Poisoning chicken stock: recipe for cooking, effects on the body, treatment and doctors' advice

Poisoning chicken broth is the very first product that is allowed to the victim. This was known in ancient times. The fact is that against the background of intoxication, the digestive system suffers primarily. Therefore, the process of recovery of the body should begin directly with dietary food. True, even eating such food should always be accompanied by special care.

chicken poison after poisoning

Application rules

We will figure out how to eat chicken broth in case of poisoning.

Any intoxication can always have an extremely negative effect on the body. In this regard, the broth must be carefully taken. Other than this, there are some rules that need to be followed. When the broth should not be consumed:

  • In the event that it is not natural, but made from cubes. Such a soup does not contain any vitamins, but it is significantly crammed with various chemicals, and, in addition, spices and fat. After poisoning, the chicken stock should be independently prepared, preferably from poultry.
  • In case of poisoning on the first day, one should not eat at all, and on the next day a small portion of a weak broth is allowed. Further, a transition to a more complete and rich diet is allowed.
  • When intoxication with alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to abandon chicken soup. The fact is that the use of such food on the first day after poisoning (especially severe) can cause vomiting and nausea.
  • In the broth must be absent vegetables and spices. The broth should be tasty, because the patient usually has no appetite, often nauseates him. So, you need to take care of the attractiveness of food.
  • In addition, in no case should you eat such food at the recovery stage if the patient is allergic to chicken.

It should be remembered that such a dish is prohibited to replace treatment with drugs. In general, in no case should you refuse medicine prescribed by your doctor. Chicken broth for poisoning is a wonderful tool, but it does not cure, but only provides nutrients.

is it possible chicken poison in case of poisoning

Why broth is healthy

This dish is in first place in the list of what is allowed to a person in the first few days after intoxication. It is advisable to provide such a means for a number of reasons:

  • This dish is not fatty. It is cooked from chicken lean meat, it is best to take the breast. This makes it possible not to strain the irritated digestive system.
  • Such a broth contains useful substances along with vitamins and minerals.
  • This homemade dish is well and very quickly absorbed, unlike complex thick soups with cereals, potatoes and a set of vegetables.
  • Chicken broth is very light and nutritious. The protein content in chicken makes it an excellent tool for the recovery period.
  • In addition, it is very easy to cook. And this circumstance is important for all those who live alone, because in the presence of a disease people usually have no strength.

When cooking, there is one important rule to keep in mind: the first broth always merges without fail. The fact is that it contains a lot of fat, and chicken meat often contains harmful additives that enter the water during cooking. Next, we turn to the consideration of chicken broth recipes for poisoning.

Cooking recipes

Depending on what kind of condition a person has, a recipe is chosen.

How to cook chicken broth for poisoning, not everyone knows. Although cooking soups from poultry is very simple.

how to cook chicken broth for poisoning
  • The chicken is well washed, skin is removed (since it contains the most of all kinds of harmful elements) and especially fat.
  • Then the meat is chopped in large pieces and put in a container of water. The larger the chicken, the more water will be consumed.
  • Cook the broth for about five minutes, then pour the water and collect a new one. Put on fire.
  • Onion is put onion and carrot, if desired - greens. Is it possible to cook chicken broth with some other vegetables? It all depends on the condition of the patient. In the first day it is better to abandon this.
  • When the meat is completely cooked, we can assume that the food is ready. Vegetables and greens are thrown away, and before removing the container from the fire, the soup is salted. You can add bay leaf, a couple of peas of black or allspice - so that there is a pleasant aroma. But in no case put sharp, spicy spices. Ground pepper can also not be added.
  • Such food is consumed with stale bread or breadcrumbs. It is better to refrigerate the meat and eat it the next day, since immediately after poisoning you should refrain from it.

You can cook chicken stock for poisoning with chemicals or spoiled food. Doctors often recommend this food as part of the postoperative period. The recipe may be slightly different. You can add different vegetables to it, depending on the condition of the patient. However, it is always necessary to adhere to the basic rule: a little salt and a minimum of spices. In this case, the total load on the digestive system will be minimal for a person.

chicken poison after poisoning can

Recipes: broth with vegetables

There are many recipes for chicken stock. After poisoning, this dish will help to recover.

It also happens that doctors advise starting to restore the body from a dish not only from chicken, but also from vegetables. To prepare such a broth is very easy:

  • Potatoes with carrots need to be washed, peeled and put in a pan with prepared chicken broth.
  • Put the dish on the fire.
  • Bring to a boil, and then reduce the heat to a minimum.
  • Cook such a soup for about forty minutes, periodically stirring the contents.
  • The container is removed from the fire, vegetables and meat are taken, and the broth is slightly cooled.
  • Grind vegetables, they can be wiped through a sieve or in a blender.
  • The resulting mass is poured with the finished broth, everything is mixed and salted.

We answered the question whether chicken broth can be poisoned.

Such a soup is very useful in the presence of any intoxication and may well replace prohibited foods.

poisoning recipe

The nutritional value of the broth

Why do they recommend broth? This dish will become really useful in case of poisoning if it is cooked without fat, spicy, spicy spices, vegetables containing coarse plant fibers. In other words, this is not a soup in the usual human sense, but a broth. This particular dish will have a real benefit for humans in case of poisoning:

  • Restoration of protective functions. The broth helps organs cope with intoxication, enriching the body with various vitamins.
  • Replenishment of trace elements (we are talking about phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium and iodine).
  • Providing the body with amino acids and proteins.

With such a composition, chicken broth is always able to help people recover all their lost strength, and without unnecessary stress on the digestive system and the body as a whole.

Additional measures

Any poisoning can disrupt the work of many organs. In this regard, you can not prescribe medications for yourself, a mistake will cost a weakened body expensive. In addition, during this period, a significant dehydration of the entire human body occurs, so you should drink plenty of fluids.

Chicken stock after poisoning recipe

Poison Prevention

Doctors urge all people to follow these guidelines:

  • Fruits with vegetables should always be washed thoroughly, and, in addition, peeled.
  • It is required to observe the storage conditions of all food products.
  • Medications should only be used as prescribed by a doctor, and they should be stored in inaccessible places, as far as possible from young children.
  • The use of chemicals must be accompanied with great care.

What to do in case of poisoning?

In case of symptoms of intoxication, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. In the first few days after poisoning, you should strictly try to adhere to a certain diet. The use of chicken broth during intoxication during this period serves as the best dish that can give a person the required strength for a full recovery.

In case chicken soup is contraindicated, it can be replaced with a broth prepared only from vegetables. This dish also contains many useful ingredients. In case of poisoning, broths are β€œgrandmother’s remedies,” but people still continue to use them. Doctors confirm that this dish is the most acceptable food as part of the recovery of the body in various poisonings.

chicken poison poisoning recipe


Thus, you can often hear that chicken broth after poisoning can be consumed. In most situations, doctors agree. This dish is almost always included in various diets shown after intoxication.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33091/

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