Agricultural machine for cleaning and sorting grain

Without agriculture, it is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person. This sector in the economy supplies other components of industry with foodstuffs and other raw materials. In order for agricultural products to be stored for a long time, it is necessary to create acceptable conditions, also to carry out threshing correctly, for which use machines to clean grain from impurities.

grain cleaning machine

Grain cleaning machine

Grain-cleaning machine - an agricultural unit that performs seed cleaning, as well as its sorting according to various characteristics, sizes, roughness, density and color.

The principle of operation is based on:

  • aerodynamics properties;
  • size;
  • density, shape, surface condition of seeds;
  • their elasticity, color and electrophysical properties.

The grain cleaning machine is capable of:

  • clean the seeds with air flow;
  • divide the grains, depending on size, on the grates;
  • thresh with an air stream;
  • divide the seeds along the length into triremes;
  • clean and sort grains by density;
  • Separate the seed in appearance using cameras and engineers.

Grain cleaning

The most important indicator of seed quality is cleanliness. When harvesting, impurities of other crops may also come across. Be sure to clean the grain after harvesting .

What are the impurities and purification goals?

Grain cleaning is carried out from three types of impurities:

  1. Cereal. It includes: damaged, sprouted, punctured and crushed grains.
  2. Weedy. It is represented by: lumps of earth, sand, slag, foliage, stems, seeds of wild weeds, pests.
  3. Harmful. It represents a huge danger to animals and humans. Poisonous plants belong to it.

Also, there are still impurities separable and difficult to separate. The first can be removed using traditional methods, and the second - using special equipment.

grain pre-treatment machines

If the machine for cleaning grain is correctly adjusted, then in the fields you can remove light organic impurities from the seeds as much as possible. And when areas are clogged with weeds, the grain is cleaned after harvesting. Moldy, crushed seeds are also subject to removal. Necessarily the mixture is divided into fractions:

  • seed of the first grade;
  • grain of the second grade;
  • large impurities;
  • small waste.

This fractionation process is called separation.

Calculation of grain cleaning

The calculation is carried out using a variety of formulas. The technique itself is described in the instructions for maintaining records and processing operations with grain. According to this document, the calculation is carried out when the grain is deposited and displayed in the warehouse documents. If re-registration occurs (after grain refinement), then the estimated mass is not calculated. This mass is used for various types of cash settlements, as well as for purchases with a pledge.

So what is the credited (estimated) weight of the grain? This indicator denotes the physical mass of the grain crop, which is reduced by the calculated value of the weight of the deviations to the conditions of moisture and impurities in the seed. The formula for the estimated mass:

Test mass = physical mass - physical mass * (percentage reduction of impurities + percentage reduction of moisture) / 100)

Calculation according to this formula occurs only if the grain requires some kind of refinement. When drying and cleaning of grain is done, the weight is reduced by the amount of loss of moisture and impurities. All processes and activities should be necessary.

How to boost the economy when cleaning grain

Seeds are supplied to the current, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts so that the entire volume is sold at a decent price. How can this be achieved and how to fix it so that costs do not exceed profits?

  • First of all, grain is separated from garbage and waste.
  • Then the drying process should be normalized and not harm the seeds.
  • There is a separation of the grain mass into various fractions, varieties and classes.
  • And, as the last step, you need to protect the grain from technological clogging.

An agricultural machine for cleaning and sorting grain will help to cope in the first and third stages.

agricultural grain cleaning machine

Systematization of grain cleaning machines

Grain cleaning machines are classified:

  1. By appointment: general and special. General purpose machines are used in primary and secondary cleaning, sorting. Special purpose machines are used for auxiliary and special seed treatment.
  2. According to the principle of operation and the composition of the working structures of general-purpose machines: air-sieve, air, indented and air-sieve-indented.
  3. By the method of movement: stationary and mobile.

Grain cleaning and grading machine

Grain is considered the basis of agriculture. After processing, they receive flour, which will be used as raw material for the production of food products: bread, rolls, confectionery and pasta, cereals. Since demand is increasing every year for this type of product, it is necessary to purchase high-quality equipment - a key point in grain processing.

grain cleaning and sorting machine

How to choose a car of this type?

Processing and cleaning of grain occurs in several stages. First of all, you need to process the grain, clean it from impurities. To ensure this process, a grain cleaning machine is used. It is this equipment that is responsible for the efficiency of operations, as well as for the quality of the finished product.

To perform grain cleaning, it is necessary that the machine is provided technically in accordance with what production needs stand out.

grain recycling machines

The agricultural machine for cleaning grain can be of several types:

  • The air-screen separator is designed to clean seeds from light, small and large impurities.
  • Stone separator is used to remove stones, glass and other non-magnetic impurities.
  • The triter is intended for cleaning grain from impurities that are smaller or larger than the size of the seeds.
  • Magnetic separator is used to clean grain from magnetic impurities.

The most appropriate is the use of equipment capable of cleaning the grain from all kinds of impurities that may be in it. Therefore, it is worth paying great attention to mechanization and automation.

Grain pre-treatment machines

This type of machine is designed for cleaning grain from all types of impurities. The following are considered their features:

  • they consume little energy;
  • easily reconfigured to any kind of crop;
  • agricultural machine for cleaning grain is reliable in operation;
  • impeccable work;
  • possess effective aspiration for cleaning grain from light impurities;
  • ngn7uots3large cost.

The most popular models of pre-treatment machines include:

  1. MPO-5. It has a capacity of 5.9 kW, small size. Weight - 1.2 tons. Able to clean in 60 minutes: 18 tons of wheat, corn and 5 tons of sunflower seeds.
  2. MPO-2.5. It has a power of 3.7 kW, small size. Weight - 0.84 tons. Able to clean: 60 tons of wheat, corn and 2.5 tons of sunflower seeds in 60 minutes.
  3. MPO-50. It has a power of 7.5 kW, small size. Weight - 1,041 tons. Able to clear 50 tons of grain in 60 minutes.

Most often, these models are used as part of a grain cleaning complex, which are located in specially designated premises. They are in demand in many households. Pre-treatment machines are easy to operate and economical to maintain. Only one mechanic is needed to service them. Service life can reach up to ten years.

Primary Grain Cleaning Machines

Primary cleaning of grain is carried out by cleaning machines. A machine for cleaning grain (primary) is of the following models: ZVS-20 (20A, 10).

with x grain cleaning machine

How is the primary cleaning process?

Using equipment, the largest amount of large and small impurities is isolated so that grain losses are minimal. Separation is carried out according to the properties of aerodynamics, as well as the width and thickness in air-sieve machines. When sorting by length, triremes can be used. Loss of main seeds at this stage is not more than 1.5%. After the initial cleaning, the content of weed impurities is reduced to 3%.

Grain Recycling Machines

Grain secondary cleaning machines - impurities that differ in width, thickness and aerodynamic properties are separated from the grain.

agricultural machine for cleaning and sorting grain

They are installed and used in the preparatory departments at the mills. These machines clean: cereals, legumes, industrial and oilseeds. There are such types:

  • SVP-7;
  • BTM inlet blocks;
  • PT-600;
  • MS-4.5

Secondary treatment is intended for seed grain, which has passed the primary treatment. Able to isolate at least 80% of impurities.

To provide the population with quality products, any manufacturer must worry about the process. The entire production line should consist only of modern equipment, which will also help reduce the cost of storage, cleaning and processing of products. To study equipment in more detail, its characteristics, cost, positive and negative strona, you can turn to specialists for help or monitor specialized sites.


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