Pomegranate oil: reviews and useful properties

The fruits of the pomegranate tree were widely used in ancient Egypt. They were used to treat a wide variety of pathologies that affected all internal organs and systems. Women used pomegranate seed oil and figs, which added a little honey. As a result, they received excellent body masks that removed dead skin particles and gave it velvety and elasticity.

Cooking oil

Today, these tools are also widely used. According to many fashionistas, according to their reviews, pomegranate oil is a natural component that perfectly cleanses the skin and has a beneficial effect on the whole body. But is pomegranate so useful and are there any contraindications to the use of this drug? It is worth considering this issue in more detail.

general information

Pomegranate oil can be obtained by extraction with carbon dioxide or during cold pressing. In the first case, the resulting liquid will differ in a brighter burgundy shade. At the same time, it will contain the most saturated fatty acids (up to 80%), which are considered to be an excellent natural antioxidant. If pomegranate oil is obtained by cold pressing, then in this case the shade of the liquid becomes amber and even golden. Then the content of beneficial acids in the composition ranges from 60 to 80%.

Beneficial features

The described liquid is very popular all over the world. Thanks to its properties, pomegranate oil is considered a true elixir of youth for the skin. This composition really helps to moisturize and cure damaged skin. That is why the extract of this fruit is very popular among women who had to face the first noticeable wrinkles.

If we talk about the cosmetic beneficial properties of this component, then it is worth paying attention that pomegranate oil is excellent:

  1. Moisturizes. Thanks to these properties, women manage to retain moisture, which is located in the upper layer of the skin and begins to be excreted too quickly over the years. It is also possible to prevent premature wrinkles and maintain the balance of the epidermis. According to reviews, pomegranate oil best helps owners of too dry skin.
  2. Rejuvenates. It is no secret that pomegranate oil can slow down the aging process. In this case, we are also talking about the skin. Pomegranate oil can activate the growth of basic components and the epidermis. Thanks to this, the process of active regeneration of cellular material begins.

It is also worth noting that this oil contains a lot of components that have useful properties necessary for the proper structure of cells. For example, fatty acids are present in this fluid that have excellent protective functions. Also, such compositions are distinguished by a strengthening effect, which positively affects the lipid layer of the skin.

Pomegranate drink

In addition, blood circulation improves, due to which the dermis tissue becomes more elastic and not subject to aging. Also, in recent studies, it was possible to establish that this product also provokes collagen synthesis. This is a protein of connective tissue, which can also be called a kind of source of youth. Thanks to collagen, the skin becomes more firm and supple. Therefore, wrinkles do not appear on it for a long time.

Among other things, it is worth paying attention to the fact that pomegranate seed oil is an excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug. If used in the right way, you can quickly get rid of skin irritations. Also, this composition is used in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis and acne.

Fruit benefits

Scientists have been able to prove that pomegranate seed oil is also able to prevent the appearance of melanoma. This is due to the fact that the composition of the healthy fruit includes components that fight the affected cells. Among other things, oil is an excellent protection against solar radiation. As you know, the effect of ultraviolet radiation negatively affects not only the skin of a person, but also on his body as a whole. Residents of those regions in which the sun is too active and aggressive (especially in the summer) suffer especially from similar problems.

Through the use of pomegranate oil, it is possible to slow down the so-called photoaging. That is why these products received their widespread use in cosmetology. It is an excellent component for moisturizing and nourishing lotions and creams that are commonly used in personal care.

Especially experts recommend this component to those who have too dry skin. In addition, women in their reviews of pomegranate seed oil often say that the use of cosmetic preparations based on this composition helps to cope with premature aging of the skin.

It is worth noting that pomegranate is not only suitable for external processing. This extract contains phytoestrogens, which help get rid of unpleasant symptoms during menopause in the fair sex.

Pomegranate Juice

It is worth considering in more detail the composition and properties of this component. Some recipes will also be helpful.

What is part of pomegranate oil?

This liquid owes its healing properties to its rich composition. For example, pomegranate contains beta-systerol, linoleic acid, tannins, and much more, including, of course, pomegranate acid.

If you take pomegranate oil in capsules, then the phytoestrogens that are contained in it will help a woman get rid of the unpleasant rearrangement of the body that occurs with the onset of menopause. Also in these formulations contain vegetable pigments that differ in antioxidant properties.

Pomegranate perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. In this case, free radicals are retained. In addition, pomegranate acid is included. It positively affects the conservation of a gene called "B53". If a malfunction in the immune system of the human body begins, then free radicals may well begin to gradually change the composition of the gene. In this case, a serious deformation occurs, because of which he begins to randomly share. Against this background, many new modified cells appear that can lead to the development of cancer.

Pomegranate tree

If we talk about the use of pomegranate seed oil, thanks to the pomegranate acid contained in it, a certain protective barrier is created in the body that will resist the deformation of cells and the formation of cancer.

