Restorative hair mask

Luxurious strong hair is the dream of any woman and the pride of their owner. Lush curls attract the attention of the opposite sex, turn an ordinary beauty into a fairy queen. Healthy hair has long been considered the main attribute of female beauty. But nowadays, as a result of the pursuit of a slim figure and the observance of strict diets, hormonal changes in the body, stress and environmental problems, hair deprived of a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals first weakens, splits, and then dies prematurely. Our efforts to stain, straighten, bleach, and perms do not add health to curls. When the ends of the hair become split, and the number of hairs that fall out goes over the number 100 at a rate of 40-50 pieces, a regenerating hair mask comes to the rescue.

Girls who are accustomed to trust their appearance only to cosmetologists or trichologists, in this case, you need to contact a beauty salon to see a specialist. He will not only check the condition of the hair, but also prescribe effective procedures for their restoration. Today in the arsenal of trichologists are present: computer diagnostics and mesotherapy, biorevitalization and many nutritious restoring hair masks. However, such procedures are not cheap and are not designed for every wallet.

And how could our grandmothers manage without all this magnificence, having beautiful well-groomed hair? Folk hair masks helped to preserve their natural beauty: mixtures of burdock, linseed and castor oil, broth of nettle and other medicinal herbs, natural dairy products, egg, honey and onion masks. The healing effect of hair healing could be obtained from products in abundance in the kitchen. Surprisingly, these recipes work by caring for the hair of our contemporaries.

A restorative hair mask does not require the addition of outlandish overseas potions, and the amount of time for applying it is small. Masks designed to give shine are applied before washing to dry hair. In order for nutrients to penetrate more actively into the follicles and into the hair structure, we create a thermal effect by putting on a plastic cap and wrapping our head in a towel. After the procedure, wash off the remaining mask with warm water, then with a shampoo suitable for the type of hair, apply conditioner balm. We dry hair in a natural way, experts do not recommend using a hair dryer after a mask. In addition, you can significantly reduce the therapeutic effect of the procedure by high temperature.

One of the most common recipes for home treatment of "tired" hair, giving an ideal recovery result, includes the following components:

  • Chicken egg yolk (required ingredient) - 1 pc.;
  • natural honey - 1 tbsp;
  • burdock or olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • yogurt without additives or kefir - 1 tbsp;
  • garlic - 1 clove (wipe or crush).

This restoring hair mask can include in your composition for a greater effect and 1 tablespoon of the hair treatment product purchased at the cosmetic store. However, this ingredient is optional. Put the prepared mixture on the hair, put on a hat and wrap your head. The procedure is carried out within 45 minutes. A greater effect is manifested if the mask is kept for two hours. After washing your hair at the end of the procedure and rinsing it with an air conditioner, you can once again rinse your head with half a liter of cool water, diluted with juice 1/8 of a lemon. Such rinsing after treatment or regular washing helps to give the hair an amazing shine and silkiness. In addition, hair thanks to this tool becomes smooth and obedient.

Another restorative hair mask is suitable for their oily type. We get in the pharmacy tincture of calendula and castor oil. Mix in a homogeneous emulsion of 10 tbsp. tablespoons of tincture and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of purchased oil. Rub massage into the scalp with massage movements and also hold the mask for two hours. Improving hair and nourishing it with B vitamins and proteins will help masks from “live beer”. The hops included in the beer will restore a radiant, healthy glow to your hair.

Hair masks, restoring structure and nourishing roots, contain vegetable oils. For example, the Italian actress, the beautiful Monica Bellucci, after washing her hair with diluted shampoo, applies natural olive oil to her hair roots. Her luxurious well-groomed hair is admired by fans and connoisseurs of true female beauty.


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