What is smokey? Translation of smoky and smokie

Words from the English language today are becoming increasingly commonplace for us, and we are able to forget their original meaning. To avoid this, you need to understand the origin and all possible meanings of such terms. Let's find out what “smokeys” are, because this word in the original has three spelling options, and there are many more ways to translate. It’s worth sorting out all this confusion.

What is meant by smoky

From a grammatical point of view, the most correct spelling of this term is smoky. The word “smokey” has quite a lot of meanings, and when translated into Russian, it can appear as an adjective (smoky, smoky, for Americans - foggy), and communion (smoky, smoky).

In fact, this term can be called all descriptions of persons or objects associated with smoke and its consequences (smoking, smoke).

smoky and smokie

Also, American slang teases black people in this way, and in Scotland they call an appetizer of smoked fish of the cod family.

Sometimes the word "smokey" refers to a cat of gray color, without stripes. This is a typical shorthair British breed.

what is smokey

Family ties smoky and smoke

Having understood what “smoky” means, you should find out about his relationship to the verb smoke (smoke, smoke). It is easy to guess that the first was formed from the second. And it happened a long time ago - at the beginning of the XIV century.

But the verb itself came from the Old English language, evolving from smoca. It is believed that it was originally borrowed from the ancient Greek (smykhein) and subsequently penetrated not only into British, but also German and Danish.

There is also an opinion that this word could be close to Armenian mux, which means “smoke” in translation.

When talking about the color "smokey", which is meant?

Sometimes, when reading English texts, you may come across the use of the word smoky as the name of the shade. Naturally, I want to know what color it is - smokey.

It’s not so difficult to guess, knowing the translation of the term.

Smokey color is what

As a rule, so-called "smoky" shades. This includes the entire palette of gray and light black tones.

Smoky and Smokey

Having understood what “smokeys” are and how the word was formed, it’s worth learning about the second way of writing it in English, namely Smokey.

The British often have the same term may look different (for example, the word "donut" - donut and donut), but at the same time its pronunciation and meaning will be exactly the same.

But smokey is not the case. The fact is that Smokey is always capitalized and means its own noun. Or rather, the name.

It became popular thanks to the famous propaganda character in the USA - the Smokey bear. By the way, after his appearance, they even began to call children, most often blacks. For example, the famous American musician and producer Smokey Robinson received just such a "smoky" name.

So let's remember: these two words have different meanings, although they sound identical.

Funny toddler teddy bear ranger

Considering what “smokeys” are, it’s worth a little more to dwell on the first carriers of this name - on the brown keeper of the forest from fires.

He appeared in the United States at the end of World War II. Already pretty "plucked, but not defeated" the Japanese finally tried to "put a pig" to American neighbors across the ocean. They had a popular strategy for launching incendiary bombs over a narrow zone of strong wind in the troposphere. So it was sent about nine thousand of these "packages of happiness." A tenth of them nevertheless reached the shores of the Land of Freedom, becoming the causes of forest fires, as the opponents expected.

To mobilize the public to fight them, a symbol was needed, and on August 9, 1944 it appeared. It was on this day that the first propaganda poster of the artist Albert Stele with a bear in jeans and a ranger hat named Smokey was published.

meaning of the word smokey

In future years, his popularity was constantly growing, especially among the children's audience for whom the song Smokey the Bear was written.

It is worth noting that this strategy turned out to be very effective in peacetime. Therefore, the bear became a legend, and even today he continues to teach fire safety from posters and videos.

Interestingly, he even had his own slogan: "Only you can prevent forest fires." True, in 2001 the word "forest" was replaced by "natural". Either in this way they expanded the potential responsibility of the audience, or over the past years the number of forests has significantly decreased and in this way the public is slowly preparing to accept this sad fact.

The terms smoky and smokie: what is the difference

The third and final way to write the term under study is Smokie. And again, only with a capital letter.

smokie band

Why? Yes, because this is the name of the popular British pop rock glam band Smokie. So if you come across a similar spelling with a small letter - this is a mistake.

Why such a name?

Initially, this team was called the same as the famous Smokey bear.

However, in 1975, the British sued Smokey Robinson, claiming that they violated his copyright. Logic, of course, is iron. It’s the same as if a girl named Alice were suing a group of Konstantin Kinchev.

But the British were seriously scared, and in order to resolve the conflict, they renamed the group to Smokie. And they did not fail, having gone down in history with such a grammatically incorrect name. But the winners are not judged.

