Pellet Removal Machine - An Indispensable Tool

How nice to have a quality thing, the look of which has long been kept new! But most often jerseys quickly lose their shape and spools form on them. This is a very unpleasant surprise. The thing no longer looks new, and you are embarrassed to put it on.

Most often suffer from the appearance of spools of the sleeve and side. This is due to the fact that knitwear has a soft pile. It was also found that the more tissue in the percentage of natural material, the less the thing will be subject to the formation of spools. Best of all, if unnatural additives such as polyester, lycra, spandex and elastane, designed to help things not lose their appearance and shape, will be about 5-10%. If the item is made primarily of acrylic or a mixture of acrylic and wool, spools cannot be avoided. More resistant to the appearance of spools is a mixture of acrylic and cotton.

Most problems arise with mohair and Angora. But this is not because the material itself is bad, but because most often it is a fake or poor quality raw materials. If the Angora is real, and the woolen things are of high quality, then for many years there will be no problems wearing them.

Machine to remove the pellets

But even if the problem appeared, fortunately, the manufacturers took care of its solution and invented a special machine that quickly and easily copes with unaesthetic spools. The machine for removing the spools works on the principle of an electric shaver. It has a grid with many small holes. Each of them has sharpened edges. Spools fall into these holes, and a rapidly rotating knife cuts them off the back of the net.

Clothes spool remover
But this does not mean that each spool remover may suit you. For example, build quality or price for different models can vary greatly. And the dimensions may suit one buyer, but not arrange another. By the way, the size of the holes on the grid can turn out to be very small, so that large spools may not fall into them and, accordingly, not cut off and continue to spoil the appearance. Or the spools can get stuck between the net and the knife, so you have to constantly disassemble the machine and clean it.

So that the machine for removing spools of clothing for a long time pleased you, do not chase cheap models. They are usually substandard and collected carelessly. On such models there may be notches that cling to the fabric and spoil it. In addition, the metal from which the mesh and knife are made is likely to be of poor quality and dull quickly. And the machine will not last long.

Spool Remover
Pay attention to how all the parts fit together, whether the design of the machine is convenient and whether there is a warranty period. On good models, the warranty period should be at least one year. Also, the size should be optimal. If the machine for removing the spools is small, the grip area of ​​the spools will also be small and you will have to work on the thing for quite some time. If the machine for removing the spools is very large, it is inconvenient for her to work, her hand will get tired, and taking care of her appearance will turn into hard labor.

Sufficient size should be a transparent container for collecting spools. The machine does not work with a full container, so it will need to be cleaned periodically. How often you have to do this procedure depends on your choice.

And finally, the machine for removing spools can work either from the network, or on finger batteries, or have a built-in battery. Best of all, if the machine will run on two finger batteries. But, in general, this is a private matter. Have a successful purchase!


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