Writing rules and exercises: "not" with different parts of speech

Literacy skills are necessary for every adult, regardless of what he does. Indeed, social contacts in modern society are not only inevitable, but also desirable. And often success in one area or another depends on whether a person is able to correctly express his thoughts. But the reality is not only the availability of oral speech skills. Writing correctly is equally important.

And the question is not only in maintaining documentation or business correspondence. The knowledge and skills in the field of correct spelling of words directly affect the reputation. Unfortunately, most soon after completing their studies, they forget all that they were so hard to interpret in educational institutions. Therefore, as practice shows, such knowledge, one way or another, has to be refreshed throughout life.

Some rules, although they seem elementary, are held in the head of an adult with difficulty. This article will discuss the spelling of "not" with different parts of speech. These rules will be useful for both schoolchildren and adults seeking to refresh their knowledge.

exercises not with different parts of speech

What is a particle?

A particle, as a rule, is called such a part of speech that adds emotional shades to the sentence. They effectively serve to form new forms of words.

In order to learn how to properly use particles in speech, it is important to perform some exercises. Not with different parts of speech is spelled differently. It is important to navigate the abundance of these rules.

spelling rule not with different parts of speech

Particle "not" with nouns (examples of exercises)

Spelling a “not” particle with different parts of speech requires a significant amount of knowledge and certain skills. However, acquiring them is not difficult.

So, “not” with nouns should be written separately in the event that there is a contrast (for example, not a law, but a recommendation).

This particle is written together with those nouns that are not used without it in principle (for example, undergrowth). Also, if a given word acquires a new, completely opposite semantic meaning (it can easily be synonymous with a word without the “not” particle).

Another case of continuous spelling - a noun with a given particle denotes a certain person (for example, layman).

To put into practice what has been learned is better with the help of simple exercises. The correct answers are in italics.

1. Which of the words with "not" is written separately?

  1. (not) laughter, but tears
  2. (un) shabby
  3. (not true
  4. (hatred

2. What noun should be written together with "not"?

  1. (not) admiration, but disappointment
  2. (un) decisiveness of nature
  3. (not) attention, but distraction
  4. (not) friend, but just buddy

3. In which sentence should a noun with “not” be written together?

  1. The (non) needle is central to sewing.
  2. (Not) skill causes a lot of trouble.
  3. They write (not) with the pen, but with the mind.
  4. (Not) a place here in this book.

4. In which sentence should the particle “not” be written separately from the noun?

  1. "(Don't) Know" is my favorite book.
  2. (Non) learning is (non) permissible.
  3. (Not) Nastya is afraid to be silly.
  4. (Not) man lives by bread alone.

adjectives with a particle are not examples

Particle "not" with adjectives (exercises)

Next, we discuss how to write adjectives with the “not” particle. Examples illustrating the rules will also be given to make it easier to assimilate the described material.

So, “not” with adjectives is written separately in the following cases:

  • the presence of the opposition, divided by the union (not a white, but a black cabinet);
  • if the adjective is possessive or relative (not dad’s cake);
  • if the adjective demonstrates insufficient manifestation of a certain qualitative characteristic (not sweet tea, that is, not sweet enough tea);
  • in the presence of a simple comparative degree of the noun (this TV is no newer than the neighbor);
  • with certain short forms of adjectives, namely those that, in principle, are not used in full form (not happy).

Separately with adjectives, the particle in question is written if this adjective is not used at all without it (sloppy); if the adjective together with the particle receives a new, completely opposite semantic meaning (low).

How to fasten? Using a similar exercise.

Which word should I write together?

  • (not) passed the exam;
  • (inconsistent;
  • (not) broken;
  • (does not know.

not merged with different parts of speech

Particle "not" with pronouns

The spelling of a “not” particle with different parts of speech is provided by the formation of certain skills. For this, it is also necessary to consider the rule for writing the particle in question with pronouns. It is simple: in such cases, the particles act as prefixes and are written together.

If any preposition is put between the prefix "not" and the root of the pronoun, then this combination is written completely separately (in three separate words).

Particle "not" with verbs, participles and gerunds

It is important to remember that with all verbs and any adverbial particles, the “not” particle is used separately.

With participles, it should be written separately in the following cases:

  • in the presence of opposition through the union "a";
  • if using a short form of participles;
  • in the presence of participle-dependent words.

In all other cases, the particle in question should be written together with this part of speech.

As you can see, remembering how the “not” particle is spelled with verbs, participles and participles is extremely simple. You can fix the skill with the help of test exercises. For example, like the following.

In which sentence should the word “not” be written separately?

  1. His promises remained (not) fulfilled.
  2. The envelope was returned (un) printed.
  3. I’m (not) getting enough sleep lately.
  4. The story is (not) finished.

not separately with different parts of speech

Particle "not" with adverbs

If the end of the adverb is the letter "o" or "e", then the same rules should apply that are appropriate for the use of adjectives. However, in the event that this part of speech in the sentence acts as a predicate, then the considered particle should be written separately. Pronouns with "not", on the contrary, are written together.

