How to wind hair? Useful Tips

There is no better way to quickly change your appearance than styling. How to wind the hair correctly? It is important to follow simple rules. Then the result will please you, and the hair will not deteriorate.

How to wind hair on curlers?

how to wind hair
Wash and dry your hair first, then comb thoroughly. You need to start wrapping from the middle of the head. Separate a thin strand with a comb, the width of which should not exceed the length of the curler. Sprinkle the curl with styling agent and lift it up. Carefully wind the strand around the curlers. To prevent the hairs from falling out, support the curl around the edges. Carefully watch that the tips do not fall out of the curlers, they can greatly ruin the hair. If you have long hair, the strands should be very thin.

It is best to do the procedure at night. Then the hair will dry naturally, which will ensure long-term preservation of styling. In the morning you can unwind the curlers and straighten the locks. If you need persistent curls, do not use a comb. Just spread the curls with your hands and fix with a spray.

Of course, if the result is needed quickly, you can blow dry the hair curled into curlers with a hairdryer. A photo taken in this form will help you understand why it is better to do the procedure at night and not to frighten the home again. But the choice, of course, will remain with you.

How to curl hair with a curling iron?

how to wind short hair with a curling iron
Hair should be clean and dry. Brush your hair before the procedure. You need to wind up, starting from the back of the head. The bangs are frizzed last. How to curl short hair with a curling iron? Everything is very simple. With a short haircut, this process will take very little time. Just wind your hair onto the curling iron and hold it for a few seconds.

It is not necessary to carry out the procedure after permanent and chemical staining. Otherwise, there is a high risk of burning hair. After the procedure, apply a fixing varnish.

As you can see, this method is extremely simple and affordable. You can make an original hairstyle in almost any conditions. You can take a curling iron with you and change your image in a matter of minutes. Moreover, such devices are usually inexpensive. With their help, you can make the hair curly or wavy, and if necessary, straighten.

How to wind your hair so that the hairstyle lasts longer?

hair wound on curlers photo
If you decide to make a hairstyle with curlers, moisten the locks not with water, but with ordinary beer. This will serve as an excellent fixer. The strands will turn out more rigid and elastic, so they will retain their shape longer. Beer also contains protein and vitamins, which will well affect the condition of the hair.

Some girls use gelatin solution instead of styling products. To get it, you need to dilute 1 tsp. gelatin in one glass of water at room temperature. It is important to wait until the composition is swollen and then strain it. The tool needs to moisten the strands and then wind. Curls will be persistent. For hair, this procedure is also very useful, because allows you to achieve volume and provides nutrition.

The styling agent can also be replaced with sugar water. The mixture is also applied before curling. To prepare it, you need to dilute two to four tsp. sugar in water (200 ml).


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