Biathlete Magdalena Forsberg: biography, sports achievements, personal life

Magdalena Forsberg is a famous skier and biathlete. She completed her career in 2002 and left undefeated. Forsberg entered the history of biathlon, having received the Crystal Globe six times.

Magdalena Forsberg: biography

The future biathlete was born on July 25, 1967 in the Swedish city of Ernsköldsvik. As a child, she was actively involved in skiing, but did not show much hope. At the competitions of juniors and adult athletes, she was not able to win first places. However, Magdalena managed to win two bronze medals among juniors at the World Ski Championships.

In 1993, the athlete decided to try her hand at a sport such as biathlon. Magdalena Forsberg was already not at all young for this sport: she was 27 years old then. Some of her colleagues are already ending their careers at this age, and Magdalena began all over again. She did not take this venture seriously, but it worked out so well that a year later she became a member of the Swedish biathlon team. Just a couple of seasons, Magdalena began to take prizes in many national competitions.

Magdalena Forsberg

Sports achivments

The peak of the career of Magdalena falls on 1996-2002. Some commentators call this period the “Forsberg era in biathlon.” Six times she became the owner of the most prestigious biathlon trophy - the Big Crystal Globe. The same number of times received the Small Crystal Globe in the pursuit. She also has five similar sprint trophies in her arsenal and four in the individual race.

At the end of her career, the athlete managed to get two Small Crystal Globes of the world in a mass start, this happened in 2001 and 2002.

Among the achievements of Forsberg there is one silver and five bronze medals received at the world championships. Magdalena did not win gold medals, but she does not regret it. She believes that she honestly deserved silver and bronze, and she does not draw on gold because her shooting skills have never been the strongest in the world. The athlete connects the main achievements in biathlon with her past as part of the Swedish ski team.

Magdalena left the sport on a high note: in 2002, at the Salt Lake City Olympics, she won 2 bronze medals. Forsberg assures that she never regretted such a decision. She does not plan to return to the sport and believes that this fact is positively evaluated by the current participants of the competition.

Biathlon Magdalena Forsberg

Magdalena Forsberg: family

In 1997, Magdalena married biathlete Henrik Forsberg. Before marriage, she bore the name Wallin. The athlete was not afraid to change her at the peak of her career. By the way, they left the big sport at the same time with her husband.

In her interviews, Magdalena emphasizes that a warm relationship has developed between her and her husband. She loves Henrik so much that she even refuses to discuss the looks and manners of other men.

After leaving sports, Magdalena dreamed of a child. He and Henrik had a son, whose education she devotes a lot of time.

Magdalena's hobbies are connected with her main passion - biathlon. She loves dogs, hunting and visiting various places on the planet.

Magdalena Forsberg biography

Outside Sports Achievements

Magdalena Forsberg remains a popular biathlete in the world. She comments on this sport on the German television channel ARD, and in her native Sweden she is broadcasting about travels. It is also the face of the sports nutrition brand. Magdalena assures that she sincerely believes that promoting a healthy diet among the population is very important. For this reason, does not refuse to cooperate with the company, which was its sponsor even during the performance at the championships.

The athlete still sometimes goes on the track, but outside of competitions and championships. Sometimes Magdalena Forsberg does this for charitable purposes, and sometimes to argue. The excitement that was inherent in her on the track, she transferred to everyday life.

Magdalena Forsberg family

To summarize

The main record of Magdalena is considered to be the conquest of six Crystal biathlon globes among women. Nobody has surpassed him yet, although more than ten years have passed since her retirement. Forsberg is still a biathlon star, and even among professional athletes she has many admirers. She claims that she likes to remain unsurpassed in this sport. Indeed, in recent years, champions and owners of the Crystal Globe have changed from season to season, no one can stay on the podium for a long time.

Forsberg received additional education in tax law. She respects laws, rules and is ready to make efforts to ensure that people comply with them.

Magdalena Forsberg is often in Russia. She likes to visit this country because she considers Russian people to be hospitable and welcoming.

Magdalena follows the events in the biathlon world and is well aware of the prospects of Russian athletes in this discipline.

We can only wish this wonderful woman success!


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