The organizational structure of Russian Railways. Management structure of Russian Railways. Structure of Russian Railways and its divisions

The organizational structure is called the totality of services and departments whose main task is the development and implementation of various kinds of management decisions. Russian Railways is one of the largest transport companies in the world. The operational length of railways in our country is 85.5 thousand km. At the same time, electrified - 42.3 thousand km. Of course, managing such a large holding is rather difficult. The organizational structure of Russian Railways includes many departments and organizations.

A bit of history

The year 1834 is considered the year of the beginning of the development of railways in Russia. Then, at the invitation of the Mining Society, the famous engineer Franz von Gerstner arrived in the country. He traveled all over the state in order to determine the profitability of the construction of railways in certain regions and submitted a report to the king.

The first was the famous Tsarskoye Selo road (in 1836). In 1845, Russia had already begun to produce its own steam locomotives. Mostly at this time, railways were built with money received from the sale of Alaska.

Today, 80% of the tracks in Russia are what were laid before 1917. However, railways were also quite actively being built in Soviet times. For example, the North Pechersk and Baikal-Amur highways were laid.

Currently, Russian Railways is an actively developing vertically integrated company. Following the best standards of organizational activity, she recognizes corporate governance as a prerequisite for the success of business activities and increase attractiveness in terms of investment. Actually, the railways themselves in the 21st century are developing in the spirit of the times - highways are launched, online ticket offices open, etc.

Russian Railways structure: governing bodies

Russian Railways are registered as an open joint stock company. The main governing bodies of the company are:

  1. General Meeting of Shareholders.

  2. Board of Directors.

  3. Governing body.

Organizational structure of Russian Railways: scheme

The main bodies that make up the Russian Railways are:

  1. Manadgement Department.

  2. Different kinds of structural units.

  3. Representations in other countries.

  4. Branches in Russia.

  5. Dependent and subsidiary companies.

Manadgement Department

The structure of Russian Railways includes, among other things, Departments of various kinds, which actually manage personnel, as well as control investment and commercial activities and introduce various innovative technologies. There are, for example, Railways departments involved in the organizational activities of branches. The accounting service included in the apparatus is responsible for the property and financial position of the company.


Such departments differ from subsidiaries in that they are not an independent legal entity and act only on behalf of the company itself, in this case Russian Railways. Structural units of the Russian railways include a variety of different. For example, the Center for Customs Activities is organizing work to reduce costs when passing customs control of goods, risks when concluding foreign economic transactions, developing a network of temporary storage warehouses, etc. The structure of Russian Railways and its divisions is rather complicated. This company is actually very large.

Representations in other countries

The organizational structure of Russian Railways includes such departments. They are engaged in the coordination of transportation outside of Russia. At present, the Russian Railways has opened representative offices in such countries as China, Belarus, Estonia, Slovakia, Finland, Ukraine, etc. Their main task is to increase the efficiency of operation of the rolling stock of Russian Railways in the territory of a country, and to unload wagons as quickly as possible. and returning them to Russia, increasing the capacity of the tracks.

Russian Railways branches in the Russian Federation

The structure of the Russian Railways includes 16 railways. For example, the branches of Russian Railways are the East Siberian, Kuibyshev, South Ural, etc. railways. Also included in this company are:

  • in the field of construction - 2 branches;

  • rolling stock repair - 2;

  • track facilities - 4;

  • social sphere - 1;

  • economic and financial support - 6;

  • information and communication - 3.

In addition, the structure of Russian Railways includes as many as nine design bureaus. Their main task is the engineering support of maintenance, operation and repair of rolling stock.

Dependent and subsidiaries

The work of these departments in Russian Railways is handled by a separate department. An example of a Russian Railways subsidiary is Russian Railways LLC, ZHASO insurance company, the operator of suburban trains serving airports, and Aeroexpress LLC. At present, Russian Railways are also subsidiaries of Yakutsk Railways and CJSC South Caucasus Railways. These organizations, unlike other similar ones, do not belong to branches.

Another subsidiary of Russian Railways is OJSC Petukhov Foundry. This is one of the oldest engineering plants in the Kurgan region, founded in 1903. It is engaged in the production of such products as jacks, vibration plates, shock absorbers, locomotives, brake shoes , etc.

Another rather well-known subsidiary of Russian Railways in the country is the FGK company, the main operator in freight transportation.

In addition, the affiliates of Russian Railways include:

  1. Communication company TransTeleCom. This backbone digital communications company was founded in 1997 specifically for the needs of railways.

  2. Freight One OJSC. This company was established in 2007 during the reorganization of Russian Railways.

  3. The operator of high-speed trains Allegro.

  4. WagonRemMash OJSC.

  5. BetelTrans OJSC.

  6. JSC Federal Passenger Company.

In total, the structure of Russian Railways includes almost 100 dependent and subsidiary companies.

Russian Railways Management

The president of Russian Railways for 2015 is Oleg Valentinovich Belozerov. Among other things, he is a member of the Management Board of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Russian Federation and the Russia-France Cooperation Council.

The main management functions in Russian Railways, except for the President, the Board of Directors and the Management Board, are performed by the Scientific and Technical Council and the Audit Commission. The management staff of Russian Railways is operating at Moscow, ul. New Basmannaya, d 2.

The sole shareholder of Russian Railways today is the state. The powers on his behalf are exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation. In total, there are 221 advisory bodies in the management structure.

Main activities

The company is engaged in Russian Railways, the management structure of which was reviewed by us above, primarily:

  1. Transportation of goods and passengers.

  2. Maintenance and repair of rolling stock.

  3. Design and construction activities.

  4. Infrastructure service.

  5. Trade in industrial and food products.

  6. Supply and sales activities.

  7. Educational activities.

  8. Foreign economic activity.

Thus, the management structure of Russian Railways, as you see, is very thought out and effective. To date, the Board of Directors of the company has approved a carefully developed business model that assumes its further development as the world's largest transport holding. The tasks assigned to the Russian Railways by the state remain unchanged: ensuring uninterrupted transportation of goods and passengers over long and short distances, expanding the bottlenecks in the infrastructure. Of course, this can only be achieved if internal efficiency is improved and operating costs are reduced. Moreover, Russian science should take the most active part in the development of development projects.


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