Imprinting is .. Imprinting - capturing, fixing an image in memory

Imprinting in psychology is one of the most interesting concepts. This term is translated as “leave a mark”, “mark”. This phenomenon occurs not only in animals, but also in the human environment. However, if the imprinting of our smaller brothers is determined by instinct and serves the purposes of adaptation and survival, then in society it has turned into a more complex phenomenon, and it has even been used for commercial purposes.

Imprinting is ...

Imprinting (capturing) is a selective fixation in the memory of significant information. Imprinting is a holistic psychophysiological mechanism in which the visual, auditory or other image is firmly preserved in the brain centers. Features of this process are similar in animals and humans. Firstly, it arises at a well-defined time - critical periods of life, when the body is as sensitive and receptive as possible to the new. Secondly, only one meeting with the object of capture is sufficient for its formation. Thirdly, for the occurrence of the phenomenon of imprinting does not need any kind of reinforcement (food, emotional or otherwise). And fourthly, the results of imprinting are extremely stable and the result of imprinting can remain throughout life.

The imprinting mechanism can be clearly demonstrated on the so-called following sequence in most birds and mammals. It develops already in the first hours of a baby’s life, when a mother sees, hears her call and reacts by coming to her and starting to repeat her movements. In the course of this interaction, parents introduce newborns to their habitat and the necessary behavioral patterns.

Imprinting is

Animal imprinting

In zoopsychology, this term is well known. It was invented by one of the leading scientists of Austria K. Lorenz, who at that time was studying the lifestyle of gray geese. Imprinting in the animal world is a type of learning, that is, the individual acquisition of new forms of behavior and actions that will be necessary in specific conditions. The basis of any training is the process of formation of nerve connections according to the type of reflex. Those animals that are capable of this are more likely to survive.

Objects of capture can be parental individuals, other cubs from the same litter, males or females, enemies, as well as food items. In this regard, we can talk about the following important imprinting functions for representatives of the animal world:

  1. Identification of close relatives by characteristic appearance, smell, etc.
  2. Choosing a sexual partner.
  3. Finding territory for living on its grounds.

Recognition of poisonous and deadly creatures.

A bit about genetics

Imprinting mechanism

American geneticist H. Crowse proposed the concept of genomic imprinting. It can be detected in some plants, insects, mammals, and in some cases in humans. Genomic imprinting is a variant of gene inheritance in which the basic structure of genes - DNA - does not undergo any changes. The peculiarity is that certain genes in the ovum or sperm of the parents simply turn off and do not participate in the transmission to their offspring, so the cub receives one part of the characteristic features from the mother and the other from its father. Siblings have other “labels” of genes. For example, due to unusual combinations of genes in a child, something from grandparents may be clearly manifested, which was not noted in parents. This type of inheritance has a high risk of various mutations and pathologies due to a specific set of chromosomes.

child psychology

Psychology features of a young child

In its initial mechanisms, child psychology is very close to the psyche of animals. For example, this concerns the presence of pronounced imprinting. The first days and months after childbirth are very significant for the baby and parents. During this period, unusually strong psychological connections are formed: the relationship of the mother and father, and all the events occurring around the newborn are perceived as a model. The kid captures the demonstrated patterns of behavior, interactions with people, animals, and surrounding objects. Later, he will begin to realize them in his future. In this regard, it is important that the child sees, hears and feels from the very beginning. If they love him, take care of him, then he will absorb this love, learn to show it, treat others with care. That is why child psychology requires special attention - children form the society of the future.

Theory of Timothy Leary

Timothy Leary, a neurologist and psychologist, identified several types of imprinting that are characteristic of a person.

  • Oral - the earliest. Mother’s milk is the first and most important source of food for a baby who has just been born, and mother’s hug is a safety zone. Mother gives the necessary warmth and a sense of security, the need for which a person has been laid down originally.
  • Territorial-emotional or imprinting associated with the development of the environment and the capture of its properties. Adults and children mark their space in a certain way, starting with choosing their favorite room in the house, storing their toys or things there and ending with the rights to private property prescribed in legal documents.
  • Verbal. Thanks to this bioprogram, it is possible to memorize the sounds and symbols that make up words. This in turn stimulates the development of speech and the necessary communication between people.
  • Social (socio-sexual) imprinting in humans.

Imprinting in psychology is

More on Social Imprinting

In certain situations, people are characterized by sensitivity, that is, selective openness, strong susceptibility. Social imprinting is a type of imprinting in which fixation takes place on basic values, inter-gender, ethnic and other stereotypes. The idea acquired in the course of communication with other people or in the process of imitation of them can be positive or negative, but in any case, the person has absorbed information about him so that voluntarily or involuntarily in his behavior or activity follows him. Such imprints are of global importance in terms of what determine the attitude towards the family, religion, the choice of life partner, etc. They also affect the general attitudes, abilities, and interests of a person.

Social imprinting

Consumer psychology

Special sensitivity to outside influences is inherent not only in children, but also in adults at certain periods of life. Anyone can be trapped due to their own obsession with any image, be it clothing style, adherence to special nutrition or religious beliefs, etc.

Imprinting in humans

Caution is to perceive new information to especially impressionable people. It’s worthwhile to develop some criticality in yourself, not trusting everyone indiscriminately, because many advertising companies focus on just such people. They use those beliefs, attitudes, expectations, to which we attach great importance, for selfish purposes. By instilling an idea or forming a need, they stimulate, sometimes, to unnecessary purchases, unnecessary expenses. All shopping centers, television, and the media have the sole goal of promoting the product to the masses. And imprinting here plays its own, already negative for a particular person, role.


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