How to: dermatin or dermantine? The meaning and origin of the word

In the Russian language there are many terms that were borrowed from other languages ​​more than a hundred years ago, but still cause many problems with writing. Among them is “dermantine” (or “dermatin”). How to spell this word, where did it come from and what does it mean? Let's find the answers to all these questions.

Meaning of the noun in question

Before you learn how to write correctly: dermatin or dermantine, it is worth clarifying the meaning of this term.

how to spell dermantine or dermatin

This noun is the name of one of the many modern leatherette. This material is made by applying a nitrocellulose coating to a cotton base.

This substance is also referred to as “granitol” or “nitro-skin” (short for “nitrocellulose artificial skin”).

Widespread use of this substance began in the USSR in the thirties of the twentieth century. Despite the fact that granitol was seriously inferior to natural leather in terms of properties, it was cheaper and easier to manufacture, and yet it surpassed ordinary fabric in many respects.

Until the fifties (when nitro-leather was forced to cede part of the market to more wear-resistant and durable materials) granite was actively used for upholstering furniture and doors, making haberdashery, and even for binding books.

dermatin or dermantine how to write

In later periods, and even today, this fabric continues to be used for upholstery of doors and furniture, although vinyl leather, stretch leather, materials made of polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride, thermoplastic elastomer and other synthetic substances are in serious competition. However, it continues to be one of the cheapest to manufacture. Do not forget that all of the above fabrics, although they belong to the group of leather substitutes, however, in fact, they are different materials with different properties from each other. Therefore, to argue that leather and nitro-leather are synonyms is wrong.

Origin of the term

Considering the question: "How to write: dermantine or dermatin?" - it is worth paying attention to the origin of the studied noun.

So, this word is derived from the Greek term dermatinos, which translates into Russian as "leather". From this value it becomes clear that the material under consideration was positioned from the very beginning as a more affordable analogue for the skin.

By the way, the Greek word from which the name granitol came from didn’t take root in the Russian language, as did the term “dermis” (skin).

how to spell the word dermantin

The fact is that this pronunciation noun is very close to such not quite literary words as “shit” (feces, bowel movement) and “rubbish” (something bad, unsuitable).

In connection with this phenomenon of partial homonymy, some linguists put forward theories that the name nitro-artificial is derived from one of the two above terms. However, such versions are not confirmed by anything and are erroneous.

How to spell the word "dermantine"

Having considered the meaning and etymology of the studied noun, it is worth learning the answer to the main question. So, what is right: dermatin or dermantine?

how to write dermatin or dermantine

Although many of us are used to pronouncing the word in question with the letter “n,” in fact, it should not be in this term in principle.

According to the current spelling standards of the Russian language, there is only one spelling variant: “dermatin”. And although the option "dermantine" is often used in articles on the Internet, nevertheless, it continues to remain erroneous.

Why this term is written in this way

Having learned how to correctly: dermantine or dermatin (second option), it is worthwhile to understand why this word is spelled.

As already mentioned in the second paragraph, this term is derived from the Greek word "leather" [dermatinos]. It is also a test for granitol. And since the letter “n” is missing in it, it is also not written in the name of the synthetic leather under consideration.

Phonetic transcription of the word "dermatin"

Having received the answer to the question: “How to: dermantine or dermatin?” - It is worthwhile to find out how to accurately pronounce the noun in question. And for this you need to do its phonetic transcription. It looks like this: [d'irmat'in].

dermatin or dermantine how to

The emphasis in the word under study falls on the last syllable “tin,” as in French. By the way, due to a similar pronunciation in the past, some attributed to him French origin.

In the transcription considered, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the vowel letter "e" in the first syllable is read as [and] and gives softness to the consonant sound previous to it [d '].

Such pronunciation sometimes leads to the fact that students write the name of this leatherette through "and": Dirmatin or Dirmantine.

Phonetic analysis of a noun by sounds

Having dealt with how correctly - dermantine or dermatin - is written and how to pronounce, you should analyze this masculine noun by sound.

This word has eight letters and the same number of sounds.

The letter "d" is pronounced as [d '] - a voiced consonant, the softness of which is indicated by the letter "e" following it, read as [and].

The vowel letter “e” is not stressed and pronounced as [and].

The consonant "p" gives a clear, hard, sonorous sound [p].

The letter "m" in this word is pronounced as a consonant sonorous, sonorous, solid sound [m].

The unstressed vowel "a" gives a clear sound [a].

The consonant letter “t”, due to the following vowel shock “and”, acquires a dull, soft pronunciation [t '].

The vowel “and” is stressed, due to which it has a clear sound [and].

The final consonant letter “n” is pronounced as a sonorous, solid sonorous sound [n].


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