use one of the options below:

  • Program for updating BIOS

    When you turn on the computer in the upper left corner of the monitor always displays information about the version of the installed BIOS and the identifier of your model, consisting of Latin characters and numbers. It is worth noting that a quick change of the boot screen practically leaves no chance for the user to see the necessary data. Use the "Pause" key, the picture will freeze, waiting for the subsequent pressing of the same button.
  • Using the standard tools of your OS: go to the "Start" menu, then "Accessories", then "Utilities" and, finally, "System Information". Where to your attention, in the line "BIOS Version" you can see the information you are interested in. However, to learn the model of the "motherboard" in this way will not work. It is worth using the option presented above, or download the Everest program.

We write everything down on a separate sheet and plunge into the immense abyss of the Internet - download programs.

BIOS setup

BIOS BIOS Gigabyte

Knowing the model of the "motherboard" and the version of its BSVV, we proceed to the next preparatory stage of the software upgrade. On the manufacturer’s website, download the available update for your board. This is usually a file up to 3 MB in size, so you won’t have to wait long. Next, you need to make a bootable USB flash drive, which will contain the new firmware of your BIOS. Only after the above, you will be able to carry out the process of “uploading” a more advanced program code to the BSVV microchip, through which the hardware of your computer is controlled.

Preparing a flash drive

After downloading a free utility from the Internet called USB Disk Storage Format, you just have to carry out some actions with the program interface, that is, configure it properly:

  • To do this, in the first line we define our flash drive.
  • Specify the file system: FAT32.
  • In the Format option line, check the box.
  • Check the box Create a DOS Bootable Disk.
  • In the window below, we prescribe the directory in which our firmware file is located.
  • Click Start and wait for the completion of the process of forming a bootable flash drive.

Now you can update the BIOS of the Gigabyte motherboard using the built-in BSVV software that you need to debug.

BIOS firmware

An important final step is tuning

With a short press of the Delete key we go to the main
hardware management menu of our electronic machine. In this case, the USB flash drive must be installed in the USB port of the computer.

  • In order for the Gigabyte BIOS setup to return to the default values, go to the Load Optimaized Defaults tab and press Enter. We agree to save the changes by selecting "Y".
  • Press F8 and go to the bootloader menu.
  • Disable the first item, Keep DMI Data, by choosing Disabl.
  • It is recommended that you save the current firmware version, so select Save Bios to Drive and perform the backup process.
  • Click Update Bios from Drive and get into the directory of our flash drive.
  • Press Enter to launch the firmware file.

Attention: during the BIOS update, in no case turn off the computer, as this can lead to quite serious problems!

  • Upon completion of the process of rewriting the microcode, a window should appear on the monitor screen with the message Copy BIOS completed-Pass. Press any key.

Congratulations, the firmware is complete!

How to update BIOS video cards

Upgrade the graphics card

Perhaps this will be a small discovery for you, but the graphic module can also be subjected to high-quality software improvement or brought back to life when it is seen as inoperable due to flown firmware. Question: "How to update the BIOS of a Gigabyte video card?" - needs more detailed consideration. We read about this further and understand the nuances.

  • In the Support & Downloads section, select Graphics card.
  • In the By Chipset Series window, we find our modification of the graphics card.
  • Then indicate Mode Name. Click on the Search button.
  • Go to the section of the specified video card.
  • Again, go to the Support & Downloads tab. Where in the window of the Download type item you need to select the BIOS, after which in a new window you will be presented with the version of available updates.
  • We load the graphic BIOS from the server and run it in the Windows environment.

Attention: the downloaded version should not be underestimated and should express the correspondence of symbolic and digital values ​​with a tendency to increase by one unit. That is, the firmware F2 is replaced by F3, and F11 by F12 ... But in no case: F2 to F11 or F4 to F12! How to update the Gigabyte BIOS , you already know, now we will take the next step, which will help you upgrade the video card.

Small, yes udalenky

However, the VGA Tools @ BIOS interface has the option of saving the current BIOS version. Despite its miniature size, the utility copes with its task "with a bang."

  • Use the Backup VGA BIOS button to back up.
  • Using the Flash button, we find our firmware file and mount it in the bootloader.
  • Click "OK" and at the end of the BIOS rewrite we enjoy the new features and more efficient operation of our video card.


To date, not a single program for updating Gigabyte BIOS can compare with the functional correctness of the built-in software tools provided by the manufacturer. Such an important process as overwriting the flash memory of the BSVV in the standard way requires only two things from the user: utmost attention and uninterrupted power. The system will cope with the rest on its own. Have a good upgrade!


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