Laser Markers - Overview, Features and Features

The manufacturing process of various products, as a rule, involves applying to it information about the manufacturer, characteristics, conditions of use and other information. Markers are used to complete these tasks. Different types of such equipment are presented on the market, and each of them differs in its design and operation principle. The most functional and productive solution at the moment can be called laser markers, which allow you to qualitatively apply the necessary information to a variety of materials - from soft-body plastics to metal alloys.

laser markers

Features of devices

The operational advantages of this equipment are due to the very principle of impact on the target material. In the process of marking, the surface layer of the product is burned, followed by giving certain inscriptions and signs. The laser beam in some way β€œdraws” on the material along the contours defined by the program introduced into the device. Compared to other types of equipment in this segment, such models do not leave any waste after themselves, perform operations at high speed and at the same time ensure the clarity of information generated on the surface.

In further operation, the printed characters are not erased under the influence of mechanical and chemical influence. For example, a laser metal marking machine provides complex engraving that does not compromise the anticorrosive properties of the workpiece. Moreover, some modifications due to intermediate operations of fine-tuning the applied information can increase the protective qualities of the product in the treated area. It is also worth emphasizing the flexibility of equipment management organization - it is possible to fully automate the process with fine-tuning the equipment for specific conditions of the production cycle.

laser metal marker

Characteristics of Laser Markers

Engravers of this type differ in many ways - from dimensions to processing speed. But the basic working indicator is power. Industrial equipment may have a potential of 500-700 watts. Small-sized installations for medium-sized businesses operate with a capacity of 50-100 watts. Here it is necessary to emphasize the effect on the type of emitter power - there are low-power fiber-optic and full-format gas devices. They also differ in other functional parameters. For example, laser markers with gas emitters apply information at a speed of 8 m / s. Fiber-optic models, however, cope with working operations in the 10 m / s mode.

Also, the maximum size of the engraving surface is taken into account in the choice of the marker. According to this indicator, the standard is a field of 110x110 mm, but some modifications also include the possibility of expanding it to 300x300 mm.

Linx CSL10 Model

laser marker Price

An entry-level device, which can be used both at complex production preparation stations and at high-speed conveyor lines. At low power, the model is quite functional. Due to the ability to change the parameters of the lens, the operator can get up to 20 thousand different configurations of the beam direction. An important feature of the CSL10 laser marker is the presence of a color display with a touch control system. It is through her that the control of the workflow takes place. If necessary, the installation can be connected to a computer station and organize a programmable method of operation.

UniMarker Series Models

The devices of this line are manufactured by the Chinese manufacturer Raycus. There are several options for the marker, which differ in power (from 10 to 50 watts) and design. The average modification, for example, in the basic configuration is provided with 20 W fiber emitters, but optionally it can be retrofitted with 30-50 W working elements. Again, depending on the set of additional components, the UniMarker laser marker can be combined with a branded operator workstation or computer installation. For example, the presence of a table for the user will allow you to control the process in semi-automatic mode using a functional pedal. This option will be optimal for conveyor marking.

GCC LaserPro Stellar Mark Model

laser marker unimarker

A specialized version of the marker, designed to work with metal surfaces at speeds up to 10 m / s. Thanks to the use of innovative technology of beam delivery based on scanners, such equipment can be used not only for the simplest parts such as bearings, but also for complex microcircuits and radio circuit boards. The application of 2D codes, logos, serial numbers and other information is allowed, the minimum height of the symbol in which is at least 0.1 mm. Among the shortcomings can be noted a small working field and the high cost of a laser marker. The price of equipment in a complete set may be 550-600 thousand rubles. And yet, given the high quality of the result, the models of this family can justify themselves.


laser marker repair

The quality of the work of markers is also of great importance to the operation process by operators and maintenance personnel. Even if, according to the characteristics of the device, it meets the tasks of the production cycle, the improper use of its resources will not allow achieving its goals. Then, in the best case, the applied information will have small errors and inaccuracies, and in the worst case, it will require the repair of a laser marker, which differs significantly from the methods for reconstructing classical shock and electromechanical models. For example, in the event of a breakdown, multilevel diagnostics of the hardware-software filling, verification of the same emitters and elements of the guide equipment may be required.

In a regular manner, the staff performs regular updating of consumables that provide physical manipulations of the working bodies of the marker. It can be gaskets, insulators and other complete accessories requiring periodic replacement.


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