Where is Wide Karamysh located?

If you carefully consider the map of the Saratov region, the village of Shirokiy Karamysh can be seen on the right side of the river of the same name Karamysh, not far from the place where it flows into another river - the Medveditsa.

The village is the center of Shirokokramyshevsky settlement, which also includes villages with interesting names Barsuchy, Paris Commune and the village of White Lake. It belongs to the Lysogorsky district.


The exact meaning of the word “karamysh” is not known. Some scholars suggest the connection of the word with the Turkic languages ​​in which it means "see the light or see the world." Others think that “karamysh” means “aged” in Turkic.

The first mention of this word in Russian annals dates back to 1410, Karamyshev was called the Novgorod boyar merchant.

It is believed that the name Shirokiy Karamysh comes from the name of the river on the banks of which the village was built. And the word "wide" means how the river floods in the spring.

Historical facts

The village of Shirokiy Karamysh dates back to 1723, but people settled in these places a very long time ago. Archaeologists have found mounds in which the Sarmatians buried their warriors - mounds date back 2.5 thousand years. In the vicinity were found household items, weapons that were owned by Slavic tribes.

The village of Shirokiy Karamysh on the river

Historians believe that the settlement arose in the 17th century, but did not have a status or even a name. The first mention of the village was recorded in the audit, which was carried out in 1743. At that time, the lands belonged to A. Naryshkin, and serfs lived in 127 yards. After 20 years in the village there are more than 300 yards owned by N. Razumovskaya, and 12 yards owned by K. Razumovsky.

How the village of Shirokiy Karamysh was first mentioned in documents of 1765 - which means that a church appeared in the settlement. The village was rich: by the 18th century, its own distillery, a shepherd, and a school appeared.

Before the 1917 revolution, more than a thousand men and almost 1300 women lived in 490 yards, a post office, a veterinary station, a feldsher dispensary, and a zemstvo school appeared. At this time, Wide Karamysh in the Saratov province belonged to Prince Kochubey. The peasants together owned 1,700 tithes and still rented a thousand acres, growing rye, wheat, millet, and oats. One can judge the wealth of the villagers by the fact that the horse was in every household. Most of the inhabitants were Orthodox, but about 300 people belonged to the Old Believers and went to their church.

The prosperous Karamyshites did not immediately accept the revolution, at first resisting the surplus appraisal. But since 1929, collective farms have appeared in the village. Then one collective farm was formed from collective farms.

During the Great Patriotic War, the majority of the male population went to the front; 202 people died.

Village today

Now the village of Shirokiy Karamysh in the Lysogorsky district of the Saratov region is an active locality with 1545 inhabitants.

The village has a school and a kindergarten, as well as its own hospital, post offices and Sberbank, the House of Culture, shops, a canteen. There is even a permanent local history exhibition. All this is located on 17 streets.

Wide Karamysh Saratov region

Agricultural products grown by the residents of the village of Shirokiy Karamysh are sent to their own fruit and vegetable canning factory. The plant opened in 1963, since carrots and pumpkins grew richly and fructified in the gardens of Karamyshevists, apple orchards gave a good harvest. In addition, an artesian spring was located right in the village. All this became the components of the successful operation of the plant, which still produces competitive quality products.

Geographical position

The village of Shirokiy Karamysh (Saratov Region) is located 68 km from Saratov - the center of the region.

The eastern part of the village is bordered by the Karamysh River, in the south in the floodplain of the Medveditsa and Karamysh rivers there are swampy forests, and in the north-eastern side of the village there is a dense deciduous forest of Chunak. The villages of Paris Commune, Barsuchiy from the center of Karamysh, are 4 km away, and the village of Beloe Ozero is 11 km away. The height of the village above sea level is 131 m.

Chunak Forest

Nearby is the village of Small Karamysh.


In the village of Shirokiy Karamysh, the most interesting for a traveler is the House of Culture. Once it was the Zemsky Church of the Archangel Michael, built at the expense of Prince Kochubey. It is dated 1826. In Soviet times, the dome was removed from the building, the bell tower was destroyed, but in general the structure was perfectly preserved.

It was this unique building that became the filming location of the film “Bread is a Noun,” the plot was the stories of the Saratov writer M. Alekseev.

There is a monument to V. Lenin in the village, residents pay special attention to the monument to those who died during the Great Patriotic and Civil Wars.

Fields of the village of Shirokiy Karamysh

Near the village of wide Karamysh there is a forest reserve Chunaki and White Lake - a natural monument.

How to get there

You can get to the village of Shirokiy Karamysh on two roads from Saratov.

If you go along the R-22 highway, you need to turn onto Old Krasavka or Dvoenka, through these settlements you can get to the village via local asphalt roads. The distance is small - 28-30 km.

You can choose the R-228 highway and turn right in the area of ​​the village and Ivanovo railway station.

Regular buses go to Shirokiy Karamysh from the regional and regional centers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33019/

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