Cape Khoboy - the mysterious place of Baikal

This cape is the northernmost on the amazing island of Olkhon. Cape Khoboy was awarded the status of a natural monument.

Cape Olkhon Island on Lake Baikal

Cape Khoboy (from the Buryat - β€œfang”) is a unique natural monument, which is located in the very north of the island of Olkhon. It has a pillar-shaped rock.
On the water side, one rock of the cape resembles a woman's face and bust (profile of a female figure) - this is Virgo rock. Similar can be seen in the ancient galleries of Greece.

Cape Khoboy
This place is noteworthy for the fact that on it from a huge monolithic rock the polyphonic voiced echo is reflected by amazing sounds.

Also here you can see very rare relict (endemic) plants found in a single place throughout the world.

Grasses abundantly grow on the slopes of the cape. A lot of medicinal thyme (Bogorodskaya herb).

Cape Khoboy on Lake Baikal is a complex of picturesque rocks, originally covered in places with orange lichens. On some rocks there are through holes and unusual cracks, giving this amazingly exotic place a special touch.

Cape also preserved plants of the ice age.

In clear weather, the Holy Nose (peninsula), located on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal, is visible from the top. Earlier, a long time ago, seals lived near the cape.

Legends of the cape

The very indigenous population of these places calls Cape Khoboy a virgin or a woman. As one legend says, this rock was once an ordinary woman. Because of her envy of her husband, she was turned to stone by the gods. The legend says that as soon as there is no anger and envy on the whole planet, this stone will again turn into that woman.

Cape Khoboy, photo
One more legend is connected with this cape. She's about a dragon who dropped his fang during a flight over the sacred lake Baikal. Fang, having fallen on the cape, went deep into the earth, leaving a definite trace in the outlines of this island. Although some scholars believe that this legend is associated with people's memories of the fall of a certain body from outer space (possibly a small meteorite) many thousands of years ago. It is believed that such a catastrophe could be the cause of the geomagnetic activity of this part of Olkhon.

On Khoboy there is a constant powerful release of astral energy (numerous cases of the appearance of ghostly substances). In addition, local residents note that on the cape you can sometimes meet the spirits of their ancestors or even their own previous incarnations.

Especially great luck here is to see the spirit of the White Shaman, who sometimes comes out of the waters of Lake Baikal.

Who visits Cape Khoboy?

Very often this cape is visited by representatives of the most diverse theological schools. In this regard, you can often see an unusual picture, for example, a person engaged in strange and unusual affairs.

Cape Khoboy, Olkhon
For many, Cape Khoboy is a place for meditation. In its northern part, these unusual "representatives" left a sign in the most prominent place - a red circle, and there are three points in it (Roerich sign).

But as a true symbol of shamanistic legends, on the verge of a northern monolithic rock, at the most inaccessible height for humans, in the crevices of the cape you can see two huge sizes of eagle nests. According to ancient Buryat legends, the first who got the shamanic gift is the son of the owner (the spirit of Olkhon), living in the form of an eagle with a white head. Until now, worship of this bird as the spirit of the island has been preserved.

Opposite the cape itself there are good places for a wonderful vacation and overnight - well-equipped pebble beaches.

Attractions Olkhon

Cape Khoboy can demonstrate a lot from its height. Olkhon from there is demonstrated with a clearly visible skewed tectonic block, which cliffs steeply in the east with cliffs (200-300 m high), and in the west it slopes gently towards the Small Sea.

Sometimes a dense fog is observed below the water.

Cape Khoboy on Lake Baikal
Near Cape Khoboy there are two grottoes, the exit of which is oriented exactly at sunrise. The sandy flat areas of these grottoes are convenient for sleeping in sleeping bags. Lying in them, you can watch a beautiful sunrise. In the west of the island there is an inclined platform for shaman tailagans in the spring. From there you can see the fang of Cape Khoboy.

At the very Khoboy rock, everyone can take a photo of a through arch with a wonderful view of the west bank of Olkhon. Amazingly exotic Cape Khoboy. A photo on the background of the slopes of the cape can decorate a photo album of any tourist.

The cape on the island of Olkhon is one of the most exotic and mysterious places of the great Baikal.


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