What is neologism and how does it appear in the language

If we compare our speech with the modern one, and the speech of even our grandparents (and even parents), there will be significant changes. But it is worth listening or reading into the communication of children and adolescents - half of what they said we may not understand at all. After all, they operate with such words, they call such objects (a vivid example - game attributes and virtual things), which we do not even suspect.

what is neologism
All this is evidence that language is a living organism, that it is constantly evolving. What is this development? In the constant replenishment of the vocabulary at the expense of some words, in the departure of others into the past. After all, what is neologism? This word, which at this particular moment in time is perceived as a new, recently entered, not mastered sufficiently. As it becomes fixed in the language, it loses the tint of novelty, becomes common. An example is, say, the word “airplane” or “mobile phone”, or even “computer”.
neologisms in Russian
At a certain stage of social and scientific-technical development, all these were neologisms in the Russian language. But now we have long been accustomed to them, they have become part of the commonly used. Or take the word "pioneer", "Komsomolets" - with the advent of the phenomenon, the concepts that call them appeared. But these organizations have disappeared - and now words are becoming a thing of the past, becoming historicisms.

So what is neologism? This is a lexeme that has entered the language or formed in it relatively recently and is perceived by most carriers as a new unit. The appearance of such words is inextricably linked with several points. The main thing is scientific and technological development. There is an invention, development, product - and there is a need for a new word. For example, the "search engine", "browser", "laptop" entered the active use of just a little over ten years ago. To understand what neologism is, an analysis of social shifts and changes will help us. If, for example, the words “communist” and “party” were new for the beginning of the 20th century, then now that new parties, organizations and social movements are being formed, the words “United Russia”, “Mchsniks”, and “medical deputies” are included in the language.

neologisms in modern Russian
The degree of development is different. For example, the active formation of word forms indicates that the word is firmly included in the vocabulary and consciousness of contemporaries. If a few years ago we used the name of the company and the search engine only as a proper name "Google", now you can hear such derivatives as "google", "google". Or take interesting words like, tweet, frend - this will help us understand what neologism is and how the development of the new in our speech goes. Most often, the vocabulary is updated through borrowing. Moreover, often for the nomination of one and the same phenomenon or subject, two words exist in parallel: mastered and new. For example, "pallet" and "pallet". Or "manager" and "manager." Neologisms in modern Russian are also formed by changing the meanings of existing words. For example, “voice” in the meaning of “speak, say out loud”. Or “upload” with the meaning “transfer files”.

Writers and poets are actively engaged in the creation of words. To understand what an individual author’s neologism is, examples from Mayakovsky ("the bulk", "get out of the box"), Nabokov ("nymphet") will help us. Otherwise, such words are also called occasionalisms.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33131/

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