Star anise: useful properties and methods of application

Star anise (its beneficial properties have been noticed for a long time) is widely used in pharmaceuticals and cooking. This spice is known to many under various names: ship, Indian, Chinese or Siberian anise.

Plant characteristics

As a rule, the seeds of this plant are used. They have a rather specific smell and rich taste. In the process of harvesting, only unripe fruits are picked, which, after drying, acquire a brown-red hue.
The fruits of star anise are rich in essential oil, saturated with anethole, due to which it has an antispasmodic property and the ability to release the intestines from gases.

Many people confuse star anise with anise, this similarity is associated with similar tastes and the presence of anethole in the composition.

The benefit of this spice is due to its unique composition, it has exceptional beneficial qualities for the body. The brilliant seeds of star anise contain: fatty oils, gum, terpenes, sugars, tannins , mineral salts, tannins, malic acid and much more.

As a result of dry distillation, an essential oil saturated with a pleasant aroma and sweet taste is obtained from the seeds. Its main component is anethole.

star anise: useful properties

The cultivation of star anise

Growing star anise at home is not possible, therefore, its cultivation on an industrial scale takes place in Vietnam, Japan, India, the Philippines and Jamaica, as well as in Cambodia and Abkhazia. Fruits on young trees appear already in the fifth year of their growth, however, they can be harvested only after 10-15 years. The tree bears fruit throughout life. Flowers, from which the spice itself later grows, have a light yellow or pale green color. When they fall, in their place they form fruit, resembling multi-pointed stars. Inside the ripened anise flowers, seeds are formed, which are used as a fragrant seasoning.

The use of star anise as a culinary ingredient

Previously, in Russia it was added to popular goodies - gingerbread, pretzels, gingerbread cookies. Dried ground seeds emit a smell similar to anise, hence the second name - star anise.

The aroma of the plant is very saturated and endowed with a sweet taste with some speck. Most often, star anise is used for baking confectionery. Freshly ground it is added to the dough at the initial stage before baking. A feature of overseas seasoning is its ability to saturate the product with aroma, which is stored in the finished product for a long time.

application of star anise

What does it combine with and where can I add it?

Anise star seeds are also suitable for making mousse, jelly, stewed fruit, quince fruit desserts, plums, pears, gooseberries, apples. It aromatizes perfectly and does not allow jam to be sugared for several years.

It can be used in combination with many spices - fennel, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, which perfectly complement the taste of meat dishes from beef, pork and poultry.

The plant is most widely used in oriental cuisine; they are seasoned with sauces and gravy for rice and vegetable dishes.

In European countries, especially France, they also use star anise, whose beneficial properties are used to flavor alcoholic beverages - liquors, tinctures and vodka. In rare cases, however, star anise is used to prepare fish dishes. Similar dishes are prepared mainly in Japan, China, Burma, Korea, the Philippines and Indonesia.

the benefit of star anise

Star anise: useful properties in medicine

Star anise is a very versatile plant, it is suitable both for food and for medicinal purposes. Its healing properties are used in folk and traditional medicine.

Firstly, it has a general strengthening effect on the body, removes inflammations and cramps.

Secondly, it helps with reduced appetite, headaches, plague, malaria, epilepsy, fever, and the skin of the root is used as an anthelmintic.

Also, the cosmetic properties of star anise have a tonic effect on the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity.

Eatable as a powder, infusion, it helps prevent oxidative processes and the growth of cholesterol plaques in arteries.

What else is good anise star? Its useful properties help with gastrointestinal problems. Medicines made from its fruits stimulate the digestive processes in the body, relieve intestinal cramps and contribute to the normalization of intestinal motility.

properties of star anise


  • Plant seed oil is contraindicated in pregnant women, infants, and also with individual intolerance.
  • Too much star anise used in food or as a medicine can overexcite the nervous system.
  • Applying oil directly to the skin can cause a burn.
  • Exceeding the permissible rate of anise star medicines can result in nausea, vomiting and pulmonary edema.

Features to be aware of

  • Spice properties are preserved even after prolonged heat treatment, which preserves its taste.
  • It goes well with many flavors.
  • Mixed with vegetable oil and sugar, it will significantly improve the taste of meat.
  • Jam with the addition of star anise is not sugared until 3 years old.
  • During cooking in vegetable, rice dishes, as well as in gravy, it well complements onions, garlic and peppers.
  • You should carefully monitor its dosage during cooking, because excess can give the dish bitterness. For 1 liter of water, one beam of a fragrant star will suffice, and for 6-8 liters of jam - one star.

tea with star anise

Treatment with decoction of star anise

Since star anise has an expectorant effect, it is added to the composition of cough medicines.

Another of its properties is a sedative effect - a small amount of tea with star anise can be given to infants during teething.

Inhalations using this wonderful plant are used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In case of increased nervous disorders, it is recommended to take baths with the addition of oil or decoction of star anise, in addition, the plant helps to strengthen immunity, normalize the work of the endocrine and nervous systems, increases estrogen production, normalizes the menstrual cycle, and also eases pain during menstruation.

The benefit of star anise is undeniable, no matter which side you look at. It is good for health and beauty, as well as for creating culinary gourmet dishes, so it should be in the arsenal of every housewife.


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