Digital signature for an individual: what is needed and how to get it

People using electronic digital signature (EDS) are gaining more and more opportunities. This is an electronic circulation of documents, and remote receipt of certificates. A significant part of the functions is convenient only for companies and individual entrepreneurs, however, recently, the EDS has also become useful to individuals.

What it is?

What is an EDS? This is an analogue of a paper signature, the requisite of a document with which you can establish and confirm the identity of the owner of the document, as well as to establish whether changes were made to the document after the fact of installing the signature. The basis of the electronic digital signature is the principle of converting information in a cryptographic way.

There are several terms that every owner of an electronic signature should know. For an individual, this also matters.

digital signature for an individual what is needed for

We understand the terms

Now that we have clarified what EDS is, we need to understand the terms.

An electronic signature certificate is a document confirming that the verification key (public key) of the EDS belongs to the owner of this certificate. Such a certificate can only be obtained at certification centers (CAs) or at the offices of their authorized representatives.

The owner of the electronic signature certificate is an individual in whose name the certification center issued an EDS certificate. Each owner has two keys of electronic signature: public and private.

The public key of digital signature verification has a unique connection with the private key. Its purpose is authentication of an electronic signature.

The private key serves directly to generate electronic signatures and sign electronic documents. To ensure security, the certificate holder must use his private key only personally and not transfer it to third parties.

how to get e-signature


At first, electronic signatures for individuals were used extremely rarely. It found its application in the automation and simplification of various business processes, therefore legal entities have long appreciated the convenience of EDS. Over time, the scope of EDS has expanded, and now any citizen of the Russian Federation can become the owner of such a signature. Why do I need a digital signature for an individual? It will allow you to solve a number of problems and work with multiple platforms.

First of all, its use simplifies the use of public services on the portal "State Services" and other state and municipal sites. A citizen gets the opportunity to change and apply for a passport, both Russian and foreign; register at the place of stay and place of residence, open an LLC and individual entrepreneur, send tax returns online, receive a TIN, order certificates of arrears to the Federal Tax Service.

Using an electronic digital signature for an individual at Gosuslugi, one can monitor the progress of enforcement proceedings, register or deregistrate motor vehicles, receive information on traffic police fines, and check your personal account with a pension fund. This is only part of the functions available on the portal using electronic digital signature.


  • With the help of EDS you can participate in public Russian initiatives.
  • On the website of the Federal Tax Service, an individual gets the opportunity to use the personal account of the taxpayer.
  • Using an electronic signature will allow you to send documents for admission to higher education.
  • For individuals, EDS will accelerate the process of going through the online lending process.
  • For those who are accredited as an expert on the FSIS Rosaccreditation website, an electronic signature will be a prerequisite.
  • EDS will allow an individual to send documents for obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur.
  • An individual entrepreneur is also considered an individual. An electronic signature will be required to participate in deliveries to government agencies.
  • Using an electronic signature, you can send documents for a patent.
    what is e-signature

How to get the?

EDS provides a number of advantages, so how do you get it? First of all, you need to fill out an electronic application on the website of the certification center. The manager of the CA will process the application and send the necessary instructions to the email you specified. The following documents will need to be prepared:

  • A statement in which you express a desire to receive an electronic digital signature.
  • INN
  • SNILS.
  • Passport.

For individual entrepreneurs

For individual entrepreneurs, this list must be supplemented by a certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs and an extract from the EGRIP.

Digital signature for an individual usually takes one business day, however, relevant information must be checked in the selected certification center.

Certification Authority reserves the right to require additional documents. If necessary, a complete list will be sent by e-mail.

electronic digital signature for individuals

Signature Types

There are three types of electronic signatures for individuals. The scope of each of them is different.

A simple electronic digital signature allows, through the use of passwords, codes and other means, to confirm that the document is generated and signed by a specific person. A simple electronic signature can be used to submit documents to the arbitration court, for internal and external document circulation, for document circulation with other individuals. Each document certified by such a signature has the same legal force as a paper analogue. Using this signature, you can fully use the functions of the State Services portal, but it is not suitable for submitting declarations to regulatory authorities (PFR, Federal Tax Service, FSS) and for participating in electronic biddings.