VIA "Smokie" and his most famous songs

Perhaps for our generation (spoiled by the opportunity to listen to any musical compositions on the Internet), this group is not of particular importance. However, during the times of the USSR, they managed to do absolutely everything in short supply, even foreign songs and groups. Therefore, those of them who managed by some miracle to “break through” to the domestic listener became hits.

This happened with the music of the Smokie collective (translation and origin of the word in the previous paragraphs). Until now, our mothers and grandmothers are ready to let out a tear of nostalgia when they hear the songs: What can i do ?, Needles and pins, Living Next Door To Alice or Don't play your rock'n'roll to me.

However, besides them, the group released several hundred more songs, but it was these who managed to become hits and glorify it far beyond the foggy Albion.

Short story

For almost all the years of its existence, this team had a permanent composition. It included four members: vocalist and rhythm guitarist Chris Norman, solo guitarist Alan Silson, drummer Pete Spencer and bass player Terry Attley.

In a later period, the Smokey vocalist decided to create his own solo project, and after his departure, newcomer Alan Barton began to sing in the group . Unfortunately, in 1995, he died in a car accident, and Mike Kraft came in his place.

As for the appearance of VIA, the four of its founders were the children of ordinary British workers from Bradford. Therefore, musical skill was mastered on their own.

smokie translation

In 1965, they founded the Elizabethans group, but after 5 to 5 years of failure they renamed it Kindness.

The next four years, they were also not particularly lucky, and in order not to starve, they had to play in bars and at small small events. On one of these, famous producers Nicky Chinn and Mike Chapman noticed them. With their submission, the group was renamed Smokey and began to actively advance.

In 1975, along with the last two letters in the title, Smokie released their first album, Pass It Around, and soon became real stars.

Of course, they did not reach the level of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd or Sex Pistols, but becoming a cult world group of the second magnitude is also a very significant achievement.

What is smokey makeup

The term in question is also very often featured in the name of a popular way to make up eyes.

smoky eyes technique

So what is smokey ice? Translated from English, it is "eyes of a smoky color." This way to make up consists in emphasizing with the help of shades of gray and black shades of the aforementioned part of the body. And in this case, a feeling of carelessness, a sort of "haze" should be created. Perhaps that is why this name arose.

Sometimes this style is called "roaring", and in some ways it is close to the truth. After all, such a makeup resembles blurry shadows and mascara after their owner cried.

It is believed that smoky eyes was invented in the twenties of the last century, for the needs of silent films, to emphasize the drama of black and white heroines. Subsequently, he conquered the whole world and confidently does not give up his position to this day.

How to make such a make-up

In makeup, the smoky eyes technique is not particularly complex. The main thing in this business is moderation and taste.

Most of the instructions on how to make up your eyes this way are full of the names of various brushes, highlighters, eyeshadows, mascaras and the like. Very often this is also a hidden advertisement, designed to convince the gullible that the products of this particular brand and no other will help to create such a make-up.

In reality, everything is much simpler. To make smokey ice, you need to have good mascara, pencil (kayal) and shadows of the desired shade on hand. Preference should be given to the manufacturer you trust, regardless of its popularity. Moreover, it is desirable that in the set of shadows there should be several tones that are close in color at once - this will make it possible to give special ease.

As for the brushes, in this case they need two: one to apply evenly, the second to blend. The rest depends on your perseverance. Indeed, in order to master this simple science, you need to practice a little.

what is smokey ice

In what order is this makeup applied?

  1. The upper movable eyelid is shaded with a pencil and the slightly lower eyelid is brought in, and the mucous membrane is also carefully stained. Sometimes instead of a pencil, shadows are immediately applied.
  2. With a shading brush, you need to go around the edges, giving them a signature smokiness.
  3. Shades of the main shade are applied over the kayal.
  4. Using a feather brush, the borders of the “pattern” are neatly stained with a lighter tone to create a transition effect. This is done both above and below.
  5. Under the eyebrows and in the corners of the eyes you can slightly dye even brighter colors.
  6. Mascara is applied last. And everything is ready - you can go to delight your reflection in the mirror and decorate the world.

What shadows are acceptable to use

There is a lot of debate about exactly which tones can and should be used for smoky eyes makeup. Despite the opinions of conservatives who recognize only smoky colors (gray and black, as well as blue with a creak), it is worth recognizing that absolutely any. It can be either bed, oh, that is, pastel colors, or aggressive or neon shades.

The main thing is that you personally go to the chosen color and harmonize with the outfit and decor. But otherwise everything depends on you and your imagination, because beauty is a very relative concept. Therefore, everything that you do with your appearance should be liked first of all by yourself. So go for it!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33007/

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