Beneficial acids

Consider the composition of this amazing fruit for many hours. Therefore, it is worthwhile to dwell on the main useful components. For example, pomegranate seeds contain ellagic acid. It perfectly improves blood circulation, helps to improve the nutrition of blood vessels, capillaries and the entire circulatory system.

In addition, thanks to this acid in the body, inflammatory processes are reduced and the cardiovascular system improves.

Pomegranate contains a special acid that positively affects the blood circulation of the brain. Due to this, there is also a decrease in the development of cells, which can later develop into oncology.

Many people note that with prolonged use of pomegranate oil they notice an improvement in memory. This is also due to the fact that the acids that make up this fruit help synaptic connections between brain cells, which has a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on the general well-being of a person.


Also, when using pomegranate oil, the body receives flavonoids. These components are responsible for the regeneration of skin tissues. For example, if a person received a microtrauma, then these substances will help to speed up healing and get rid of the tuberosity of the skin or residual microscopic scars.

In addition, flavonoids participate in lipid metabolism. This reduces the likelihood of cholesterol plaques that attach to the vascular walls. Also, these components are very useful if there is a risk that a person will soon be diagnosed with a stomach ulcer.

Flavonoids also help fight fungal diseases and dermatitis.

Pomegranate oil in cosmetology

Earlier it was said about the positive effect that this component has on the skin of the face and body. However, it is often used to treat dry hair or sagging skin. If a woman already has unpleasant folds, then in this case pomegranate oil helps to saturate them with moisture, so that they will gradually straighten out.

Mask for the face

It is also worth paying attention to these funds for women who have recently given birth to a child. The fact is that pomegranate oil contains components that have a positive effect on the skin of the mammary glands. In this case, the growth of collagen fibers is enhanced, due to which the woman’s breast does not sag, and serious stretch marks do not appear on her.

Indications for use

Network experts and users recommend the use of pomegranate oil:

  1. When the first signs of premature aging appear.
  2. If a woman is already over 35 years old.
  3. With the appearance of inflammatory processes on the skin.
  4. During peeling of the skin.
  5. With sunburn.
  6. With skin diseases and microcracks on the epidermis.
  7. When dimming complexion.

It is also recommended to use pomegranate seed oil immediately after washing, if too hard water flows from the tap.


If we talk about the negative effects of pomegranate, then first of all it is not recommended to use it for women who bear a baby. Also, do not use this oil for girls under 30 years old. Young women should not use pomegranate so as not to provoke excessive production of collagen, which is already formed in normal mode.

You should also be careful for those who have too oily skin. Pomegranate oil can only exacerbate this problem. It is best to give preference to this tool for those who have too dry skin integuments.

Fresh pomegranate

In addition, some people have an individual intolerance to this component. In this case, before using such an oil, an allergy test should be done. To do this, it is recommended to drip a little composition on the inside of the elbow or on the wrist. After that, you need to wait 10-15 minutes and look at the skin. If a rash or irritation has appeared on them, then it is better to abandon the use of pomegranate oil. If all is well, then you can safely apply it.

Oil treatment for hair

This tool has a positive effect on the hair follicles, improves the structure and quality of hair. In this case, you can get rid of seborrhea, from which many women and men often suffer. When using a garnet composition, the curls become more elastic. In this case, even damaged hair will be stronger and fully restored.

Also, many note that pomegranate oil helps protect the scalp from the effects of temperature conditions, and also protects with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. With the help of this oil you can get rid of split ends and dandruff.

In addition, many note that this tool perfectly activates hairline growth.

Hair Mask Recipes

To make a therapeutic composition for your hair, just mix 20 ml of pomegranate oil, 50 grams of fresh grains of this fruit and 20 ml of castor oil, as well as one ampoule of aloe extract. To make the composition more effective, it is recommended to add about 60 grams of ordinary creamy yogurt (without additives and flavorings).

It is also worth pre-preparing fresh grains. They must be wrapped in cheesecloth and ground until a small amount of juice is obtained. After that, the resulting liquid is mixed with the rest of the components, thoroughly whipped (it is best to use a wooden spoon for this).

Pomegranate for skin

After this, the composition is applied to the entire length of the hair. At the next stage, the hair is fixed on the back of the head and closed with a plastic wrap (it is better to place a towel on top of the head). With such a mask you need to sit about an hour and a half. After that, you need to remove the remainder of the oil composition with shampoo and rinse your hair with conditioner.

Massage Oil

Considering the beneficial properties and application of pomegranate oil, it is worth paying attention that a relaxing composition can also be prepared from it. To do this, it is enough to drip 3 drops of lemon ether in 30 ml of pomegranate juice. After all the components are thoroughly mixed and poured into a dark glass bottle.

The resulting liquid can be used if necessary. However, before doing this, it is best to warm up the oil a little. You can also use pomegranate oil with jojoba ether for massage. If the procedure is performed for the face, it is preliminary recommended to perform a hot compress. Before massage, it is recommended to heat any compounds in the microwave for 5 seconds.

In the article we examined the useful properties of pomegranate oil, its features and recommendations for use.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33117/

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