Hair dye "Garnier. Sandy beach": number, description, reviews

A wonderful shade has appeared in the arsenal of the famous French brand. This is “Garnier 8.1. Sandy shore". Now the fashionable design - ombre - is easy to get at home. Those who struggle with yellowness after staining will also like this shade. The fact is that anti-yellow pigment is added to it. And since this is the paint of the eighth tone, then its amount is sufficient.

In this case, the paint belongs to the category of persistent, that is, it has a fairly strong oxidizing agent. And this means that the hair becomes porous in length, the pigment begins to be washed out of them and they lighten. This side effect can be used to tint and create an ombre design.

Customer reviews

When the paint “Garnier. Sandy beach, customer reviews were mixed. Some complained of a dirty gray tint that appeared after staining. Porous, almost white strands turned blue. True, this shade was washed off quickly. But after this yellowness appeared. In general, paint was initially considered unsuccessful.

Natural hair base

Fortunately, hairdressers drew attention to this shade. Professionals do not use the color description that manufacturers give. They are attracted by the number that is assigned to the paint according to the international classification. In this case, it is 8.1 - the latest of light shades. This is indicated by the eight. When stained, tone 8.1 does not yellowness, this can be seen by one after eight - this is the name for the ashen shade.

The popularity of paint "Garnier", the color "Sandy beach"

In fact, it is a gorgeous color. A deep shade of wet sand that glistens in the sun. At the ends of the strand a little lighter - this is the color of dried sand. To achieve a sandy effect, the master will have to try. But some have such hair by nature. If they were even a little darker, they would no longer be classified as light. This is a borderline color between blond and blond.

Light brown hair burnt out in the sun

Fashion for him appeared recently, with the statement of naturalness in everything. Stylists no longer recommend dyeing hair in a monophonic range, preferring the effect of sunburned hair. This effect is called "ombre", and it is achieved by coloring the strands on strips with foil using three shades.

But why such difficulties, if you can just buy paint “Garnier. Sandy shore ”and once a month to stain the roots?

Why monthly staining is better

Who often dyes hair on their own knows: the paint is washed off over time. The more gentle the composition, the faster it will be necessary to update the color. This is especially familiar to blondes: washing the pigment brings unwanted yellowness, and the regrown roots begin to differ from the hair sheet. How to choose a paint that would smooth this border?

Regrowth roots

Professionals advise not to delay the next staining, even if in appearance it is still imperceptible. The fact is that hair grows pretty quickly. An average of one centimeter grows per month. The young hair shaft dyes faster and does not require a high percentage of oxidant. This helps to keep hair in good condition, grow length and even create the effect of a natural blonde. To do this, you can use resistant paint “Garnier. Color Neutrals. "

But it’s worth it to be late with a trip to the hairdresser, and now the hair quietly grows by two or three centimeters. By the way, in summer they grow faster than in winter. And for holiday worries it is easy to lose sight of this. The sun, sea water and frequent washing with shampoo intensely destroy the hair pigment - both natural and natural. The hair at the ends begin to burn out, break off and create a fluffy halo around the head.

Who is this paint suitable for?

Many European women, who were blondes in childhood, become ashen brown-haired with age. This is a natural process. It is due to a higher concentration of pigment in the hair shaft. But not everyone can come to terms with the “mouse” color. Hair dyes are bought, the struggle begins to eliminate yellow shades, to smooth out the border of overgrown roots, to maintain the health of colored hair ...

Natural sandy hair color

Everything is simpler if you stop the choice not on bright platinum tones, but on a color that does not require the use of a strong oxidizing agent and at the same time it is painted in a light tone. This is a shade of “Garnier. Sandy shore".

If the natural tone of hair is from the sixth to the eighth tone, then under the influence of an oxidizing agent, the so-called lightening base will appear - these are the same yellow-orange shades that hairdressers neutralize with blue-violet mixtons. Usually they are added to professional paints in the preparation of the coloring mixture. But anti-yellow pigment has already been added to this paint, so there is no need to worry about it.

How to dye your hair

With the paint “Garnier. Sandy shore ”a certain procedure should be followed. If this is the primary staining along the entire length, then to get the desired effect, the hair is first bleached, and then the fabric is stained, retreating a centimeter from the roots. After half an hour, a new portion of paint is diluted and the roots are stained. If the natural hair base is from six to eight, then preliminary clarification is not required.

Garnier Sandy Beach

When staining the roots, grown by one centimeter, they simply paint on them. After that, you should not stretch the paint along the length; there are other ways to refresh the color. If the hair of the industry is more than a centimeter, after coloring, the effect of discolored roots will appear - the hair at the scalp will appear white. To prevent this from happening, you should color the strands on time.

How is the ombre effect created?

Permanent staining of the roots with resistant paint, which is “Garnier. Sandy shore ”, involves tinting the hair canvas to refresh the color. But not the same coloring compound. In order not to spoil the hair shaft with regular exposure to the oxidizing agent, there are special tinting agents. They are called ammonia-free for a small percentage of substances that allow the pigment to penetrate the hair cortex.

The Garnier system has such a line. She is called Olia. To preserve the ashy shade, use the number 8.13 "Cream Pearl". This is an oil paint, caring and tinting hair in a beautiful ash color. It is gradually washed off, but until the next staining of the roots it is enough. If desired, you can use shampoo to preserve color and make masks.

Sand ombre

An interesting effect will be provided by tinting with a shade of 10.1 - an ombre effect is obtained. And for this you do not need to lighten hair to level 10, at the ends they themselves will eventually acquire it due to porosity and leaching of the pigment. But the oil, which contains tinting paint, will beneficially affect their condition.


It is possible to paint over gray hair with 8.1 resistant paint, with constant coloring an interesting ombre effect is created, after it there is no yellowness. Of course, porous hair should be properly looked after. But with the use of the shade “Pechany coast” it has become easier to do. That's why women love him so much.


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