Mushrooms mushrooms: description and recipes

We all not only heard about mushrooms, but also ate them: in soups, fried, stewed and pickled. They grow in forest plantations, pine forests, pine forests. Unpretentious, can be grown even artificially. They are family mushrooms. If you find one, you’ll cut a whole bucket right there. Hats - from brown to yellow, with tubular pores. Appear after rains, after which warm nights usually follow. Let's take a closer look at the mushrooms, which description can be found in many books.

Getting to know the oils

Our mushroom belongs to the Boletovy family, from the tubular genus. It has its name because of the buttery, slippery hat by which it is recognized. Underneath there are always bedspreads that form a ring. This mushroom is traditional in our area, has more than forty representatives. But it cannot be argued that it grows only in Russia.

oil mushrooms description
It can be found both in Australia and in Africa, in places with a more or less temperate climate. In our places, an oiler or an ordinary oiler, with a hemispherical hat, is well known and in its center a small tubercle. The peel is easily separated from the pulp. The pulp is soft, juicy, most often has a yellowish color. The leg is cylindrical, with a diameter of three centimeters and a height of up to 11, in the lower part it is darker. We studied a little mushroom mushrooms, the description of which can be continued for a long time, and enough. Just remember that the fruiting of these mushrooms begins in July and ends in October. And do not collect inedible, which differ in color change at the break, a red spongy layer and a darker hat.

What is cooked from butter?

To prepare the semi-finished product for further processing, we need the mushrooms themselves, butter or vegetable oil, water and salt. Before cooking, they must be cleaned of oily skins on hats. To make this easier, you can dry it a bit by sprinkling it on baking sheets and putting it in the sun for a couple of hours.

oily mushrooms how to cook
Cleaning must be dry. Boil water and add salt to it. Mushrooms cut into pieces are placed in boiling water. Boil for five to ten minutes, filter, and you can eat. There will be no special taste, therefore such mushrooms are more likely a semi-finished product. They can be immediately fried in butter, a little pepper and serve. It will be noticeably tastier. So if you had butter mushrooms, how to cook them is easy to figure out.

Freeze oily

In the event that you want to leave the workpiece for a long time, freeze it. Fry the boiled mushrooms for about ten minutes in a skillet in sunflower oil, cool them and arrange them in the containers that are available. For example, you can use plastic mayonnaise cans for this purpose.

mushroom oiler photo and description
Then freeze them in the freezer and leave them there for storage. You can store it in this form for up to a year. When using animal fats for frying, the shelf life is significantly reduced - up to one month. Imagine the pleasure you get in winter by cooking fried potatoes with mushrooms.

Pickle the oil: the preparatory phase and the ingredients

The most difficult part in this recipe is the process of removing the film from the hats, otherwise bitterness will appear that spoils the taste of pickled mushrooms. We take mushrooms, the description of the cleaning process is as follows: scalding is not necessary, just gently pry the edges with a knife and pull on yourself. The further course of pickling is similar to how it is done with porcini mushrooms, champignons or honey mushrooms.

mushroom butterdish recipe
The taste will remind the taste of porcini mushrooms and Obabek, they are also slightly slippery and dense. Buy butter mushrooms, how to cook, we will tell. The necessary ingredients: two kilograms of mushrooms, 0.5 liters of water for marinade, two tablespoons of salt, one tablespoon of granulated sugar, 4-5 peas of black pepper, 2-3 buds of cloves, 3-4 cloves of garlic, one and a half tablespoons 9% vinegar and optional - special seasoning. Now we will prepare the pickled mushroom oiler, a photo and a description of the process will help us with this.

Pickled Butter Recipe

We will wash them after cleaning from leaves and earth, before - no need. It will be more correct and the result will be better. We start cooking mushroom oiler, the recipe is as follows:

  1. Boiled and peeled well-washed oils in acidified vinegar or citric acid, salted water. There should be plenty of water.
  2. After about 15 minutes, when they begin to sink to the bottom, remove the pan from the heat and throw it into a colander.
  3. We shift the mushrooms into sterilized and dry jars, add garlic slices, cut into pieces.
    pickled butter
  4. Prepare the marinade: boil water with sugar sand, salt, cloves and pepper for three minutes.
  5. Remove from the stove, add the vinegar and let cool.
  6. Fill the oil, and do it so that there is no free space between the mushrooms and they are completely flooded.
  7. We close the banks with capron lids and send them to the refrigerator for storage.

To make conservation safer, pick up the butter mushrooms yourself, a description is provided for you. Gourmet advice - pickle hats and legs in different jars, separately from each other.


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