How to increase your site’s TIC

After the webmaster has created a particular site, the time comes for the promotion of this project. First of all, you need to understand what ultimate goals you want to achieve in order to consider your site well-developed. For some webmasters this can be a stable number of unique visitors, without any cheat systems. For others, the most important point is to take certain positions in the search engines. And for third-party webmasters, it’s enough for the TIC to rise, which they can achieve in a certain period of time. There are other evaluation criteria, but the above achievements are key. Now about how to increase the TCI of almost any site to large values.

First you need to pay special attention to the structure of your site, namely the presence of unique content, thanks to which the project will become interesting not only to you and your friends, but also to other people. To do this, you need to regularly monitor the addition of useful and unique information to the pages of your site so that the printed text is written correctly and in accordance with all the rules of the Russian language. It is also necessary to check the uniqueness of printed text with special programs that are not so difficult to find on the Internet. Many webmasters are wondering how to increase the site’s TCI, but they don’t even think about such a concept as the uniqueness of the content. But this is their main mistake, which will necessarily lead to poor performance in this direction.

Once you understand the structure and content of the site, you can begin to promote it, that is, you can quietly announce your project publicly, so that traffic will come to you from search engines and third-party sites. What is it about and how to increase the TCI due to this? Everything is very simple, you need to post direct links to your project on third-party sites. It should be noted right away that this is a rather laborious process, but the result will not be long in coming. Links are better placed in the form of articles so that they are "enveloped" in print content and become almost invisible. Search engines will immediately see these links and, after making a certain analysis of their quality and content, they will conclude that third-party sites link to your project and find it useful.

That is the only way you can raise the TIC (thematic citation index) of your project. Moreover, links are best left on thematic resources, that is, on sites with a common or similar theme. But, as practice shows, the link mass from non-thematic sites also has a certain weight. So, now you know how to increase the TCI of your project. In principle, one can safely proceed to the practical application of the theoretical knowledge just obtained. Although no, a couple of questions remained unresolved ...

The first question. You need the reference mass like air, but the sites on which it is located do not need absolutely! A large number of outgoing links negatively affects the development of the project, including search engine optimization, so all webmasters try to remove direct links. Many of them go for a two-way exchange, that is, in response you will also have to place a direct link to the webmaster project (this is a perfectly acceptable option for you). There are also many different exchanges selling links and articles, where you can place a link to your website on a project for a moderate fee (a good option, but a little expensive).

The second question. How to increase the TCI we already know. But after all, most of you have heard that the TCI may fall in a numerical value. And this is true, although this phenomenon occurs a little less often than increasing the value. The greater the reference mass from other projects, the greater the quality of these links, the more you have TIC indicators. Conversely, when sites that previously linked to you are closed, the TCI of your project falls. But do not despair, as this happens rarely, and your project will gain popularity in the course of time, and hence the link mass!


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