An enhanced digital signature for an individual (unskilled) works on the principle of cryptographic data conversion. The work uses the private key of the signature. This digital signature allows not only to determine the identity of the person who signed the document, but also to detect the fact of a change in the document after the moment of signing.

The third type is an enhanced qualified electronic signature. It differs from unskilled in a higher degree of protection. All cryptographic tools for creating and verifying such a digital signature are certified by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Certificates of enhanced qualified electronic signatures can only be obtained at accredited certification centers.

About legal force

Some people fear that an electronic signature document is not a real document. However, according to Federal Law No. 63 β€œOn Electronic Signatures”, such a document certified with an enhanced or simple digital signature is equivalent to a similar document certified with a handwritten signature on paper. Nevertheless, there is a condition: participants in electronic interaction must first conclude an agreement.

But what about an enhanced qualified signature? Such a digital signature is an analogue of not only a handwritten signature, but also print on paper. Controlling authorities (FSS, PFR, FTS) legal force is assigned only to documents certified with the help of an enhanced qualified digital signature.

digital signature verification

Which certificate to choose?

There are various types of electronic signatures, and, therefore, certificates. Participants in the electronic transfer of documents have the right to use any digital signatures, at their discretion and prior agreement, unless otherwise specified by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary to choose one or another type of digital signature depending on the specific tasks that it has to perform. For example, a simple unqualified signature will be sufficient for working with the State Services portal, but an enhanced qualified electronic signature will be required to transmit reports to regulatory authorities.

It will also be required if the task of electronic document management between corporations is set. In a word, if only confirmation of the identity of the owner who has signed is required - a simple digital signature is enough. If confirmation of authorship is not only necessary, but also protection against changes and document integrity control, a qualified electronic signature will be required.

Directly depends on the tasks performed and the price of the certificate. Of course, an enhanced qualified digital signature can solve many problems, but it is much more expensive than others. Sometimes there are situations where even such a signature cannot help. For example, some electronic document management operators have rules for accepting certificates, according to which they work only with digital signatures issued by their certification centers. That is why, before issuing a signature, it is necessary to clearly indicate its purpose.

digital signature for a public service individual

Registration through the MFC

Since 2017, it has become possible to issue an electronic signature key in multifunctional centers throughout the country. This is convenient, because you can not go to a certification center, but use the services of the MFC at the place of residence, however, the process of obtaining an EDS will increase and will amount to ten working days from the date of application.

What is the cost of a digital signature for an individual? It all depends on its purpose. For example, the cost of an electronic digital signature, which allows you to fully use the "State Services" portal, starts at 500 rubles. This simple digital signature is not suitable for bidding or submitting reports to regulatory authorities, issued exclusively to individuals.

EDS is free

Obtaining an absolutely free electronic digital signature is, of course, impossible. Nevertheless, some programs have built-in functions that allow you to establish the authorship of a document. One such program is Microsoft Outlook. The signature, which is usually placed at the end of the message, can be copied in a few seconds. Microsoft Outlook offers the ability to digitally sign all emails. Thus, the recipient of the message can always be sure that he receives messages from the holder of the digital identity used in the certification. This practically negates the possibility of falsification of messages.

enhanced digital signature for an individual

To digitally sign a message, in the message window, click on the "Settings" tab, from there go to the "Resolution" group and click the "Sign message" button. If this button is missing, there is another option. In the message box, select "Options", go to the "Advanced Options" group. In the lower right corner, a dialog box field will be launched. In it, you need to click on the item "Security Settings", find the line "Add a digital signature to the message" and check the box on this parameter. Then click "OK" and close the window.

You can configure the program so that it will sign messages digitally automatically. To do this, select the "Options" item in the "File" tab, and then click on the "Security Control Center" menu. Next, select the "Trust Center Settings" section.

In this menu, find the "Email Protection" item and go to the "Encrypted Mail" group. Here you need to check the box "Add a digital signature to outgoing messages."


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