Jay Asher, "13 Reasons Why": book reviews, main characters, summary, film adaptation

Adolescence is a rather controversial period in the life of any person, when his worldview changes, his character develops, when a turning point comes in his fundamental views on the world. At this age, adolescents are particularly sensitive. The fact that an adult is ready to miss his attention, the teenager sees in a slightly different light. And young representatives of this generation are especially susceptible to grievances, misunderstandings, ridicule from peers. This problem is inexhaustible in its manifestations. It was earlier, exists now and more than one generation will excite with its florid, contradictory twists of fate.

One of these stories became the storyline of a book called Thirteen Reasons Why. Such a simple and at the same time such a complicated story of a girl who has become entangled in herself. The girl who fell into the maelstrom of events, spinning round and round and drawing her into the abyss. How did the work with a suicidal plot meet the world? What kind of reader reviews did the author of the book, Jay Asher, have to face? You will find the answers to these and other questions in the article.

About the creator

Jay Asher became famous precisely because of his longseller book about teenage life. By and large, it is impossible to connect the theme of his choice about suicidal impulses with his personal experience. Escher was born and raised in a family of loving parents. Father and mother encouraged any manifestations and desires of the boy. Starting his hard work with the shoe trade and the position of librarian, Jay nevertheless got a job as a teacher in elementary grades. And then he graduated from the Polytechnic University of California and became a writer. True, so far only one of his novels has been released as a major publication, but it has become so popular among readers that they learned about the American author almost all over the world.

Book author - Jay Asher

About the main characters

The plot of the book revolves around the life of representatives of one of the American schools. The work is presented in a non-standard form: two time periods are described at once, the events of which are told by two different teenagers. In The 13 Reasons Why, the main characters are Hannah Baker and Clay Jensen. It is they who, on their own behalf, tell the readers of the novel a story that happened to them at different intervals with a gap of just a few weeks. Hannah's story is closely intertwined with Clay’s thoughts and feelings about the same events. The unique narrative structure was constructed by the author in the form of a parallel dualistic narrative. That is, this is essentially a story, which involves the presentation of the story in two different perspectives - two different people.

In addition to the two key characters in the novel, significant attention is given to the guys from their environment - Justin Foley, Jessica Davis, Alex Standell, Tyler Down, Courtney Krimsen, Marcus Cooley, Zach Dempsey, Ryan Shaver, Sheri Holland, Bryce Walker and psychologist Kevin Porter. Each of them played a role in the fate of Hannah Baker. Each one or another of its actions led to the emergence of reasons that became a catalyst for settling accounts by a girl with her own life.

Curse of evil rumors

About the plot

The unusual presentation of the material and the acutely problematic storyline became the starting point in the popularization of the novel. 2007 was the year the book was created, 13 Reasons Why. For 12 years now, she has been disturbing many with her pessimistic orientation - teenage suicidal impulses. The whole course of action revolves around many problems. But all this variety of events has a single center - youth, relations in the teenage team and with adults. Reviews of the book “13 Reasons Why” were divided into several radically opposite positions, but often this opposite opinion is argued for by different age categories of readers. The younger the reader, the more emotionally he perceives the plot of the novel.

The beginning of the book describes the events of an ordinary day in the life of schoolboy Clay Jensen. On the threshold of his house, a young man finds a rather strange premise. Incidentally, the same premise is referred to in the prologue. As many say in their reviews, the book “13 Reasons Why” intrigues a potential reader with a sad and mysterious short announcement. It refers to this ill-fated premise with the revelations of a girl who is no longer alive ...

The box, addressed to Clay Jensen, contained seven audio cassettes. Each of the cassettes was marked with a numbering made by blue nail polish in the corner of each side. Seven cassettes, thirteen numbers, thirteen sides of the film on which the appeal of Hannah Baker, who passed away two weeks ago, is recorded. But why did she address the package to him?

Hannah baker and clay jensen

When Clay began to listen to record number one, he realized that the box was not only intended for his personal listening. She, as a kind of rolling lot, had to be passed from hand to hand to those participants in past events who played a key role in bringing the girl to suicide. When Hannah was brought to the critical point of depression, she prepared a non-banal note with the words "please blame my death." She did something much more original - she wrote down something like a confession, including the conviction of all those who caused her death. Thirteen recipients, thirteen entries, thirteen reasons why she had to die at such a young age.

