Phraseological turnover. Examples

Phraseological turnover is a rich expressive and stylistic potential for literary creativity.

According to many linguists, the specificity of a phraseological unit is determined by its reproducibility. By this property is meant that in the process of verbal communication phraseological units are not created, but reproduced as stable linguistic units.

Examples of phraseological turns, which are given in dictionaries of linguistic terms, usually represent those significant units in which the semantics are motivated, constant and carries a vivid imagery. It can be proverbs, sayings, stable figurative expressions: "rain pours like a bucket", "snow on his head", "hens do not peck money", "scythe on a stone", "worth its weight in gold", "whatā€™s on the forehead forehead, knee-deep sea, etc.

phraseological phrase

Consider two types of phraseological turns.

Phraseological circulation, consisting of lexical units of fixed use, refers to the so-called splicing, that is, such an expression where the components are merged into a single image, which is enclosed in their semantic "cohesion".

For example, the expression ā€œbeat the buckā€ only in such a stable combination of words carries certain semantics, and everyone knows that it means ā€œloungingā€, ā€œindulging in empty pastimeā€. But this meaning is figurative, and the etymology of expression is associated with the ancient game of towns. When playing, small boards were used that needed to be knocked down with a special stick. They were called Baklushi, and knocking them down was considered fun, idle time.

Phraseological units are often used by authors in modified form in order to create a poetic image.

B. Akhmadulinaā€™s expression ā€œbeat the bacilliā€ is the main figurative semantic core in describing Sunday as a rest:

"But the Sunday day already beats the babyā€™s back with a baby cry, or with a bell ring."

Phraseological circulation, where the components are words connected with each other by semantic meaning, refers to free phraseological unit.

Consider some ways of individual author's approach to changing phraseological units in the poetic work of modern poets.

phraseological examples

Phraseological turns and their meanings in the authorā€™s interpretation, passing through the creative process of rethinking, they are modified, and along with the direct meaning they often acquire the properties of a metaphor, giving rise to a special poetic context.

Here are examples from the poetic work of our contemporary, the Stavropol poet Andrei Dulepov:

The moon crouched on the roof outside the window. / A thought calls for a swift flight of a soul behind itself / A soul bursts out with a bird / And bad weather, giggling, twists ...

Considering the use of phraseological units in the poetic speech of modern authors, we can note the use of interstyle colloquial elements in order to enhance expression:

Here, again forced to get into a fight

I get involved, and suddenly I donā€™t have enough strength

And the enemies slam the poor fellow ... (A. Dulepov)

An example from the work of the Stavropol poet A. Mosintsev:

And no matter how rogues they blow it

The delights of universal citizenship -

Lies scoundrels! In the world in sight

So far, only hatred is towards Slavs.

Many phraseological units are clearly ā€œopenā€ and show the authorā€™s attitude towards them: regret, irony, joke, censure, pain, that is, what is called empathy.

Sorry for warriors because of other people's ambitions

In a foreign land the guys had to fall.

Crimson over the graves of lightning

And tears from the sky - warm rain ... (A. Dulepov)

phraseological turns and their meaning

Or the famous poem by Yu. Kuznetsov "Return", where the swirling smoke is not a household sketch, but a symbol of the corruption of life, an irretrievable loss.

Father was walking, father was safe

Through the minefield.

Turned into swirling smoke

No grave, no pain ...

Another example from the work of A. Mosintsev:

Optimism Russia is not lost

Though any coup is stupid

Look, again the village promises good luck

A pack of wealthy gentlemen.

The authorā€™s expression ā€œpack of gentlemenā€, in which the phraseological unit ā€œdog packā€ is guessed, represents the authorā€™s transformation, where the implicit element of ā€œpackā€ in unexpected combination with the expression ā€œwealthy gentlemenā€ creates a detailed metaphor.

Only a few examples cited illustrate how the phraseological phrase, actively used by modern authors as a ā€œpoetic phraseologyā€, by introducing various techniques into the text enhances its imagery, brightness and, in addition to the information function, performs the task of emotional impact on the reader.


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