Hair transplantation on a beard: method description, implementation technique, features, reviews

Recently, an increasing number of men have grown a beard, considering this a fashionable trend. Also, some representatives of the stronger sex with a beard effectively hide aesthetic flaws on the face, namely ugly scars, scars, the effects of acne and post-acne in youth. But not every man has enough facial hair to grow beautiful hair.

Then the question arises before him about a hair transplant on a beard. The procedure is carried out in private medical centers and is done at the request of the client. Consider what methods exist, if there are contraindications to the procedure, how transplantation, rehabilitation, and reviews occur.

Beard in men - a fashion trend or evolutionary necessity?

The consequences of a hair transplant on a beard

Currently, a beard is considered an integral attribute of a modern man. It is not easy to grow it for some representatives of the stronger sex, since not everyone's hair grows evenly, and besides, they can differ in density.

Recently, Australian psychologists conducted a study among women on the attractiveness of men. They alternately showed photos of the stronger sex with a beard (of different thicknesses and lengths) and without, and women evaluated them by attractiveness, as well as the hypothetical ability to be a good parent. The results of the study showed that the vast majority of women chose men with a beard, while the hair should be moderate in thickness and length.

Scientists noted that it is a manโ€™s beard that indicates that he is already quite mature and ready to become a responsible parent.

Features and indications for the procedure

Hair transplant on a beard

There is no direct indication for a hair transplant on a beard, it is carried out exclusively at the request of a man who wants to slightly modify or radically change his appearance in this way.

There are a number of reasons when you can not do without a transplant procedure, namely:

  • hereditary predisposition to small facial hair;
  • scars, scars or burns that remain on the face after surgery;
  • hair grows unevenly, which may be due to disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

Most often, transplantation is carried out for aesthetic reasons, although it will be useful to identify a possible cause of uneven growth or lack of vegetation on the beard.

Transplant methods

Hair transplant cost to beard

Hair transplantation by men on a beard can be carried out by different methods, which differ in price, and also have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Transplant methods:

  1. FUT (follicular unit transplant). Popularly, this technique is called patchwork, which involves transplanting hair from the back of the head to the beard. The advantages of the procedure are its low cost (up to 115 thousand rubles), and hair follicles are minimally damaged. Among the shortcomings can be noted the possible formation of scars and scars at the transplant site, as well as a rather long and painful rehabilitation period in the occipital zone.
  2. FUE (Seamless Hair Transplant Method). Grafts, that is, hairs, are also taken from the occipital area, but with the help of a special needle. The advantages of the method are that there are no scars and scars after the procedure, the recovery period is minimal and painless, and the follicular joints can be used not only from the back of the head (in case of a small amount), but also from the legs, chest or groin. The disadvantages include the high duration of the procedure, rehabilitation up to six months and a high cost (up to 200 thousand rubles).
  3. HFE (follicular associations are extracted manually). The hair follicles are removed and implanted into the transplant area using a special needle. The advantages of this modern operation for transplanting hair to a beard is the fastest recovery (up to 14 days), you can take hair from any zone. The pluses include the absence of scars, scars and side effects, as well as the natural look of a beard. The only disadvantages include the cost - up to 400 thousand rubles.

The price of a transplant depends not only on the methodology, but also on the clinic, the region of its location and the qualifications of the specialist who will perform the manipulation. When transplanting, you should be guided not only by the price, but by the desired result that the client expects to receive.

Stages of hair transplant procedure from head to beard

Beard hair transplant reviews

Hair transplantation, regardless of the chosen technique, occurs in stages.


  1. Training. Before a transplant, a man must take tests (blood, urine), as well as an analysis for HIV, blood coagulation and Rh factor. A few days before the manipulation, medication and alcohol are stopped.
  2. Transplantation and implantation. Hair transplantation into the beard area is performed under local anesthesia. The area where the hair will be taken from is scanned and the most healthy hairs are selected. Implantation takes place with the help of an implant pen. The tool makes a groove in the beard and fill it with grafts (hair follicles).
  3. Rehabilitation. The recovery period and its features depend on the chosen transplant method. It can last up to 14 days to six months. In order to avoid side effects or negative consequences, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations.


Most often, when transplanting hair to a manโ€™s beard, itโ€™s not so much the question of how the procedure will go, namely rehabilitation and its features after manipulation.

Beard extension is a less traumatic and painless (taking into account local anesthetics) procedure. The size of the extracted hair follicles (grafts) is too small to leave ugly scars and scars in the transplant area, in the donor area, that is, the one from which the hair was taken.

The occipital zone (donor) returns to normal on average in a week. There are special tools and ointments that contribute to the speedy healing. Activation of hair growth on the beard after transplantation occurs with the intake of vitamins and dietary correction.


How is a hair transplant performed on a beard?

Hair transplantation on a beard, although carried out at the request of a man, but not every representative of the stronger sex can be performed. There are a number of contraindications when it is better to refuse hair transplantation.

Transplant contraindications:

  • on the donor site or in the area where the hairs will be implanted, there are purulent rashes or the inflammatory process is actively ongoing;
  • allergy to the use of anesthetics;
  • blood disease (primarily its poor coagulability);
  • age up to 25 years (at this age, a beard can still grow, and intervention can lead to irreversible consequences);
  • diabetes;
  • unstable psycho-emotional state of a man (when he himself is inclined to pulling his hair out on himself, without controlling this process);
  • no healthy donor bulbs needed for transplanting;
  • acute chronic diseases or oncology.

Hair transplant on a beard: reviews

Hair transplant methods for a beard

Men note that the procedure is generally painless, the rehabilitation period does not last long. But immediately after the manipulation, the hairs are slightly different, this was noted in the reviews by those who did transplantation of not the entire area of โ€‹โ€‹the beard, but only part of it. But after a couple of months, the hairline on the beard became even and the same, and there is no difference between her and the implanted hairs. Transplant specialists note that implanted hairs need to go through the process of "adapting to a new place of residence."

Many men note that after the hair bulbs are transplanted to the beard, there are no traces at all, but the beard grows and thickens gradually. There are those representatives of the stronger sex who do hair transplantation not because of fashion, but in connection with the aesthetic component. In reviews, the stronger sex often notes that not all scars adorn a man, so transplantation is sometimes the only and effective method. The same goes for the ugly effects of acne in youth. Men grow a beard in the hope of concealing defects on the skin.

Should I rush to a transplant or can I wait?

Hair transplant from nape to beard

In an average man, the formation of facial vegetation ends by 26-28 years. Up to this age, hair transplantation is not recommended, as the hair on the beard can still grow. If you intervene in the natural process, there may be a risk of side effects.

If the man is 28+, and the beard has not grown, the hope that the vegetation appears is minimal. In this case, a transplant is indispensable. Also, transplant doctors do not indicate at what age a transplant can be done for men. It all depends on the physical form, the presence of chronic diseases that may become contraindications, as well as the condition of the skin and hair in the donor and implantable area.


Those who did a hair transplant on a beard note that the procedure is painless and generally well tolerated. The main thing here is to choose the right technique and specialist for transplantation. In any case, the choice is individual.

According to reviews, most men regard a beard as a symbol of status, but there are also those who hide ugly scars, scars, or the effects of acne.


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