Most Important Neighbor Relationships

Correct relations with neighbors is a whole art. These people are not chosen, and they can be quite unpleasant. But if you manage to establish contact with them, they can be invaluable and remove a huge number of problems. So, the topic of our article is relations with neighbors. What rules must be observed in order to establish them?

Man and society

As you know, people are social beings. It is difficult for us to live alone, so we somehow form communities in which the division of labor, hierarchy, and various ties operate. People help each other, build relationships, interact. This gives each member of the society certain rights and privileges, but also imposes obligations.

For a harmonious life, large groups of people need to create certain rules that they will follow so that everyone is as comfortable as possible. These include laws, morality, and morality, according to which the adult generation educates children. By these rules, society tries to isolate itself from the phenomena that destructively affect it: alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. At the same time, friendliness, willingness to help others, sympathy are encouraged. These are the main principles of life in society. And they also apply to those who live with us in the same house and on the same staircase, since these people almost always surround any member of society.

rules for relations with neighbors

From where a person grew up, how he communicates with others often depends heavily. In cities, people live more closely, but try to isolate their personal space from the rest as much as possible. Those who grew up in rural areas are often more sociable and friendly towards their neighbors. This, however, does not mean that in villages and small towns everyone treats each other well - people just understand that life is easier when there is someone to rely on or someone to ask for help. Residents of megalopolises, as a rule, are more likely to be loners; they prefer to solve their problems on their own or with the help of professionals, but without contacting friends. Of course, there are exceptions to each rule, but in general, this is the case. Whether this situation is good or not is difficult to judge, but you can try to change it.

most important rules for relations with neighbors

The rules of relations with neighbors are relevant even for those who have to constantly change their place of residence. Sometimes it can be even more useful for such people than for those who have been living in the same place since childhood. Forwarding correspondence, maintaining old ties - all this can be easily achieved with the help of neighbors. The absence of problems with district and other residents can also be the result of friendship with drive-by old women - invisible and inaudible protection of the peace of citizens. Good relations with colleagues in the landing can help you quickly get used to a new place, learn about interesting places nearby or unobvious ways to spend leisure time. So it can be very useful, even if the acquaintance is initially supposed to be short. And even more so, it is important for those who have been living in the same place since childhood, because the most important rules for relations with neighbors are simple and really do not require serious efforts.

Relations with neighbors

Most people want to please others - this is normal. But this does not always happen. Sometimes people around themselves cause irritation and other negative emotions with their behavior. This is also normal, as well as the fact that one who seeks to make friends may not meet with understanding on the other hand.

Some people are just a loner in life and prefer not just not to greet their neighbors, or even just not to encounter them. And if earlier such behavior was unacceptable for the majority, since hostels flourished when several strangers, or even families, lived in the same apartment, now it is easier to fence off. But is it necessary? Or is it easier to build relationships with neighbors? The basic rules are extremely simple.

relations with neighbors what are the rules

The first steps can be taken immediately after moving. They are elementary - to ask for something insignificant, like lending a couple of eggs or a glass of sugar, to admire the beauty of a luxurious neighbor's cat. Further, you can make contact, feeling for common topics, common ground. Perhaps such a relationship will grow to a real sincere friendship, but if the interests are still completely different, you can simply maintain a polite, friendly neutrality.

To establish good relations with neighbors in the country is even easier - you can invite them to a picnic or barbecue, for sure they will not refuse to join a fun company. And communication at the table is likely to go easily and naturally.

Neighbors - how to live together?

Relations with neighbors are not always such an easy question. Nowadays, people rarely completely trust each other. And yet, neighbors can be both very useful in some situations, and be able to do harm. That is why it is better to build a fairly good relationship with them.

proper relations with neighbors

Firstly, in the absence of the owners of the apartment, curious old women will become invisible guards who may well protect the housing from robbery or other encroachment. Secondly, in some courtyards the neighbors are still watching one way or another for the children they know, which reduces the likelihood of some kind of misfortune. Finally, comrades on the porch, if they have a good relationship, it will always be easier to agree among themselves on any issues: from a time convenient for everyone when noisy repairs will be carried out to a change in service organizations if they are not happy with something. Finally, if good relations with neighbors are established, territorial disputes can be resolved without bringing to court, but simply by agreement. This is very valuable because litigation requires a lot of time and nerves, and they can drag on for a very long time.