When "not" is always written together

To summarize some general rules. It is always written "not" in conjunction with different parts of speech in the following cases:

  • when a word without "not" is not used in speech;
  • with negative adverbs and pronouns;
  • with adjectives, nouns and adverbs that end with the letters "o" or "e", if so a word is formed with the opposite semantic meaning;
  • with vague adverbs and pronouns;
  • with full participles without words dependent on them;
  • with those adjectives to which adverbs referring to measure and degree belong in the sentence;
  • as part of the prefix "under";
  • with any adjectives ending in "my";
  • the word "reluctantly";
  • subject to the presence of another prefix after the “not” particle.

To consolidate, you can use exercises in the test format.

In which of the following lines are all words with the particle “not” written together?

  1. (un) difficult, (un) lepo, (un) thought over; (not) (what) other than an error.
  2. (not) hate, (not) arcs, (not) understanding, (not) inhabited.
  3. (un) doubtfully, (un) knowing, (un) successful, by no means (not) the best.
  4. (not) who, (not) dependent, (not) grateful, (not) to speak.

spelling particles not with different parts of speech

When "not" is always written separately (exercise examples)

A “not” particle is written separately with different parts of speech in the following cases:

  • with all the numbers;
  • with verbs (except for some cases considered above);
  • with adjectives and nouns ending in "o", provided that there is an explicit or alleged opposition;
  • with participles (except for some of the cases described above);
  • with brief participles and complete in the presence of any explanatory words;
  • with negative pronouns in the presence of a preposition;
  • with any relative adjectives;
  • with adjectives that are used exclusively in short form;
  • with adjectives or adverbs that are in the form of a comparative degree;
  • with adjectives and adverbs that end in "my", subject to the presence of dependent words.

It is important to learn how to put this knowledge into practice. You can use the following exercise.

On which line are all words with a "not" particle written separately?

  1. (not) doing, (not) (for) whom, (not) loved by me, (not) invented.
  2. (not) created, (not) agree, (not) new, (not) independent.
  3. (not) alone, (not) looking, (not) (c) by whom, (not) joking.
  4. (not) (who) is different, (not) (from) what, (not) more, (not) doubtful.

What words should be written separately?

  1. (not) for (whom).
  2. (un) tolerable.
  3. (not) nasty.
  4. (hated.
  5. completely (not) interesting.
  6. (unpopular.
  7. (not) close.
  8. (unfinished).


Not with different parts of speech is spelled differently. Therefore, it is important to practice using this knowledge in speech. A variety of exercises help this effectively. For example, it is important to carry out various kinds of dictations with such students. It does not have to be a whole text, you can dictate individual sentences, when writing which you must apply the rule of writing "not" with different parts of speech.

What type of dictations is better to carry out? Warning dictation, which implies the simultaneous repetition of certain rules and writing features. Visual dictation will also be effective. Such dictations often include the task of writing out words or phrases with the spelling in question.

The exercises have proved to be effective, the tasks of which require to insert the particle “not” in sentences and phrases in the correct way (together or separately). It’s good if you use full text.

Test tasks are also effective.

What words should be written together?

  1. (not) fit.
  2. (not) became.
  3. (not) over (what).
  4. (not) (y) whom.

In which phrase is the word "no" spelled together?

  1. More to her (not) about (what) to worry about.
  2. She hung up, (not) ending the conversation.
  3. The book describes a (un) invented story.
  4. He is your (not) rival.

What sentence made a mistake?

  1. Fortunately, we will not be able to return on time.
  2. He does not need to go there.
  3. The solution was found unexpectedly.
  4. The girl looked very unhappy.

Performing these kinds of exercises, students will always write correctly “not” with different parts of speech.

The Importance of Associative Thinking

It is not always possible to remember all the above rules and apply them easily. It is important to create for yourself certain associative beacons that will help you remember the spelling of "not" with different parts of speech. This method has already helped thousands of students cope with this difficult task.

writing is not with different parts of speech


Learning a foreign language always seems more challenging than learning the basics of spelling your native language. However, sometimes it is not even difficult for us, as carriers, to even imagine what difficulties the Russian language causes when learning.

Not with different parts of speech, for example, is used in different ways in different language situations. And in order to use the particle in question correctly, it is necessary to learn in advance all the possible options for writing it and the rules regarding the norms of its use in a particular case.

It is possible to cope with this task alone, but sometimes it is better to use the services of a qualified specialist (teacher or tutor). Especially when it comes to the child. It is possible that he will need such services in the future. Therefore, it would be good if the child already had contact with an experienced teacher who will help him fill in the gaps in knowledge of the Russian language.

And if, nevertheless, such a student wants to understand this issue on his own, without resorting to outside help, he should pay due attention to two serious points. First, it is important to carefully study all the available theory on the subject. This is the most difficult stage, since it requires a full concentration of attention and dedication. In order to diversify such a monotonous activity, it is better to independently come up with examples for individual rules, using words and situations that are as close and familiar to you as possible. Such examples will be easy to remember. This will certainly help to significantly improve the efficiency of studying and fixing theoretical material.

At the end of this stage, you should proceed to practice. Necessary language exercises cannot be ignored. “Not” with different parts of speech is used in different ways, therefore, in order to effectively remember all the rules listed above, it is important to fix them in a practical way. Such exercises should be given even more time than theoretical ones. Indeed, it is by applying this or that rule that associative connections are formed, which are subsequently used by the brain to resolve such situations. After a series of similar lessons, problems with how to use “not” with various parts of speech will not arise.

Take some time for regular classes, do not ignore the theory, pay enough attention to practice, and spelling will become your skate!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33121/

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