Two-syllable words: definition, examples

Separation of words into syllables is necessary in order to learn to read, write correctly, correctly transfer and produce morphemic analysis. This knowledge is needed for those who are taking their first steps in learning the Russian language. The topic of the article is monosyllabic and bisyllabic words that small readers will encounter above all.

Syllabic Basics

How to determine how many syllables in a word? Their number is equal to the number of vowels, which differ in that they can stretch for a long time: aaaa, yaaaaaaaaaaaa. They are considered syllabic:

  • Crayfish - two vowels, two syllables (ra-ki).
  • A whale is one vowel, one syllable (whale).
  • Neck - two vowels, two syllables (she-i).

What becomes apparent from this example? A vowel sound can form a syllable on its own (sha) or group one or even several consonants around itself:

  • clay;
  • foliage;
  • swimmer.

Words in which there is only one vowel sound, we call monosyllabic:

  • scrap;
  • poppy;
  • table;
  • smoke;
  • crunch.

Examples are also presented in the picture below.

Monosyllabic and two-syllable words

And if there are two sounds? These are two-syllable words to which this article is devoted.

How to syllable

To do this correctly, you need to understand what types they are divided into. There are two of them. Syllables are:

  • open
  • closed.

Consider an example: for. Both syllables consist of consonant and vowel sounds, with the latter at the end. These syllables, as well as those in which consonants are not present at all, are called open.

two-syllable words, examples

Closed cases include the following:

  • The consonants are at the end of the words - cat, brain, stump.
  • Unpaired consonants, but always voiced (sonorous) [y '], [l], [n], [m], [p]) are in the middle - sai-gak, kol-khoz, sanki, frames, cursor.
  • The soft pairs [l '], [n'], [m '], [p'] are either in the middle or at the end of the word - melnik, horse-yak, seven-th, Dar-i.

We see that in the two-syllable words the listed consonants are adjacent to the first syllable.

Consider the following examples: co-eraser, mi-ska, mail, friend-friend. In what cases does the combination of consonants move to the second syllable? If in the middle of a word there are two deaf people nearby, a deaf person and a sonorous or two sonorous. In addition to sonor.

Monosyllabic and two-syllable words

Transfer Rules

It must be understood that the transfer is not always carried out in accordance with the phonetic syllable section. When does it absolutely not coincide?

  1. If the syllable consists of one vowel. You cannot leave one line or carry one letter. Example: o-drive. This is a two-syllable word, but it cannot be carried over.
  2. If there are dual consonants in the middle. Example: bath. We spelled the word according to the phonetic syllabus. It consists of two open syllables. But during the transfer, double consonants must be divided: van-on.
  3. If in the middle of the word there is an accumulation of consonants, then the transfer is possible in two versions: according to the phonetic syllable section and by separation of consonants. Example: heart, heart; friend-friend, friend-ba; creak, creak.

In other cases, the phonetic syllabus and word transfer are identical: ko-ra, gu-sar, pro-ba, city, brelok.

Two-syllable words: examples

Simple words, examples

We offer to complete the task proposed in the picture a little higher. Do it yourself, then check with our options.

Two-syllable words: se-no, lu-na, le-na, le-something, pi-horn, Se-na.

We give examples of various options, presenting them in a table:

Two open syllablesTwo closed syllablesMiddle consonantTwo sets of consonants
















brother wah

Among the two-syllable words, there are examples when two vowels have several consonants. Examples: penguin, brotherhood, childhood, portrait, easel. What will the phonetic syllabus look like in accordance with the rules?

Pin-Gwyn, brotherhood, childhood, por-tert, moth-bert.

How to transfer these words?

Penguin - pin-guin, ping-wines. Brotherhood is brotherhood. Childhood is childhood. Portrait - Port Ret. Easel - Moth-Bert.

We hope that the topic did not cause difficulties, and you can easily cope with any task.


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