How to whip cream with sugar: simple tips

For some, the festive chores become a real pleasure, but for the housewife this time is often associated with a headache. After all, you need to correctly compose a menu taking into account all the passions and characteristics of each guest, come up with a table design, choose a tablecloth and napkins. There are a lot of cases, but not so much time is allotted. But now, the main dishes are selected, the products necessary for their preparation, too, comes the most important thing - dessert. Even in our time, when choosing a ready-made luxurious sweet dish is simple, many women prefer to cook it themselves.

One of the main ingredients of most desserts is whipped cream. This lush sweet product can be both an independent dish, and a great addition to fruit salad, cake and any homemade pastries. Cylinders are sold in almost any supermarket, by shaking which you can easily get airy creamy foam. However, their number is much inferior to the price, and the quality sometimes does not please at all. The solution is simple - prepare the whipped cream itself. It would seem that there is nothing easier than whipping cream with sugar. But this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. There are several rules that can help you avoid common mistakes. So, let's find out how to whip cream with sugar correctly.

First of all, you need to determine the fat content of the cream. Here the rule applies - the fatter the better. An ideal option would be a product with a mass fraction of fat of 33%. But what if there are none at hand, but only less fatty ones? The question arises of how to whip cream of 10% fat and whether it is possible to get the same delicious dessert from them. It’s better not to try, as the result will definitely disappoint you. Cream of this fat content is too liquid to whip.

How to whip cream 20% fat? An option is already possible here. You can add a little gelatin or a special fixative, which is sold in stores. The juice will give density and a quarter of lemon juice. Gelatin must be thoroughly dissolved in hot water so that all the grains disappear, cool and only then add to the cream. And to do this is best already in the process of whipping, otherwise the cream will not mix well.

Before proceeding to the preparation of cream, it is necessary to decide how to beat them and how. Cream with sugar is best mixed with a mixer or manually with a whisk. Do not lay the mixture in a blender, otherwise the result will be disastrous. Due to strong mixing, the mass thickens too much and turns into oil. Therefore, if you decide to use a blender, then begin to beat gradually, changing the speed modes. It will take a little time - from 1 to 5 minutes.

Before you start doing something with cream, be sure to cool them first. But make sure that they do not freeze. Otherwise, the capricious mass will again be divided into two parts and instead of the desired dessert, you will have butter in your hands. It is also recommended to cool the dishes in which you will beat and the tool. You can cook by placing a bowl with cream poured in it into another, and fill the space between them with ice.

Everyone knows that sugar grains are very poorly soluble in cold liquids. But then how to whip the cream? With sugar, you will need to do a simple manipulation - to make powder out of it. It will be easy if you have a coffee grinder at home. If it is missing, you can buy powdered sugar. Add it, like gelatin is better in the process.

Is it possible to use rustic cream in cooking, the fat content of which is usually much higher than purchased? Yes, it is possible, but only on condition that they are diluted with ice water. Then the dessert will not be too greasy and heavy for digestion.


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