How to do site analysis: example

Work on website promotion is not easy and takes some time. When a user creates his resource, the first thing he does is work with competitors. This is an important stage that some people forget or simply consider it useless, but in reality it can give you a huge amount of information.

Competitor analysis

So, why it is worth starting with a comparative analysis of sites. Examples of the work of competitors can give you a full picture of the market and demand. When you are just starting your business, you need to set someone up as an example.

Of course, it is best to focus on large leaders, but sometimes it is not possible to achieve them, so you have to choose among less famous competitors.

One way or another, you will need to analyze the site. Examples of how questions on structuring, cataloging, advertising, etc., have been resolved on other resources, will help you not to make basic mistakes in your case.


After you find all your real competitors that you can theoretically overcome, you will need to analyze the site. There can be many examples of this algorithm, but there is a universal step-by-step instruction that will be applicable for a resource of any subject.

Also, be prepared for the fact that, most likely, you will not be able to conduct an audit in just a couple of hours. Some processes may take several days to collect more accurate information. You will need to analyze:

  • Web resource structure
  • usability;
  • Content
  • meta tags
  • HTML code
  • the service as a whole.

This is a practically universal algorithm that will suit any site theme. Some of the criteria will have to be done manually, some will be analyzed using auxiliary tools.

Website structure

So, in the examples of site analysis in the first place there is its structure. This is not because this parameter is more important than the others, it is due to the fact that the design of the resource is what the visitor pays first attention to. That is why they start with this parameter.

Site Audit Algorithms

The structure is easiest to analyze manually. You select a site, go to it and see all the elements. What should I look for? Links to the main page and its content, the availability of a convenient and understandable menu, the completeness of coverage and the logic of the presentation of the material can be viewed.


This is one of the important parameters when promoting a site. It must be given special attention, since the convenience of visitors depends on this. What should I look for? Design, text content, intuitive interface and harmonious arrangement of elements.

Usability analysis is also carried out manually, since this is a subjective matter. It is also worthwhile to understand that all the tricks that you will use on your site can work on a competing resource, but not work for you. That is why it is worth treating usability more objectively as much as possible, and after implementing the changes, track site statistics.


Site analysis examples always mention content analysis. This is another key audit parameter. It should be worked on both manually and with the help of tools.

Many users believe that the content on the site is not the most important component in the promotion. But if a professional worked on the texts, then you will immediately notice their benefits and impact on sales.

First, look at a competitorā€™s resource and look for content on it. If you notice that there are very few texts or they are written ugly, then note for yourself what you need to work on. Pay attention to the keywords your competitor uses, as well as the relevance of the content. It is imperative that the articles are relevant to the site.

For example, you are selling cars. On such sites it is recommended to have a separate page with news and articles. In the first section, you could publish auto news, and in the second, tips for repairing, choosing, cleaning or caring for.

How to do site content analysis? An example for you is the PR-CY resource. This is a popular service that has certain tools for auditing a site. It helps to check positions, traffic, content, uniqueness, optimization, etc. Some of these tools may not work when analyzing a site, since resource owners may close such data.

Content Analysis

Semantic core

This is a separate parameter, which is often included in the analysis of content, but it needs to be discussed separately, since it has a rather large scope of work.

MF (or semantic core) is a set of keywords used to promote a website. A copywriter or junior optimizer works on it. A lot depends on the number of pages and SEO requirements. Many people recommend collecting at least 100 words so that afterwards it is possible to distribute them by frequency, and then use them in certain texts.

How do they make up SY? Usually, certain resources are used for this, as well as their own ingenuity. For example, your site sells children's toys. Your main keywords will be "children's toys." It is worth going further from them, collecting less frequent phrases (ā€œdoll with pink hairā€ or ā€œred childrenā€™s dump truckā€), it all depends on what you are selling.

Semantic core

When collecting SN use:

  • Wordstat from Yandex;
  • "Google Ads";
  • search hints;
  • help from competitors;
  • your imagination.

If the semantic core is assembled efficiently, it is very likely that the copywriter will be able to write good texts that will promote your site to the top.

