Natural resin: types, properties, applications

In the chemical industry and household use, various types of resins are often found. They are used for cosmetic purposes, when repairing equipment, in pure form or as part of other elements. So what is natural resin?

Resin and its composition

Resin is a substance produced by certain types of plants. This is a complex chemical structure structure that hardens in contact with air and does not dissolve in water. But it melts perfectly in chemical solvents.

In appearance, natural resin is a solid substance with a different color. Depending on the tree, the resin can be either transparent or dark brown up to black. It is extracted from resinous tree species. Plants produce it in case of damage in order to protect a break or other wound resulting from mechanical damage.

In modern times, methods for the extraction of resin have not changed. As in ancient times, it is collected in forestry through special incisions. Ancient petrified natural resins are mined during the development of found deposits.

Many resin compounds have a strong woody smell, as its main composition contains complex acids, alcohols, phenols and essential oils.

drop of resin

Ancient use of resin

From the lessons of history, we know that only the Egyptians found the best use for resins. The results of their practical experiments we can still see in museums around the world. The natural odorous resin used by the ancient Egyptians was of importance along with incense. Resins were crushed and added to cosmetics, and complex compositions of oils and natural ingredients were created on their basis. Odorous ingredients are necessarily used in rituals of going to bed, water procedures.

Of particular importance were aromatic resins and incense for religious ceremonies. In the temples, on the orders of Ramses the Second, a person was to be on duty, who ensured that incense was smoked around the clock.

Egyptian doctors and chemists achieved particular success in the use of resins in medicine. It is, of course, about mummification. The secrets of these procedures have remained unsolved secrets. A completely unique formula was used for mixing various types of odorous resins. At first, natural ingredients were used, but then they were recognized as short-lived. When embalming the bodies began to use a complex mixture of resins, ash and animal fat.

Areas of use

Fresh or fossil natural resin is divided into several types depending on the scope of use: rosin, shellac, amber, and digging. These resins are most often used in the chemical industry for the manufacture of varnishes and building paints. And can also be used for the production of various types of glue, linoleum, sealing wax. Sometimes they are part of wax candles.

Natural resins, their properties and applications extend to many areas of human life. They are used for the preparation of soap, added to the composition of some cosmetic preparations, plasters. Due to the transparency properties, the resin is kneaded into compositions for the production of appliances or household items. In some cases, this ingredient is even added to chewing gum.

resin varnish

Resin Types

Characteristics and purpose of natural resins and their species has a clear classification. There are several popular types:

  • Akaroid. This resin is extracted from Australian trees. It has a yellow or red color and is used mainly in the manufacture of chemical coatings.
  • Dammar. This type of natural resin is obtained from the dammar tree, which grows on the islands of Java, Borneo and Sumatra. It is used for the production of transparent varnishes with increased resistance. Has an unpleasant pungent odor.
  • Another popular resin is rosin. This resin is very fragile in its characteristics. It becomes solid after volatile essential substances are removed from it. Rosin is widely used in the manufacture of varnishes and paints, but, as a rule, not in its pure form, but as part of other elements.
  • The next type of natural resin is kopal. They are mined mainly in African countries: Mozambique, Zanzibar, Angola. Kopal have high hardness, well resist high temperatures and chemically aggressive elements.
  • Shellac. Perhaps the only natural resin produced by insects that parasitize trees. Such a resin can be dark, light and even transparent. Insoluble in oils, other fats and gasoline. An interesting fact concerns the extraction of resin. Before removing from a tree, it is treated with hot water.

These are the properties of natural resins.

amber decoration


You can not ignore the natural fossil stone - amber. In modern society, this beauty has long acquired a status. Since school times, we know that amber is a semiprecious stone made from natural resin that hardened millions of years ago. He found his application mainly in jewelry and haberdashery, in the manufacture of jewelry. In small quantities, amber is used in pharmaceuticals, perfumes and cosmetology.

Natural amber is quite easy to determine from a fake according to several criteria. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the purity, brightness of the stone, as well as the presence of frozen air bubbles. Their presence suggests that this is not amber at all, but a crude fake.

digging a stone

Kopal - imitation of amber

We all love and admire the beauty of true amber. But those who do not understand well or do not understand gemology at all can make significant mistakes when buying, confusing natural amber with digging. And this is not surprising, because they are very similar.

Kopal is a natural fossil resin resembling amber, very hard, able to withstand high pressure and temperature. It is produced by legume trees and is mainly harvested in Mexico. Mexicans still use this resin as incense in various ceremonies. However, he dug himself, as a rule, does not have a pronounced taste and smell.

digging raw

It mainly served for the production of varnish, but with the development of the chemical industry, it practically lost its purpose.

Production of glue from improvised means

Adhesive based on natural resin is currently quite rare. However, if a situation arose when you need to make this substance from improvised materials, then you can not do without conifers.

For the production of glue you will need the resin of coniferous trees. And ordinary wood ash will also be required. The resin of each type of tree has its own consistency, so it is important to identify and find for yourself the one that will help you solve the problem.

Next, all the ingredients must be crushed. Melt the resin to a liquid consistency, add crushed ash and dry leaves to it. Mix everything thoroughly, boil. The slightly cooled mass can be divided into several parts and used as necessary.

Industrial glue production

The most common industrial glue is the good old PVA. It is made from synthetic resins and used in furniture production, in construction, in the manufacture of musical instruments. The glue holds its shape well. However, it has a significant drawback. After use, an elastic polymer film may form at the junction of parts. In this regard, it is not recommended to exert pressure on glued parts.

PVA has a viscous texture, which allows you to apply it in the required amount accurately with a brush, even on small parts. Glues have an acidic environment, so you need to carefully use them in iron compounds, as traces may remain.

For decorative, facing works, for gluing foam rubber, thick paper or even iron, other types of glue - dispersion glue - are used. The structure allows them to be used for cold and hot gluing. However, it must be borne in mind that the glue must be applied with a second layer with a slight drying of the first.


Synthetic resins

The structure of synthetic and natural resins, their characteristics and applications are different. And require a separate consideration.

Synthetic resins and their derivatives are widely used in modern industry for the production of insulating materials. Depending on the initial raw materials of its technical characteristics and production methods, resins are made in the form of binders, granular and liquid compositions. In this regard, they are conditionally divided into subspecies: for the manufacture of materials that are used ready-made and for the preparation of chemical compositions that will be used in the future.

Synthetic Resin Processing Technology

In the production of any materials, the main attention is paid to the characteristics of the source material, and specialists are already repelled from this. Synthetic resins are divided into thermosetting and thermoplastic.

Thermosetting resins under the action of various special compounds harden and irrevocably lose their original properties. If such substances are heated very much, they decompose.

A completely different situation occurs with thermoplastic resins. If they are heated, they turn into a viscous fluid mass and, when cooled, restore their true properties. They have the ability to dissolve under the influence of special compounds, which are determined by the qualities of the resin itself. As the mixtures acting on it evaporate, they restore their original characteristics.

synthetic resin pipes

The use of synthetic resins

Synthetic resin compounds came into use about a century ago and immediately replaced natural resins. Thus, mankind decided to protect itself from unforeseen circumstances such as resource depletion.

Today, synthetic resins have penetrated almost all spheres of life. They produce heating pipes, hot and cold water, sewer manholes. They found wide application in construction. Materials obtained on the basis of synthetic resins have excellent characteristics: they are not subject to high and low temperatures, they tolerate chemical influences. They are not afraid of any mechanical damage. In addition, synthetics get along well with water.

The most popular synthetic resin is vinyl. It is applied to various packaging, bottles and cans, ink is made from it. It dries well and does not fade with time.


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