As many readers say in their reviews of the book “13 Reasons Why,” from the first pages the plot is addictive with its originality, unusual approach to the story, a terrifying topic, touched on in the novel as the main idea passing through the whole work. The book reveals the feelings and experiences of a young man who listened to records throughout this sad story, in parallel with the statement of the thoughts of a suicide girl, her confessions, incriminating lies. Clay initially did not understand why he was on the list of these thirteen. But as he auditioned the cassettes, as the baseness, hypocrisy, indifference, and lack of the slightest sympathy in the actions of adolescents were revealed, he sank into a state of devastating despair every minute. The young man realized that he had become an involuntary participant in a tragedy that could have been easily prevented.

Hannah describes in detail the actions that were committed by her peers, and the pain that these actions caused her. That’s why the novel becomes more and more interesting with each page, because of this the realistic plot of the book “13 Reasons Why” captivates. The summary of the work is based on a list of ill-fated events, which gradually, one by one, snowballs grew and turned into an irreparable disaster. To make it easier to understand what motives Hannah Baker was guided by when making the last tragic decision, we briefly outline the list of these unfortunate thirteen “human causes”.

Reason # 1: Justin Foley

The young man was pretty Hannah Baker, she longed for a meeting with him and dreamed of another kiss. But the young man turned out to be a typical “yap”, “joker,” who rumored about her behind her back between peer guys. And the fact that Hannah was new at this school immediately contributed to the fact that she had an erroneous opinion of others as a frivolous girl and easy sexual prey for guys.

At this point, the author raises the problem of the relationship of the teenage generation, so young and already so mature in their physiological desires. The banal story of a loving girl and a vile young man is revealed, the main purpose of which is to brag to other guys. In their reviews, many identify this episode with stories from their teenage experiences and confirm the fact that such behavior of the sympathy object causes serious trauma and plunges into a state of unjustified shame.

Justin foley

Reason # 2: Alex Standall

His list of Cheeks and Freaks, in which he distinguished the girls into two columns, played a role in causing unpleasant rumors about Hannah. And although she was assigned to the column “chik” and not “freaks”, this gave an occasion to others to talk more about her accessibility and to fumble about the outstanding forms of her body. The objects of general attention became “hot,” as Standall wrote, of the priest. She even began to slap on the ass of all and sundry. And all because of the ill-fated list of Alex.

This episode also raises the problem of herd instinct, which is inherent in the teenage generation. Someone said something stupid, another picked her up, and the third immediately spread throughout the school. And no one believes in your words that this is not so, that this is not true. You are massively despised and taunted by your exaggerated shortcomings, and sometimes even virtues.

Photos hannah baker

Reason # 3: Jessica Davis

Newly made girlfriend - the only girl with whom Hannah had a chance to get close initially, hit her in the face. Jessica heard gossip about Hannah's relationship with Alex, and she really liked this guy. Banal jealousy, distrust and yet another manifestation of herd instinct made Jessica believe the public and insult Hannah for what she was not to blame.

Here, the author of the book “13 Reasons Why” once again points out the vulnerability of the young generation and the unstable emotional state of adolescents at this contradictory age. It is not only capable of entailing uncontrolled aggression, but also threatens physical harm.

Reason # 4: Tyler Down

In one of her notes, Hannah talks about vile surveillance of her under the windows of her own house, arranged by her neighbor Tyler Down. The young man secretly watched the girl and photographed her. So she could not feel comfortable even in the room of her own house.

The idea of ​​invading personal space is included by the author for a reason. Today's so easy to share photos on the web. The most personal information can be put on public display, and a person can not do anything. The problem is much more urgent than many others.

Reason # 5: Courtney Creamsen

Under the guise of a friendly girlfriend, Courtney found herself at Hannah’s house, and then spread rumors that “bad adult things” were stored in Hannah’s chest of drawers. Naturally, this could not but add fuel to the general fire of negative rumors about Hannah.

Here, the novel "Thirteen Reasons Why" once again reveals the duality of the standards of the current generation. Another problem is the desire of people to rise at the expense of others.

Reason # 6: Marcus Cooley

Hannah’s failed meeting with a young man who, it seemed to her, had exclusively good intentions, ended with his harassment and the words: “I thought you were easily accessible.” Once again, the girl sobs over the injustice of her accusations of frivolity.

