Psychophysiological basis of the driver. Fundamentals of the psychophysiology of driver work

Coming to driving courses, not everyone is ready for the fact that, in addition to learning the rules of behavior on the road, he will have to study the psychophysiological foundations of the driver. But these issues are no less important than the mastery of car control. After all, these classes will help to know yourself and your own emotional state, which will help not only behind the wheel of a car, but also in later life.

Psychophysiology of the driver

The psychophysiological basis of the driver’s activity is the driver’s perception of the environment, reactions, attentiveness, perception, operational thinking.

psychophysiological basics of driver activity

Sensations - as one of the psychophysiological aspects - are manifested in the reflection in the driver’s mind of individual phenomena and properties of objects affecting his senses. Thus, they distinguish: auditory, motor, visual, skin, vibration and olfactory reactions.

Perception is the management of the senses, an accurate assessment of spatial relationships, the speed of information processing.

The psychomotor reaction is manifested in the speed and accuracy of the driver's response to critical situations. Identification of precise psychomotor coordination of movements.

Mindfulness is manifested in the ability to quickly switch your attention from one subject to another and evaluate them in a complex.

An emotional-volitional reaction is stress resistance, a high level of such qualities as: self-control, perseverance, determination.

Operational thinking is manifested in assessing the road situation, making quick and adequate decisions, and the ability to predict the situation.

psychophysiological fundamentals of driver activity program

For the driver, physical training, technical knowledge, and especially psychophysiological, are important. The driver's activities are given special attention in matters of psychology; it is impossible to ignore the study of these points. Of course, the driver’s driving skills are acquired with experience and the passage of time, but the fact that a person has certain character traits determines his psychological readiness for hard work, such as driving a car.

Psychophysiological basis of the driver. Ethical Education Program

The ethical foundations of the driver’s profession are compliance with the rules of the road, the ability to use them in various situations, strictly observe them, showing respect for other drivers and pedestrians. Thus, the character traits of a person very often manifest themselves in behavior on the road.

features of the psychophysiological activity of the driver

There are features of the psychophysiological activity of the driver on the road:

  • The driver must respect the pedestrian, letting him pass. This is especially important at unregulated intersections and when cornering. You should never forget that every driver is periodically a pedestrian, as are his relatives and children.
  • Do not blind colleagues with high beams. Every driver knows how unpleasant and dangerous it is when an oncoming or overtaking car dazzles with headlights.
  • Do not arrange races and obstruct the passage of another car, even if the driver is in a hurry, give way to him without creating an emergency on the road.
  • No need to fidget on the road, moving from one lane to another, just follow the rules of the road, warning other drivers about upcoming maneuvers.
  • If you see that the car is in a difficult situation and stands on the side of the road, do not pass by.
  • When preparing to park your car, you don’t need to think only about your own comfort, taking up more places than reserved for one car, or blocking the exit for another.

Driver care

The concept of “mindfulness” defines the ability of the driver to focus on the hazard object, quickly review and assess the current situation as a whole. At low and medium speeds, the driver can easily evaluate dozens of surrounding situations and objects. A very important quality for the driver is the ability to focus on the most important object or emergency and quickly decide on the most comfortable avoiding it or causing minimal harm, as well as the ability to predict the possible course of events.

psychophysiological basics of driver activity tests

The driver’s attention can be either scattered or distributed. In standard and non-hazardous situations, the driver's attention is distributed. He can calmly evaluate the environment along the way. Focused attention appears when a dangerous situation arises. The driver focuses all his attention on only one object or situation.

Driver Response Speed

Perhaps the most important psychophysiological basis for driver activity is quick reactions. Since it is not enough to notice, evaluate and predict the situation, it is very important to respond quickly so that the decision is embodied in action and fulfills its main purpose - the elimination of an emergency or potentially dangerous situation.

From a scientific point of view, the reaction is divided into three stages: assessing the situation, making an informed decision, and performing operational actions. The faster this chain occurs in the driver’s mind, the faster his reaction to the current situation is manifested. Thus, it can be determined that the skill of the driver is approximately 70% dependent on the ability to react quickly, since the time allotted for decision-making is sometimes calculated even in a shorter time interval than seconds.

The basis of driver communication efficiency

the basics of the psychophysiology of driver work

In any driving school, they will teach not only driving techniques, but also the basics of communication efficiency. Such UMKD "Psychophysiological basis of the driver" is required to pass and is important. It is divided into several different sections and topics. Among them:

  • Psychophysiological basis of the driver.
  • Cognitive functions of the perception system.
  • Ethical norms and rules.
  • Emotional state, conflict prevention.

Emotional condition

Perhaps this is one of the most important sections of driver psychology. In a driving school, classes on this topic will be held, on which, with the help of a teacher and fellow students, small dramatizations of possible conflict situations on the road will be made, using aggression from the interlocutor. A teacher-psychologist will certainly help and teach you how to get out of these situations correctly with minimal losses for your psycho-emotional state. It will also explain with examples how this or that situation can be dangerous and how to avoid its negative development.

Driver physical training

For the driver, playing sports is just as important as for any other person. For example, with various types of breakdowns, physical strength may be needed to eliminate them. In addition, it is very important to train your coordination and reactions, which are sure to be useful on the road and can even save someone's life. Very useful for the driver will be sports or games that involve a high level of concentration, the presence of a certain reaction rate , training of peripheral and central vision, as well as coordination of movements. This will help: tennis and tennis, sports, skiing, rowing, swimming, ice skating, paintball and the like.

Driver safety

Not only the driver’s ability to cope with the situation on the road, but his experience can be decisive in a dangerous situation. At the end of the course “Psychophysiological Basics of the Driver's Activity”, the tests offered to you for passing will help determine your psychological readiness to be on the road as a driver.

UMKD psychophysiological foundations of the driver

Also, simple safety rules regarding the physical condition of a person should not be neglected. If the driver feels unwell or discomfort in his own body, it is necessary to stop and pay attention to his state of health, in order to avoid sudden attacks, accidents and death. And also do not ignore the body's need for quenching thirst, as recent studies have shown that dehydration corresponds to a state of intoxication. Do not ignore the need for rest or physical activity. If your limbs or muscles become numb and tired, you need to stop and stretch a little. These actions will help prevent accidents and human casualties on the road.

The fundamentals of the psychophysiology of driver labor are not difficult to understand and implement. Each correctly made movement and observance of traffic rules saves not only your own life, but also passengers sitting nearby, as well as pedestrians and other drivers.


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