What is the reason for the invasion of mantis in Moscow?

The habitual habitat of the mantis is Africa, Canada, Australia, the southern zones of the USA, Central Asia, Crimea, the Caucasus, the south of central Russia - Kursk, Belgorod, Bryansk, Orel. Currently, the movement of mantis is observed not only in Central Russia, but also in Europe, where they practically mastered the English Channel.

In addition, scientists observe the resettlement of insects in the capital of Russia, the Voronezh region, in the Far East. What is the reason for the invasion of praying mantises in Moscow and other large cities? To understand this, let's imagine what this insect looks like.

mantis invasion in Moscow


In nature, there are approximately 3 thousand different species of mantis. But all are united by one thing - the manner of folding the forelimbs in a certain way, which resembles a praying person. The mantis has only six legs. This insect is quite large, reaches a length of 11-12 centimeters. The head of a mantis resembles a triangle, on which perfectly developed eyes are located.

A keen vision helps the insect respond lightning fast to prey, which are smaller insects. Mantis can be called a chameleon. After all, he is able to change color in accordance with his environment. For example, an insect may repeat the color of fallen leaves or bright green grass.

praying mantis attacked Moscow

Mostly people see green praying mantises, since most often insects lurk on trees or in bushes. They are so motionless that it is difficult to notice them. They find themselves during the flight. It is noteworthy that only males fly. Females flutter only occasionally from one branch to another.

These insects are quite harmless, but their large size and unusual appearance scare people. Perhaps that is why in the media you can find the phrase: "Mantis attacked Moscow." In fact, they are harmless. Residents of the Caucasus and Crimea are no longer surprised by this insect and consider them ordinary representatives of cockroaches.

Reasons for the appearance of mantis in other places

Entomological scientists are unanimous in their opinion that the presence of the "six-fingered" in the capital is a strange phenomenon, but quite understandable. The invasion of mantis in Moscow may be associated with significant climatic changes in nature. At the moment, a lot of attention is paid to this topic, since it is considered topical.

mantis in Moscow on the street

For the first time, attention was paid to the appearance of praying mantises in the capital of Russia in 2010, when a milder winter stood out and warming was noted throughout the state. Another reason may be the emergence of various sources of heat, to which mantises flock. This is also facilitated by: building material, with the help of which houses are insulated; tiled stone, quickly heating under the sun. Technology is constantly being improved and, as you can see, is able to influence the environment and its inhabitants.

Where did the praying mantis come from in Moscow?

Entomology experts believe that the movement of these insects is likely from the Crimea. They arrive from there, following the warm air currents. Mantis are a kind of living barometers. Move to where it is light and comfortable. In addition, the invasion of praying mantises in Moscow and its region can be attributed to the fact that over the past 5 years the number of intercity transport by freight has increased.

where did mantis come from in Moscow

Insects can come to a large city from the southern regions on these trucks, and then impress local residents and guests with their appearance. Finally, it can be assumed that a couple of mantis is able to escape from the terrarium of an exotic lover and walk around Moscow streets.

It is interesting

We can say that the invasion of praying mantises in Moscow led to people becoming interested in the distinctive features of these insects. For example, do you know how the "six-toed" breed? The period of their love games falls on August-September.

Unfortunately, for the male, a passionate romance ends tragically. After mating, the female bites off his head and eats the torso. Scientists believe that such behavior of mantis females is explained by natural necessity. They need protein, so males enter the diet of their diet.

For man, praying mantises do not pose any danger. On the contrary, eating different insects, they reduce the number of agricultural pests. Therefore, if you see that praying mantis in Moscow on the street - do not be alarmed by them, let them catch their prey!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3317/

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