And again in the novel 13 reasons why the theme of the harmful influence on the lives of people (especially adolescents) of false rumors is raised.

Reason # 7: Zach Dempsey

The episode reveals yet another dirty trick of her peer Hannah, stealing her messages from the Box of Revelations. Zack not only stole letters from Baker. He took a piece of what made her little world happier and careless. He took away from her a corner of her peace and doomed to even greater experiences.

Reason # 8: Ryan Shaver

How would you feel if you trusted a person to read their poems, deeply personal and sincere, and he would spread them, make them publicly available? This is despite the fact that people around are already quite critical of you. For young Hannah Baker, this was another blow that wounded her soul. Every day the girl began to close herself more and more.

"Cheeks and freaks"

Reason # 9: Clay Jensen

The second key character, which, in fact, tells the story of how he listened to the records of the deceased girl, got on the list almost by accident. Hannah just wanted him to know everything that happened to her. And yet she somewhat reproached him for the fact that on the day when they kissed, he did not stay close. Of course, she herself asked him to leave. But the youth could be firm and stay. Perhaps if he had not left then, everything would have been different ...

In reviews of The 13 Reasons Why, most readers denounced Hannah on this episode. After all, Clay, who had real feelings for her and did not intend to offend her, hardly deserves criticism from her. In addition, he could not read the girl’s thoughts. The guy will fulfill her wish, you can not blame it.

Reason # 10: Bryce Walker

Hannah became an involuntary witness of how a high school student raped a drunken Jessica in a state of complete unconsciousness. At the same time, Justin Foley showed cowardice - he did not stop the crime.

This scene caused a wide resonance among readers, which is also noted in reviews of the book “13 Reasons Why.” The summary does not fully convey the essence of the events described in it. Being one of the climaxes, this episode reveals the heartbreaking excitement of Hannah, who is tormented by remorse that she did not try to stop Walker. So, she is as unworthy a person as Folly.

Reason # 11: Sherry Holland

On the soul of Hannah Baker lay another load. She kept silent about the road sign that had been hit by her classmate, Sherry, and later their classmate died. A new portion of self-destructive self-criticism, a new dose of disgust for oneself and others surrounded the unfortunate girl in a wave of endless despair.

Reason # 12: Bryce Walker Again

Frustrated by herself, the attitude of others to herself, Hannah decides to justify the vile rumors that spread about her among her peers. She falls into the clutches of the rapist Walker and without much resistance is subjected to yet another violence from him. Another flashy scene that offends the reader for the living causes a storm of mixed emotions among readers. This is written in reviews of the book "13 Reasons Why."

The suffering of the main character

Reason 13: Kevin Porter

The climax in this story unfolds in the office of a school psychologist. Mr. Porter is so negligent in his attitude to the problems of adolescents, so indifferent to youthful experiences that without realizing it, he pushes Hannah to the most fateful step in her life - suicide. Instead of supporting her, he invites her to come to terms with what happened.

The global problem of adults and children raised in this episode is particularly emotionally reflected in the reaction of older readers to Escher's book. Here, readers in the person of parents, teachers, teachers realize the essence of their main purpose. Adults must protect their own children from worldly injustice and provide assistance when teenagers need it. Here Jay Asher puts a bold and meaningful point, as if hinting to the reader what to think about after reading this book.

13 Reasons Why: Awards

The book has become widely known, because it addresses the really important problems of modern society. The novel was named "Best Book for Teens" (YALSA Award) and recognized as an absolute long seller on Amazon.com. The English language of the original work, written by an American, has been translated into Russian by many domestic publishers, and the rights to the book have been sold to more than twenty countries around the world.

Screen adaptation of the book

Film adaptation

A film adaptation of the novel “13 Reasons Why” was presented to the world on March 31, 2017. Initially, it was assumed that the main role of Hannah Baker will play the famous singer and actress Selena Gomez. But later it was decided that she would become the producer of the series. The director was Tom McCarthy. The roles of thirteen "human causes" of the death of young Hannah Baker (Katherine Langford) were played by such actors as Dylan Minnett, Kate Walsh, Christian Navarro, Miles Heyser, Alisha Bohe, Brandon Flynn, Derek Luke, Justin Prentis, Devin Druid and others. But many viewers say that the film was not as deep as the book.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33146/

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