Bonus Regulation: Form and Content

The labor incentive system is developed in every self-respecting institution, organization, company. It is developed and reflected in the regulation on bonus payments to employees. This article will help determine the content of such a provision.

The bonus provision is a local regulatory act, i.e. compiled by the management of the company or personnel of the personnel department with the mandatory approval of the position of the director. If we are talking about legal entities (LLC or OJSC), the position is approved at the general meeting of the founders. If the budgetary organizations - it should be agreed with the owner of the property of the institution. There is no law defining its content. But in such legal systems as the Guarantor and the Consultant, one can come across a typical form of provision.

The main points in the provision will be:

- introduction or general provisions,

- indicators or terms of bonuses,

- the procedure for bonus payments to employees,

- conclusion.

In the case of budget organizations (and legal entities), you can add a clause on the sources of bonuses. In addition to these points, it is mandatory to indicate in the heading of the position who approved it (with signature). And at the end of the provision should be the following information: full name of the director, his signature, and possibly the departments of the company with which this provision was agreed upon (full name and signature of the department heads).

The bonus policy can be modeled, but difficulties still arise.

- with the determination of the types of bonuses that are suitable specifically for your employees (for what to pay?),

- with the development of a bonus system suitable for your company, taking into account the specifics of activity (how to organize payments, in what order to provide?),

- as well as in compliance with the principle of objectivity.

Prizes to employees are designed to stimulate, inspire for the quality performance of work functions. Therefore, bonuses for labor intensity, productivity should be based on achievable results (figures should not be taken from the ceiling, but for very real results of labor). This is the main type of stimulation. One-time bonuses are paid by order. Monthly, quarterly - along with salary. Payments are possible in honor of the holiday.

The provision on bonuses must necessarily contain information on the frequency of payments of certain payments. It should also be prescribed for what reasons the employee may be deprived of the bonus. The size of the bonus can be set as a percentage of the salary for various posts.

Often a problem arises for the head and chief accountant: from which expense item to take money, what premium to pay. In order not to worry about it every time, you should paint the sources of bonuses. For example, due to retained earnings.

If the organization does not specifically work out the bonus system, it is worth creating a single regulation on remuneration and bonus payments to employees. Then, the provisions will be added to the above paragraphs: the wage system (adopted by the organization), payroll, indicating the rate of labor. And it should also prescribe the procedure for paying overtime work on weekends and holidays, remuneration for work under changing conditions, additional payment for combining posts. These nuances can be taken out in a separate paragraph.

Employee bonuses are the most powerful motivation to work. It is known that promotion works much better than punishment, namely monetary reward gives more benefits than fines for violation of discipline. After the fine, the behavior does not change, employees get used to them quickly, but the deprivation of the bonus is a much more effective measure of incentive to work. Bonuses are the best way worthy of managing personnel, retaining valuable local employees and encouraging careless individuals to properly perform their duties. And the provision on bonuses allows the head to organize and organize all activities in this direction.


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