So, any situation in which people might need support will be easier if you study and follow the rules of relations with neighbors. And then it will be possible to leave their spare keys with them, ask them to make sure that the child has lunch after school, or to make some other not too burdensome requests, in return also offering his help.

relations with neighbors basic rules

However, not everyone wants to communicate closely with their homemates or a holiday village. Perhaps, first of all, this statement can be attributed to medical workers - all the advantages of friendship with others are likely to be leveled by endless questions and requests. Moreover, even a motivated refusal will certainly cause a terrible insult. Of course, in this case, you can still build good relationships, for example, hiding your profession and carefully avoiding direct questions.

Keep quiet

No one likes extraneous sounds in their apartment. But neighbors inevitably make repairs, give birth and raise children, learn to play musical instruments, watch TV in the evenings, etc. You can not protect yourself from noise, especially in some houses with very thin walls. But you can be polite and demand the same from others - any loud sounds should be heard only in the daytime, and after dinner it is better to rest the ears of others - during this time, for example, babies sleep.

relationship with neighbors in the country

Do not litter

In apartment buildings there are janitors and cleaners, but they do not always have access to closed vestibules, and the quality of their work can be different. In this regard, in the rules of relations with neighbors, it is worthwhile to include a clause on trying not to litter and not to bring excess dirt to the common territory. The same applies to bulky items that need to be taken to the trash - do not leave them in the stairwell, creating inconvenience.

Animals and cars

Elementary etiquette implies a careful attitude to other people's property and a reasonable approach to one's own. It is not worth releasing an angry and dangerous-looking dog to let him walk alone, it is even better that she always be muzzled. She may be the friendliest creature in the world, but not everyone can guess about it, and many children are just scared.

As for personal transport, you should park very carefully so as not to disturb anyone, not to close the walkways and entrances. It is also worth considering not to disturb the inhabitants of the first floors, warming up cars in winter. And of course, it is worth setting the alarm so that it does not respond to ordinary passers-by.

neighbors how to live in a friendly relationship with neighbors


Not everyone likes cigarette smoke, and itโ€™s also a powerful allergen. In Moscow, smoking in the hallways has already been banned, but not everywhere the law is respected. You should not aggravate the relationship if a remark was made about a smoky landing and an unpleasant smell. But even if no one objects, do not forget about cleanliness and culture - to leave cigarette butts on the floor - a bad manners.


When renting your apartment, itโ€™s also worth a little thought about the neighbors. It is probably worthwhile to carefully choose the tenants so that they do not throw parties every evening, inviting a bunch of guests, make noise without a break, etc. The rules of relations with neighbors should apply to them, so itโ€™s worth a brief briefing before checking in and, perhaps, help make contact with someone living nearby - so everyone will be calmer.

All the rest

The rules of relations with neighbors are essentially simple observance of etiquette. To hold the door, say hello, help young mothers with strollers, and not create unnecessary inconvenience - that is perhaps all that is necessary for simple neutrality. Well, if you want to make friends - just start a conversation.

When is it better not to communicate?

The world is imperfect, and the people around them can also be at least unpleasant, and sometimes openly harming their neighbors if the relationship does not work out. In this case, it is better to come to terms with the fact that they will not work out.

  • if a person does not make contact over and over again, it is better not to be imposed, it will only cause rejection;
  • mentally unstable people can change their opinion about others to the diametrically opposite for no reason - do not talk closely with them to avoid unnecessary problems;
  • marginals can also hardly be called a good company, so you should not make friends with them either.

Neighbors are a really important element. Many people consider this factor when planning to buy an apartment. So do not underestimate the rules of relationships with neighbors. Observing them, most often you can count on the fact that they will repay with the same coin. And this is very valuable given the fact that some domestic issues are not regulated by Russian law.


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