Consequences of Addiction

Addiction is an incredibly serious illness that can lead to death. It is only a pity that the addicts themselves do not understand this, or, perhaps, simply do not want to understand it. And when “enlightenment” comes, it is already too late to live, study, do interesting things, love, create a friendly family and give birth to healthy children. In Russia, 140 thousand people are officially registered in drug treatment clinics, of which 11 thousand are children and adolescents. However, these figures cannot give a complete picture of the number of drug addicts, because only those who do it voluntarily are registered, and this is approximately every 30th drug addict. So count how many people in our society are ill with drugs!

The consequences of drug addiction primarily affect the health of a drug addict. Many organs of the human body suffer from taking drugs - the brain, as well as the heart and liver. As a result of taking stupefying substances, the psyche is disturbed, impotence occurs, the addict will never be able to give the world healthy offspring, the probability of having children with genetic disorders and deformities of drug addicts is almost 100%!

Diseases of drug addicts - HIV and hepatitis C, they are observed in 90% of addicts. Infectious diseases addicts suffer very hard (due to reduced immunity), so even the usual ARI can turn into torture for them. After two years of drug use in humans, inflammation of the heart begins, which leads to blockage of blood vessels. Myocarditis, arrhythmia, problems with veins - this is far from a complete bouquet of illnesses of a drug addict. The consequences of drug addiction for others are no less deplorable. There are cases when parents of drug addicts died of a stroke, heart attack, or even at the hands of their beloved child. After all, the drug addict “stoned” becomes not like a person, the goal looms before him: to get a new dose, no matter which way. There is statistics that one addict during his short life (half of addicts die after six months of regular drug use and only 1% live up to the age of 40) manages to add another 7-10 people to drugs.

Why is drug addiction so widespread, don’t people understand what they are doing when taking drugs, don’t they know what the consequences of addiction are? The fact is that this addiction has another side - the drug business, it is profitable for those who sell drugs so that more and more people get on the needle. Notice the drug dealers themselves do not use drugs! The first dose to a potential addict is always given free of charge, and the offer to "try" is accompanied by numerous promises of fabulous sensations, the possibility of visiting a different reality and disconnecting from problems for a while. But as soon as a person was hooked, became addicted, free cheese, which happens only in a mousetrap, is immediately taken away and required for the next dose a certain, quite large amount. That is why the victims of drug traffickers are most often young people from wealthy families. Those who are no longer able to raise money by legal means, are doing their best.

Statistics confirm that it is worth ridding some region of drug addiction, as the number of crimes is immediately reduced: theft, robbery and prostitution. The consequences of drug addiction often lead a person to jail and it does not have to be the addict himself - it can be a person who, out of ignorance, has fallen for the bait of acquaintances. Often, such people go through the articles of drug possession, drug addiction, cultivation of drug-containing plants.

There is an opinion that drugs are divided according to severity, for example, marijuana is classified as lung, and heavy - cocaine, heroin and "white Chinese." However, such a unit is hardly appropriate, the consequence of drugs, regardless of their type and class, is always the same - a serious violation of health (physical and mental) and often death!


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