Meta tags

These are important HTML tags that help a programmer properly structure metadata about a site. They are used in the header so that the search engine can cope with the search for the necessary data on requests.

This is an important point that should also be analyzed. Best if you do it yourself. How to do site analysis? You can take any example, here the subject of the resource will not play a role. We choose the online store of equipment "Hello".

A meta tag is Title and Description. A title is the title of an HTML page. It is visible to site visitors in the tab itself, as well as in search results. This tag plays a key role in the relevance of sites, so when analyzing it, note for yourself how well it is chosen by your competitors, whether it looks good, whether it is noticeable, etc.

Typically, the main keyword is entered in the Title, and after it - the secondary keyword, then indicate the brand or name of the site itself. In the case of the Allo equipment store, we see that the brand name comes first. This is due to the fact that the site in Ukraine is very popular, so it does not need to enter its theme at the beginning of the ā€œTitleā€.

Description is a tag that briefly describes a page with text. Thanks to him, it will be possible to work on a snippet. Usually the user does not see the description, but often it is used in the search results under the heading. Therefore, many believe that this is one and the same.

Hello website snippet

You can use auxiliary resources to analyze meta tags, but they donā€™t always cope, so itā€™s much easier to manually check your competitors.

HTML code

To analyze this component, you will have to use the appropriate resources. Why do I need to check the code? Correctly written code in many respects influences internal optimization. If there is a mess with her, then, in general, the promotion may not end in the best way. To avoid this, it is better to run a check for errors in the HTML code.

You can do it if you have certain rights, since you do not have access to the HTML code, you can only check the code for your own site. Thus, you will be able to deal with validity, and people have a belief that if everything is okay with her, then the optimization will be successful.

Service work

In the examples of the site analysis report, there is also an item with a general resource check. In this case, often we are talking about checking the correct operation of redirects and server responses. Of course, you may accidentally stumble upon such errors on the site of a competitor or your own, but it is best to use special resources.

For example, on the same PR-CY service, you can analyze a competitorā€™s site, thanks to which it will be possible to determine the main parameters of its work. Sitechecker will also help you with this. On the site you need to specify the investigated URL, after which it will be enough to wait for verification.

Sitechecker Website

The resource identifies critical errors and warnings. Also, thanks to him, you can find out the correct distribution of links and their work. Most of these resources are shareware. They make it possible to check a certain amount of information, and a full analysis is launched only after subscription.


Itā€™s easiest to work on the analysis of sites of different organizations, since they do not require such thorough optimization as online stores that have huge competition.

An example of analysis of the site of the hotel "Ukraine". First, pay attention to the structure of the site. Here you can immediately see the address and phone number where you can book rooms. Below is the registration form, which is also suitable for booking. At the top there is an extensive menu that invites the user to find out information about the hotel, room stock, promotions, etc.

Hotel website

The home page also has guest reviews and a map. Here you can see special offers and several images of rooms. If you "travel" around the site, you will notice that both text and images are quickly loaded. The content is competently compiled, but there are not a large number of keywords here, since the hotel is a kind of brand, and therefore does not particularly need optimization or advertising.

An example of an analysis of the site of the Vernadsky library. Here you already need to pay attention to other aspects, since the subject of the sites is slightly different. The V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine constructively has an understandable site, but on the main page it has too much information. If this is your first time accessing a web page, you might just get lost. There is a navigation menu at the top, and it would be quite enough. But the developers of the resource decided to add a large number of sections on the left and right that are inconvenient to navigate through.

Library site analysis

In general, the site is fast, offers everything that is necessary for readers, and below is all the contact information about the library.

An example of an analysis of a kindergarten website will not be easy to find, since in general such educational institutions rarely get a special resource. Usually they have only one page on a specialized site with contact information.

You can find kindergarten sites in major cities. And often these are private educational institutions that work according to a special program. If you want to analyze a similar site, decide for yourself what you, as a parent, would like to see on it. Most likely, this is contact information, prices, certificates and reviews.


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